Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015
We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation express... more We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation express theirselves of the best, when societies changing process and relation whit each other were going on. Before enter İslam Turks who built a differnt civilization in Central Asia, They had been involved in a new civilization whit entering İslam. The religion of new civilization impact Turks deeply whit it's lifesyle and also literature. We looked at subjects which from same window we had internalized quickly. The subject that's come first is Literature. Arap literature supproted Turks to built w new literature. Poem was belessing in this literature. Beit is the smalest part of Arab's poems that's means "house". One beit is consist of two mısraa. Meaning of mısraa is door. The smallest part of poem is described as house that it has two doors. How much important a beit for poem so that house has value for İslamic society. İn this consistency haouse is the most important building stone inside of İslamic society. Houses which places is isolated from outside. There is life far from eyes inside of walls. This structure of city as similar as couplet that's meanigs begin and finsh in it. Poem is poetry that's consist of independent couplet. Also houses constitute cities but each house pretect it's special meanings in the City like a copulet do in a poem. City and poem built same manner in İslamic Society. This work foces on these two words "beit" and "mısra".
Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is th... more Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is the developments in informatics and communication technologies. Among these alterations, the internet and the tablet computers, which may cause a vital transformation in the history of education, are of importance. Making assumptions, based on today, concerning possible situations in the future and evaluating the reflections of the tablet computers, which have recently left a mark on the education process, on the elementary education process have gained importance. In this study, putting forth the future reflections of the tablet computers on the elementary education process is aimed by means of scenarios and predictions. In the study, how using the tablet computers in educational environment will affect the elementary education and to which extends it will, are focused on and predictions regarding the future was made. Suggestions were given to educators in the light of the findings presented as a result of the study.
This study aimed to investigate the professional development needs of Turkish as a foreign langua... more This study aimed to investigate the professional development needs of Turkish as a foreign language teachers and to examine whether there was a difference among the professional development needs of teachers with different educational backgrounds. To this end, the professional development needs of teachers were first investigated through a questionnaire administered to a total of 160 participants. Then, 15 teachers were interviewed in focus groups randomly selected from Turkish teaching centers (TÖMER) in Ankara. The population of the study was teachers working in Turkish language centers and institutes around Turkey. As a research method, the explanatory sequential mixed method was used. In the analysis of the data, descriptive and prescriptive statistical analyses were conducted and content analysis was used in the analysis of the interviews. Findings revealed that teachers needed to develop speaking and writing skills in both assessment and teaching. Professional development needs of the teachers varied according to age, occupational experience, the department they graduated from and the latest graduation degree. Finally, pedagogical implications of our research are briefly considered.
Sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin yazma aliskanliklarini, tercihlerini, tutum ve inanclarini cesitli bo... more Sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin yazma aliskanliklarini, tercihlerini, tutum ve inanclarini cesitli boyutlariyla ortaya koymak ve ogretmen adaylarinin yazmaya iliskin olumsuz tutumlarinin nedenlerini belirlemek bu arastirmanin temel amacini olusturmaktadir. Nitel aras-tirma yaklasimiyla gerceklestirilen arastirmada durum calismasi desenlerinden kolektif durum calismasi yontemi kullanilmistir. Aras-tirma verileri arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen acik uclu gorusme formlari araciligiyla toplanmis, verilerinin analizinde betimsel analiz teknigi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini sinif egitimi programi 1. ve 4. sinifta ogrenim goren 195 ogretmen adayi olus-turmaktadir. Arastirma sonucunda ogretmen adaylarinin bilgisayar yerine el yazisiyla yazmayi tercih ettikleri ve el yazisinin klavyeye gore daha kolay oldugunu dusundukleri ortaya cikmistir. Ogretmen adaylarinin yazma aliskanliklarinin olmadigi, yazi yazmaktan hoslanmadiklari, ancak kalici olmasi, duygusal rahatlama saglamasi ve kisisel ozgurluk sunmasi gibi nedenlerle yazmayi onemli bul-duklari arastirmanin onemli sonuclari arasindadir. Ogretmen adaylari sosyal etkinlikler, internet ve sosyal aglarda gecirilen surenin fazla olmasi gibi nedenlerle yazmaya fazla zaman ayirmadiklarini, duygusal yogunlugun olmamasi nedeniyle de yazmada zorlandikla-rini belirtmislerdir.
A Multivariate Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Internet Literacy, 2020
This study aims to reveal the critical Internet literacy levels of preservice teachers in terms o... more This study aims to reveal the critical Internet literacy levels of preservice teachers in terms of multiple variables, by employing the correlational survey design. The sample of the study is formed by 216 preservice teachers of Turkish language studying at a state university located in western Turkey. The was used as the data collection tool.
A validity and reliability study of the scale of teacher candidate beliefs about Ottoman Turkish, 2020
APA Citation: Kayabası, B. (2020). A validity and reliability study of the scale of teacher candi... more APA Citation: Kayabası, B. (2020). A validity and reliability study of the scale of teacher candidate beliefs about Ottoman Turkish. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(2), 798-808. Abstract The aim of this study is to develop a scale of pre-service teacher beliefs about Ottoman Turkish. The 34-item "The Scale of Teacher Candidate Beliefs about Ottoman Turkish," created for the piloting was given to 202 pre-service teachers who were taking an Ottoman Turkish course in the departments of Turkish education and Arabic education at Adıyaman University Faculty of Education, to determine the factor structure of the scale. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed on the data, and a 14-item scale consisting of alphabet, reading, writing and grammar sub-dimensions was obtained. The total variance explained by the scale was calculated to be 44.69%. The internal consistency value of the Scale of Teacher Candidate Beliefs about Ottoman Turkish was found to be .84. Thus, a functional scale serving the purpose of the study was developed.
In this study, Mustafa Ruhi Sirin's stories were examined in terms of readability. A content anal... more In this study, Mustafa Ruhi Sirin's stories were examined in terms of readability. A content analysis survey model based on document review was used as a qualitative research method. The scope of the study consists of the texts of the stories from Mustafa Ruhi Şirin's two story books named "Her Çocuğun Bir Yıldızı Var" and "Geceleri Mızıka Çalan Kedi". While the universe of the study is Sirin's stories, the sample of the study is the first one hundred words of the texts of the stories. Author's stories were exanimated in terms of readability and the findings were presented in tables. The researchers used Atesman and Cetinkaya-Uzun's readability formula. Extended Abstract In this study, Mustafa Ruhi Sirin's stories were examined in terms of readability. A content analysis survey model based on document review was used as a qualitative research method. The scope of the study consists of the texts of the stories from Mustafa Ruhi Şirin's
ÖZET Şairler ve yazar entelektüeller aynı şekilde eğitim alırlar ve Osmanlı toplumunda benzer poz... more ÖZET Şairler ve yazar entelektüeller aynı şekilde eğitim alırlar ve Osmanlı toplumunda benzer pozisyonlarda çalışırlar. Şiir Osmanlı eğitim ikliminde özel biri yeri olsa da; eli kalem tutan herkes yazı sisteminin üyesidir. Bu dönemde yazı, " inşa " olarak adlandırılırdı. Münşi resmi yazı sistemi içerinde eğitilmişlerdir. İnşa, Emeviler döneminden başlayarak devlet işleyişinin bir parçası olmaya başlamıştır. İlk kâtipler genellikle Hıristiyanlıktan dönen kültürel alt yapısı uygun entelektüellerdi. Abbasilerle birlikte yeni Müslüman olan İranlı elitler kitabet ve inşada devletin ihtiyaçlarını karşıladılar. Sonraki bütün Müslüman devletlerin benzer serüvenleri olageldi. Selçuklular da devletleşme sürecinde İranlı kâtiplerin yardımını almıştı. Bu nedenle Farsça bir dönem resmi dil olarak kullanıldı. Osmanlı, kendi ihtiyaçlarına uygun bir kitabet sanatı geliştirmekle kalmadı, kâtiplerini yetiştirecek bir eğitim sistemi de kurdu. Onlar resmi mektuplar yazdıkları gibi özel mektuplar da yazdılar. Okçu-zade 17. Yüzyılın meşhur Münşilerindendir. Şeyhülislam Yahya Efendi'nin şeyhülislam döneminde önemli makamlara getirildi. Okçu-zade, nesir alanında önemli eserler verdi. Şeyhülislam Yahya Efendi azledilince gözden düştü. Birçok resmi mektubunun yanında O, bazı özel mektuplar da yazdı. Azledilme sürecini ve hislerini açık bir dille ifade ettiği mektuplar da yazdığı bilinmektedir. Bu tür özel mektuplar birçok kişisel bilgi içermektedir. Bu çalışma Okçu-zade'nin resmi olmayan bir mektubunu konu almıştır. Bu mektup, düz yazıda hiciv için ilginç bir örnek gibi görünmektedir. Bu makalede Okçu-zade'nin mektubu ve İnşa'da hicvi nasıl kullandığı yorumlanacaktır.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri,başkanlık mührünün arka yüzünde tamamlanmamış ve temelinde Roma rakam... more Amerika Birleşik Devletleri,başkanlık mührünün arka yüzünde tamamlanmamış ve temelinde Roma rakamları ile 1776 yazan bir piramit vardır. On üç basamaklı piramidin üstünde ilahi bir ışık saçarak parlayan bir üçgen içinde bir göz bulunmaktadır. Bu göz tanrıyı, ilahi bir gücü, kaderi temsil etmektedir. Gözün üzerinde " Annuit Coeptis " yazmaktadır. Annuit onaylar, yüceltir anlamında gizli özneli bir yüklemdir. Coeptis ise bir işe girişme, çabalama anlamındadır. Söz konusu cümle " O (Tanrı/Göz/ Kader) başlangıcımızı/ çabalarımızı onaylar " diye tercüme edilebilir. Piramidin altında ise " Novus Ordo Seclorum " (Çağların Yeni Düzeni) yazısı bulunmaktadır.(Hatipoğlu,2015, 108) 1776 yılında kurulan bir devletin armasında yeni bir dünya düzeni kurma isteğinin kazınması ibretamiz bir durumdur. Hamaset bir yana yüzlerce yıldır tarihe yön veren bir milletin mensupları olarak nasıl yönetilmemiz gerektiği konusunda fikir beyan etmemiz istenmiyor. Neredeyse yüz yıl önce üzerimize giydiğimiz ve daraldığında sihirli bir elin bize rağmen müdahil olup küçük değişikliklerle tekrar üzerimize oturttuğu bir deli gömleği ile yönetilmeye çalışıyoruz. Oysa yazının girişindeki paragrafta görüleceği üzerine büyük idealler üzerine oturmayan bir oluşum yaşadığı müddetçe can çekişmek, yok olmak tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya gelecektir. Birinci dünya savaşı sonucu yorgun ve bitkin bir milletin yaşamaktan gayri bir ideale sahip olması beklenmezdi. Gelişip büyümesi ayakları üzerinde durması gerekti. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti bunu başardı. Olgunlaştı, geçmişini yeniden keşfetti. Ne kadar derin bir coğrafyaya sahip olduğunu anladı. Kadim dostlarını bıraktığı yerde buldu. Atalarından tevarüs ettiği ahlakı sergilemekle kendini vazifeli gördü. Nerede düşen varsa yardım etmeyi, kim zulme uğramışsa elinden tutmayı ve ağlayanların gözyaşlarını silmeyi bin yıllık adedi üzerine vakur bir şeklide yaptı ve yapmaya devam edecek. Genetik olarak aslan olan ama kendisine sen küçük bir kedisin telkini ile bin bir pranga ile bağlandığı bu düzenden kurtulmanın vaktidir. Türkiye büyüdükçe bu sahte düzen içerinde daha çok problemle karşılaşacağı kuşkusuzdur. Karar alma mekanizmaları çoğulculuk adına bölünmüş. Her güç erkinin kendi özel Türkiye'sini oluşturduğu insicamdan yoksun yüzlerce bürokratın parlamenter demokrasinin yoğun tartışmalı gündeminin oluşturduğu sis perdesi altında küçük dukalıklarının tadını çıkarttığı ülkenin adıdır Türkiye. 1980 darbesini yapan generaller, siyasilerin çekişmelerini " horoz kavgasına " benzetmişlerdi. Siyasiler bu kavga ile meşgulken öğrencileri sokaklara döküp daha sonra da çözüm üretemiyorlar diye darbe yapmışlardı. Bu darbe daha önce planlanmıştı. Kıbrıs çıkartmasını yapan Türkiye'nin daha aktif bir güç olmaması gerekiyordu. Bu askeri başarı Türk halkına ilham vermemeliydi. Bu nedenle dönemin bütün siyasileri yıpratıldı, yaldızları döküldü, defolara ortaya konularak halk nezdinde itibarsız hale getirildiler. Haftanın her günü meclis grubundaki ithamlara cevap yetiştirmek zorunda olan bir iktidar ve haftanın her günü onu eleştirmeye yemin etmiş bir muhalefetin var olduğu ülkede kamplaşma varılacak tek sonuçtur. İstenilen de budur zaten. Ülke, herkesin düşündüğünü,
George Orwell “1984” adlı romanında bir gelecek kurgusu yapar. Yazar bu romanı 1947-48 yılları a... more George Orwell “1984” adlı romanında bir gelecek kurgusu yapar. Yazar bu romanı 1947-48 yılları arasında yazmıştır. Kırk yıl ötesini anlatır. Romanın yazıldığı yıllar Sovyetler Birliğinin Yeni oluşmaya başladığı ve Wilton Churchill tarafından “Demir Perde” olarak adlandırıldığı yıllardı. Romanda bütün dünya Sosyalizme geçer ve tek merkezden yönetilir. Toplum değişime zorlanır. Toplum değişime zorlanırken ilk değiştirilen kuşkusuz dildir. Sözcüklerin yaygın olarak bilinen anlamları değiştirilir. Yeni anlamlar verilir. Herkesin öğrenmesi gereken yeni sözcükler üretilir. Bu hususta denilebilir ki her değişim bir şekilde dilde karşılığını bulur. Son yüzyılımıza bakıldığında benzer birçok değişimin Türkiye’de de var olduğunu görmek mümkündür. Cumhuriyet, tam bir batılılaşma ve Ümmetten Ulus’a geçiş planladığı için ilk tasfiye edilen dil olmuştur. Türkçe, Arapça, Farsça ve diğer onlarca dil kullansak da ortak noktalarda anlaşmamızı sağlayacak bir ortak lisana sahiptik. Bu değişim kuşkusuz sadece Türkiye içerisinde olmadı. Arapça da Kuran’dan uzaklaşıp mahalli lehçelerin asıl edebi dilin ağdalı ve kullanışsız görüldüğü bir genel kabul bütün Arapça ana dilli bölgede yaygın hale geldi.
Universities, through producing and disseminating the secular knowledge, flourished against the m... more Universities, through producing and disseminating the secular knowledge, flourished against the monopoly of institutions living on knowledge based on canonical works. Throughout the centuries universities continued their existence and shaped the world as the place of development and knowledge production. Nations used this information for money during peace time and for weapons in wars. This multifaceted relationship with the universities has become an integral part of our social order. Technological, demographic, social, and cultural changes in the society also affected universities and they became giant organizations with growing budgets and managerial costs. These giant organizations with complex systems and insufficient budgets yet focused on research and knowledge production lost their capacity and characteristic of renovating themselves. Universities with the privilege of knowledge production and knowledge ownership became myths over the time and are on the verge of disappearing completely. Another factor fostering the process is the increase of speed to access to information. Majority of present universities are losing all their privileges except offering diploma and business opportunities to their graduates. Briefly the concept of universities within the younger generations mind becoming a historic institution. The purpose of this study is to examine universities from a historical perspective, to address the concept of the University, to redefine the concept of university from the that point of view and to discuss them in terms of their basic philosophies, values and missions. The present study is expected to affect the Turkish Universities to embrace the basic philosophy of the university
All nations changed through history. Same nations accepted other nation’s values, languages and t... more All nations changed through history. Same nations accepted other nation’s values, languages and they kept their original cultures. Likewise there is communication among human beings; also there is massive interaction between nations. Nations live like biological creatures that are why also they need feeding as much as biological creatures. Culture feeds nations. Cultural demands are vital for every nation. Usually Neighbor Nations supports each other culturally. Nations which shared same geography for a long time, look like each other’s. It might not feel cultural transitions between resembling communities by individuals who lives in both side. What is İmpossible is that distinguishing source of cultural value that used resembling nations. Sometimes nations come from distant for conquest. Some of them come for food, they take every valuable thing. But some conqueror brings a new values whit themselves. After an act of conquest begun the İslamization in Central-Asia, Arab raiders not only held a sword in their hands, but also they carried a new religion. A new religion means, a new life-style, a new world view, a new language and also it means new literature. The Prophet announced İslam firstly in Mecca which is a city in the middle of Bedouin’s region. They were passing their history and traditions from generation to generation with poems. First target of Qur’an challenged to poets for this reason. Eloquence of Qur’an influenced to Arabs who their minds were designed with poems and rhythm. There was a pause of poetry in a few decades of İslam. The poetry took former position over time. The poetry had become the most important branch of art when the İslamization began in Central-Asia. On the other hand poetry is a valuable for nomad Turks who entered newly to İslam. There were bards who travel between alongside of Turkish tribes. The Bards tell stories about tribes’ histories and traditions like Bedouin’s poets did in Central-Arabia. A new religion were required many new responsibilities that Turks had not been known before. They began to use new Edebiyatımızı Biçimlendiren İki Sözcük Üzerine: Beyit ve Mısra Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015 15 alphabet. İslam also offered them a new education system which poetry was part of it. The education system contained Islamic sciences which were like Hadith, tafseer etc. Tefseer is the Arabic word for exegesis or commentary of the Quran. The Arabic word Hadith means ‘statement' or ‘talk'. In the Shariah, the word Hadith means those things or action, which Prophet Muhammad (sws) said or did. After the Quran, the second important source of this language is the reported sayings of the Prophet (sws) and those of his Companions. There is no doubt that a substantial portion of this source contains content reported not in exact, original words but in the words of the narrators, and owing to this fact, only a small part of this corpus can be presented as the standard language of Quran times. Whatever can be presented is without doubt an invaluable treasure for a connoisseur. It is the language of the most eloquent among the Arabs, and the Companions of the Prophet (sws), and, in relation to its diction, idiom and expression, it is a essence of the language in which the Quran was revealed. In reporting the Prophet’s supplications and parables and his conversations with his Companions (rta), usually, exact, original words have been quoted. Therefore, it is these narrations in which one finds more examples of the idiom and diction of this language than in other narrations. And a student of the Qur’anic language can indeed lay hands on many gems invaluable in appreciating Qur’anic expressions and in deciphering their meanings if he fathoms the depths of this treasure. When Turks had learned İslam, they also realized Arabic literature. After discovering this source, the next step understood the importance of the classical Arabic literature. This literature comprises works of poets as ‘Imrau al-Qays, Zuhayr, ‘Amr Ibn Kulthum, Labid, Nabigah, Tarfah, ‘Antarah, A‘sha and Harith Ibn Halizzah and elocutions of orators as Qus Ibn Sa‘idah. We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation expresses itself as the best, when societies change process and relation with each other. Before entering İslam Bekir KAYABAŞI Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015 16 Turks who built a different civilization in Central Asia, had been involved in a new civilization with entering İslam. The religion of new civilization had a deep impact on Turks and also on literature. We looked at subjects, which from the same window we had internalized quickly. The subject that comes first is Literature. Arab literature supported Turks to build the new literature. Poems were blessing in this literature. Beit is the smallest part of Arab’s poems that means “house”. One beit consists two mısraa. The Meaning of mısraa is door. The smallest part of a poem is described as house that it has two doors. How much important a beit for poem; so that house has value for İslamic society. İn this consistency house is the most important building stone inside the İslamic society. Houses where places are isolated from outside. There is life far from eyes inside of walls. As similar as couplet that it’s meanings begin and finish in it. Poem is poetry that consists of independent couplet. Also houses constitute cities but each house protects its special meanings in the City like a couplet does in a poem. City and poem built are same manner in İslamic Society. This work is focus on these two words “beit” and “mısra”.
It can not say that planity of women writor and poets there are in every part of literature in Hi... more It can not say that planity of women writor and poets there are in every part of literature in History. Aim of this work is thinking about love. This work espacially focus on women’s love. Love had been used only the men writors and poets inspide of love is an human act from thousands of years. That’s writor and poets had been subjected men’s love was feelingly but women’s love always had been estimated in numerous books. In this artical discuss how to be descirebed three bigest women hero’s love in Islamic literatüre Leyla, Zuleyha and Husn. -How the love had been constructed for that’s tree women hero in boks who were written by men. How women fallen in love and how they had been expressed their love from view of men. That’s questions will be discuss in this artical.
Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is th... more Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is the developments in informatics and communication technologies. Among these alterations, the internet and the tablet computers, which may cause a vital transformation in the history of education, are of importance. Making assumptions, based on today, concerning possible situations in the future and evaluating the reflections of the tablet computers, which have recently left a mark on the education process, on the elementary education process have gained importance. In this study, putting forth the future reflections of the tablet computers on the elementary education process is aimed by means of scenarios and predictions. In the study, how using the tablet computers in educational environment will affect the elementary education and to which extends it will, are focused on and predictions regarding the future was made. Suggestions were given to educators in the light of the findings presented as a result of the study. Keywords: future scenarios, elementary education, tablet PC
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015
We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation express... more We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation express theirselves of the best, when societies changing process and relation whit each other were going on. Before enter İslam Turks who built a differnt civilization in Central Asia, They had been involved in a new civilization whit entering İslam. The religion of new civilization impact Turks deeply whit it's lifesyle and also literature. We looked at subjects which from same window we had internalized quickly. The subject that's come first is Literature. Arap literature supproted Turks to built w new literature. Poem was belessing in this literature. Beit is the smalest part of Arab's poems that's means "house". One beit is consist of two mısraa. Meaning of mısraa is door. The smallest part of poem is described as house that it has two doors. How much important a beit for poem so that house has value for İslamic society. İn this consistency haouse is the most important building stone inside of İslamic society. Houses which places is isolated from outside. There is life far from eyes inside of walls. This structure of city as similar as couplet that's meanigs begin and finsh in it. Poem is poetry that's consist of independent couplet. Also houses constitute cities but each house pretect it's special meanings in the City like a copulet do in a poem. City and poem built same manner in İslamic Society. This work foces on these two words "beit" and "mısra".
Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is th... more Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is the developments in informatics and communication technologies. Among these alterations, the internet and the tablet computers, which may cause a vital transformation in the history of education, are of importance. Making assumptions, based on today, concerning possible situations in the future and evaluating the reflections of the tablet computers, which have recently left a mark on the education process, on the elementary education process have gained importance. In this study, putting forth the future reflections of the tablet computers on the elementary education process is aimed by means of scenarios and predictions. In the study, how using the tablet computers in educational environment will affect the elementary education and to which extends it will, are focused on and predictions regarding the future was made. Suggestions were given to educators in the light of the findings presented as a result of the study.
This study aimed to investigate the professional development needs of Turkish as a foreign langua... more This study aimed to investigate the professional development needs of Turkish as a foreign language teachers and to examine whether there was a difference among the professional development needs of teachers with different educational backgrounds. To this end, the professional development needs of teachers were first investigated through a questionnaire administered to a total of 160 participants. Then, 15 teachers were interviewed in focus groups randomly selected from Turkish teaching centers (TÖMER) in Ankara. The population of the study was teachers working in Turkish language centers and institutes around Turkey. As a research method, the explanatory sequential mixed method was used. In the analysis of the data, descriptive and prescriptive statistical analyses were conducted and content analysis was used in the analysis of the interviews. Findings revealed that teachers needed to develop speaking and writing skills in both assessment and teaching. Professional development needs of the teachers varied according to age, occupational experience, the department they graduated from and the latest graduation degree. Finally, pedagogical implications of our research are briefly considered.
Sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin yazma aliskanliklarini, tercihlerini, tutum ve inanclarini cesitli bo... more Sinif ogretmeni adaylarinin yazma aliskanliklarini, tercihlerini, tutum ve inanclarini cesitli boyutlariyla ortaya koymak ve ogretmen adaylarinin yazmaya iliskin olumsuz tutumlarinin nedenlerini belirlemek bu arastirmanin temel amacini olusturmaktadir. Nitel aras-tirma yaklasimiyla gerceklestirilen arastirmada durum calismasi desenlerinden kolektif durum calismasi yontemi kullanilmistir. Aras-tirma verileri arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen acik uclu gorusme formlari araciligiyla toplanmis, verilerinin analizinde betimsel analiz teknigi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini sinif egitimi programi 1. ve 4. sinifta ogrenim goren 195 ogretmen adayi olus-turmaktadir. Arastirma sonucunda ogretmen adaylarinin bilgisayar yerine el yazisiyla yazmayi tercih ettikleri ve el yazisinin klavyeye gore daha kolay oldugunu dusundukleri ortaya cikmistir. Ogretmen adaylarinin yazma aliskanliklarinin olmadigi, yazi yazmaktan hoslanmadiklari, ancak kalici olmasi, duygusal rahatlama saglamasi ve kisisel ozgurluk sunmasi gibi nedenlerle yazmayi onemli bul-duklari arastirmanin onemli sonuclari arasindadir. Ogretmen adaylari sosyal etkinlikler, internet ve sosyal aglarda gecirilen surenin fazla olmasi gibi nedenlerle yazmaya fazla zaman ayirmadiklarini, duygusal yogunlugun olmamasi nedeniyle de yazmada zorlandikla-rini belirtmislerdir.
A Multivariate Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Internet Literacy, 2020
This study aims to reveal the critical Internet literacy levels of preservice teachers in terms o... more This study aims to reveal the critical Internet literacy levels of preservice teachers in terms of multiple variables, by employing the correlational survey design. The sample of the study is formed by 216 preservice teachers of Turkish language studying at a state university located in western Turkey. The was used as the data collection tool.
A validity and reliability study of the scale of teacher candidate beliefs about Ottoman Turkish, 2020
APA Citation: Kayabası, B. (2020). A validity and reliability study of the scale of teacher candi... more APA Citation: Kayabası, B. (2020). A validity and reliability study of the scale of teacher candidate beliefs about Ottoman Turkish. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(2), 798-808. Abstract The aim of this study is to develop a scale of pre-service teacher beliefs about Ottoman Turkish. The 34-item "The Scale of Teacher Candidate Beliefs about Ottoman Turkish," created for the piloting was given to 202 pre-service teachers who were taking an Ottoman Turkish course in the departments of Turkish education and Arabic education at Adıyaman University Faculty of Education, to determine the factor structure of the scale. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed on the data, and a 14-item scale consisting of alphabet, reading, writing and grammar sub-dimensions was obtained. The total variance explained by the scale was calculated to be 44.69%. The internal consistency value of the Scale of Teacher Candidate Beliefs about Ottoman Turkish was found to be .84. Thus, a functional scale serving the purpose of the study was developed.
In this study, Mustafa Ruhi Sirin's stories were examined in terms of readability. A content anal... more In this study, Mustafa Ruhi Sirin's stories were examined in terms of readability. A content analysis survey model based on document review was used as a qualitative research method. The scope of the study consists of the texts of the stories from Mustafa Ruhi Şirin's two story books named "Her Çocuğun Bir Yıldızı Var" and "Geceleri Mızıka Çalan Kedi". While the universe of the study is Sirin's stories, the sample of the study is the first one hundred words of the texts of the stories. Author's stories were exanimated in terms of readability and the findings were presented in tables. The researchers used Atesman and Cetinkaya-Uzun's readability formula. Extended Abstract In this study, Mustafa Ruhi Sirin's stories were examined in terms of readability. A content analysis survey model based on document review was used as a qualitative research method. The scope of the study consists of the texts of the stories from Mustafa Ruhi Şirin's
ÖZET Şairler ve yazar entelektüeller aynı şekilde eğitim alırlar ve Osmanlı toplumunda benzer poz... more ÖZET Şairler ve yazar entelektüeller aynı şekilde eğitim alırlar ve Osmanlı toplumunda benzer pozisyonlarda çalışırlar. Şiir Osmanlı eğitim ikliminde özel biri yeri olsa da; eli kalem tutan herkes yazı sisteminin üyesidir. Bu dönemde yazı, " inşa " olarak adlandırılırdı. Münşi resmi yazı sistemi içerinde eğitilmişlerdir. İnşa, Emeviler döneminden başlayarak devlet işleyişinin bir parçası olmaya başlamıştır. İlk kâtipler genellikle Hıristiyanlıktan dönen kültürel alt yapısı uygun entelektüellerdi. Abbasilerle birlikte yeni Müslüman olan İranlı elitler kitabet ve inşada devletin ihtiyaçlarını karşıladılar. Sonraki bütün Müslüman devletlerin benzer serüvenleri olageldi. Selçuklular da devletleşme sürecinde İranlı kâtiplerin yardımını almıştı. Bu nedenle Farsça bir dönem resmi dil olarak kullanıldı. Osmanlı, kendi ihtiyaçlarına uygun bir kitabet sanatı geliştirmekle kalmadı, kâtiplerini yetiştirecek bir eğitim sistemi de kurdu. Onlar resmi mektuplar yazdıkları gibi özel mektuplar da yazdılar. Okçu-zade 17. Yüzyılın meşhur Münşilerindendir. Şeyhülislam Yahya Efendi'nin şeyhülislam döneminde önemli makamlara getirildi. Okçu-zade, nesir alanında önemli eserler verdi. Şeyhülislam Yahya Efendi azledilince gözden düştü. Birçok resmi mektubunun yanında O, bazı özel mektuplar da yazdı. Azledilme sürecini ve hislerini açık bir dille ifade ettiği mektuplar da yazdığı bilinmektedir. Bu tür özel mektuplar birçok kişisel bilgi içermektedir. Bu çalışma Okçu-zade'nin resmi olmayan bir mektubunu konu almıştır. Bu mektup, düz yazıda hiciv için ilginç bir örnek gibi görünmektedir. Bu makalede Okçu-zade'nin mektubu ve İnşa'da hicvi nasıl kullandığı yorumlanacaktır.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri,başkanlık mührünün arka yüzünde tamamlanmamış ve temelinde Roma rakam... more Amerika Birleşik Devletleri,başkanlık mührünün arka yüzünde tamamlanmamış ve temelinde Roma rakamları ile 1776 yazan bir piramit vardır. On üç basamaklı piramidin üstünde ilahi bir ışık saçarak parlayan bir üçgen içinde bir göz bulunmaktadır. Bu göz tanrıyı, ilahi bir gücü, kaderi temsil etmektedir. Gözün üzerinde " Annuit Coeptis " yazmaktadır. Annuit onaylar, yüceltir anlamında gizli özneli bir yüklemdir. Coeptis ise bir işe girişme, çabalama anlamındadır. Söz konusu cümle " O (Tanrı/Göz/ Kader) başlangıcımızı/ çabalarımızı onaylar " diye tercüme edilebilir. Piramidin altında ise " Novus Ordo Seclorum " (Çağların Yeni Düzeni) yazısı bulunmaktadır.(Hatipoğlu,2015, 108) 1776 yılında kurulan bir devletin armasında yeni bir dünya düzeni kurma isteğinin kazınması ibretamiz bir durumdur. Hamaset bir yana yüzlerce yıldır tarihe yön veren bir milletin mensupları olarak nasıl yönetilmemiz gerektiği konusunda fikir beyan etmemiz istenmiyor. Neredeyse yüz yıl önce üzerimize giydiğimiz ve daraldığında sihirli bir elin bize rağmen müdahil olup küçük değişikliklerle tekrar üzerimize oturttuğu bir deli gömleği ile yönetilmeye çalışıyoruz. Oysa yazının girişindeki paragrafta görüleceği üzerine büyük idealler üzerine oturmayan bir oluşum yaşadığı müddetçe can çekişmek, yok olmak tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya gelecektir. Birinci dünya savaşı sonucu yorgun ve bitkin bir milletin yaşamaktan gayri bir ideale sahip olması beklenmezdi. Gelişip büyümesi ayakları üzerinde durması gerekti. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti bunu başardı. Olgunlaştı, geçmişini yeniden keşfetti. Ne kadar derin bir coğrafyaya sahip olduğunu anladı. Kadim dostlarını bıraktığı yerde buldu. Atalarından tevarüs ettiği ahlakı sergilemekle kendini vazifeli gördü. Nerede düşen varsa yardım etmeyi, kim zulme uğramışsa elinden tutmayı ve ağlayanların gözyaşlarını silmeyi bin yıllık adedi üzerine vakur bir şeklide yaptı ve yapmaya devam edecek. Genetik olarak aslan olan ama kendisine sen küçük bir kedisin telkini ile bin bir pranga ile bağlandığı bu düzenden kurtulmanın vaktidir. Türkiye büyüdükçe bu sahte düzen içerinde daha çok problemle karşılaşacağı kuşkusuzdur. Karar alma mekanizmaları çoğulculuk adına bölünmüş. Her güç erkinin kendi özel Türkiye'sini oluşturduğu insicamdan yoksun yüzlerce bürokratın parlamenter demokrasinin yoğun tartışmalı gündeminin oluşturduğu sis perdesi altında küçük dukalıklarının tadını çıkarttığı ülkenin adıdır Türkiye. 1980 darbesini yapan generaller, siyasilerin çekişmelerini " horoz kavgasına " benzetmişlerdi. Siyasiler bu kavga ile meşgulken öğrencileri sokaklara döküp daha sonra da çözüm üretemiyorlar diye darbe yapmışlardı. Bu darbe daha önce planlanmıştı. Kıbrıs çıkartmasını yapan Türkiye'nin daha aktif bir güç olmaması gerekiyordu. Bu askeri başarı Türk halkına ilham vermemeliydi. Bu nedenle dönemin bütün siyasileri yıpratıldı, yaldızları döküldü, defolara ortaya konularak halk nezdinde itibarsız hale getirildiler. Haftanın her günü meclis grubundaki ithamlara cevap yetiştirmek zorunda olan bir iktidar ve haftanın her günü onu eleştirmeye yemin etmiş bir muhalefetin var olduğu ülkede kamplaşma varılacak tek sonuçtur. İstenilen de budur zaten. Ülke, herkesin düşündüğünü,
George Orwell “1984” adlı romanında bir gelecek kurgusu yapar. Yazar bu romanı 1947-48 yılları a... more George Orwell “1984” adlı romanında bir gelecek kurgusu yapar. Yazar bu romanı 1947-48 yılları arasında yazmıştır. Kırk yıl ötesini anlatır. Romanın yazıldığı yıllar Sovyetler Birliğinin Yeni oluşmaya başladığı ve Wilton Churchill tarafından “Demir Perde” olarak adlandırıldığı yıllardı. Romanda bütün dünya Sosyalizme geçer ve tek merkezden yönetilir. Toplum değişime zorlanır. Toplum değişime zorlanırken ilk değiştirilen kuşkusuz dildir. Sözcüklerin yaygın olarak bilinen anlamları değiştirilir. Yeni anlamlar verilir. Herkesin öğrenmesi gereken yeni sözcükler üretilir. Bu hususta denilebilir ki her değişim bir şekilde dilde karşılığını bulur. Son yüzyılımıza bakıldığında benzer birçok değişimin Türkiye’de de var olduğunu görmek mümkündür. Cumhuriyet, tam bir batılılaşma ve Ümmetten Ulus’a geçiş planladığı için ilk tasfiye edilen dil olmuştur. Türkçe, Arapça, Farsça ve diğer onlarca dil kullansak da ortak noktalarda anlaşmamızı sağlayacak bir ortak lisana sahiptik. Bu değişim kuşkusuz sadece Türkiye içerisinde olmadı. Arapça da Kuran’dan uzaklaşıp mahalli lehçelerin asıl edebi dilin ağdalı ve kullanışsız görüldüğü bir genel kabul bütün Arapça ana dilli bölgede yaygın hale geldi.
Universities, through producing and disseminating the secular knowledge, flourished against the m... more Universities, through producing and disseminating the secular knowledge, flourished against the monopoly of institutions living on knowledge based on canonical works. Throughout the centuries universities continued their existence and shaped the world as the place of development and knowledge production. Nations used this information for money during peace time and for weapons in wars. This multifaceted relationship with the universities has become an integral part of our social order. Technological, demographic, social, and cultural changes in the society also affected universities and they became giant organizations with growing budgets and managerial costs. These giant organizations with complex systems and insufficient budgets yet focused on research and knowledge production lost their capacity and characteristic of renovating themselves. Universities with the privilege of knowledge production and knowledge ownership became myths over the time and are on the verge of disappearing completely. Another factor fostering the process is the increase of speed to access to information. Majority of present universities are losing all their privileges except offering diploma and business opportunities to their graduates. Briefly the concept of universities within the younger generations mind becoming a historic institution. The purpose of this study is to examine universities from a historical perspective, to address the concept of the University, to redefine the concept of university from the that point of view and to discuss them in terms of their basic philosophies, values and missions. The present study is expected to affect the Turkish Universities to embrace the basic philosophy of the university
All nations changed through history. Same nations accepted other nation’s values, languages and t... more All nations changed through history. Same nations accepted other nation’s values, languages and they kept their original cultures. Likewise there is communication among human beings; also there is massive interaction between nations. Nations live like biological creatures that are why also they need feeding as much as biological creatures. Culture feeds nations. Cultural demands are vital for every nation. Usually Neighbor Nations supports each other culturally. Nations which shared same geography for a long time, look like each other’s. It might not feel cultural transitions between resembling communities by individuals who lives in both side. What is İmpossible is that distinguishing source of cultural value that used resembling nations. Sometimes nations come from distant for conquest. Some of them come for food, they take every valuable thing. But some conqueror brings a new values whit themselves. After an act of conquest begun the İslamization in Central-Asia, Arab raiders not only held a sword in their hands, but also they carried a new religion. A new religion means, a new life-style, a new world view, a new language and also it means new literature. The Prophet announced İslam firstly in Mecca which is a city in the middle of Bedouin’s region. They were passing their history and traditions from generation to generation with poems. First target of Qur’an challenged to poets for this reason. Eloquence of Qur’an influenced to Arabs who their minds were designed with poems and rhythm. There was a pause of poetry in a few decades of İslam. The poetry took former position over time. The poetry had become the most important branch of art when the İslamization began in Central-Asia. On the other hand poetry is a valuable for nomad Turks who entered newly to İslam. There were bards who travel between alongside of Turkish tribes. The Bards tell stories about tribes’ histories and traditions like Bedouin’s poets did in Central-Arabia. A new religion were required many new responsibilities that Turks had not been known before. They began to use new Edebiyatımızı Biçimlendiren İki Sözcük Üzerine: Beyit ve Mısra Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015 15 alphabet. İslam also offered them a new education system which poetry was part of it. The education system contained Islamic sciences which were like Hadith, tafseer etc. Tefseer is the Arabic word for exegesis or commentary of the Quran. The Arabic word Hadith means ‘statement' or ‘talk'. In the Shariah, the word Hadith means those things or action, which Prophet Muhammad (sws) said or did. After the Quran, the second important source of this language is the reported sayings of the Prophet (sws) and those of his Companions. There is no doubt that a substantial portion of this source contains content reported not in exact, original words but in the words of the narrators, and owing to this fact, only a small part of this corpus can be presented as the standard language of Quran times. Whatever can be presented is without doubt an invaluable treasure for a connoisseur. It is the language of the most eloquent among the Arabs, and the Companions of the Prophet (sws), and, in relation to its diction, idiom and expression, it is a essence of the language in which the Quran was revealed. In reporting the Prophet’s supplications and parables and his conversations with his Companions (rta), usually, exact, original words have been quoted. Therefore, it is these narrations in which one finds more examples of the idiom and diction of this language than in other narrations. And a student of the Qur’anic language can indeed lay hands on many gems invaluable in appreciating Qur’anic expressions and in deciphering their meanings if he fathoms the depths of this treasure. When Turks had learned İslam, they also realized Arabic literature. After discovering this source, the next step understood the importance of the classical Arabic literature. This literature comprises works of poets as ‘Imrau al-Qays, Zuhayr, ‘Amr Ibn Kulthum, Labid, Nabigah, Tarfah, ‘Antarah, A‘sha and Harith Ibn Halizzah and elocutions of orators as Qus Ibn Sa‘idah. We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation expresses itself as the best, when societies change process and relation with each other. Before entering İslam Bekir KAYABAŞI Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015 16 Turks who built a different civilization in Central Asia, had been involved in a new civilization with entering İslam. The religion of new civilization had a deep impact on Turks and also on literature. We looked at subjects, which from the same window we had internalized quickly. The subject that comes first is Literature. Arab literature supported Turks to build the new literature. Poems were blessing in this literature. Beit is the smallest part of Arab’s poems that means “house”. One beit consists two mısraa. The Meaning of mısraa is door. The smallest part of a poem is described as house that it has two doors. How much important a beit for poem; so that house has value for İslamic society. İn this consistency house is the most important building stone inside the İslamic society. Houses where places are isolated from outside. There is life far from eyes inside of walls. As similar as couplet that it’s meanings begin and finish in it. Poem is poetry that consists of independent couplet. Also houses constitute cities but each house protects its special meanings in the City like a couplet does in a poem. City and poem built are same manner in İslamic Society. This work is focus on these two words “beit” and “mısra”.
It can not say that planity of women writor and poets there are in every part of literature in Hi... more It can not say that planity of women writor and poets there are in every part of literature in History. Aim of this work is thinking about love. This work espacially focus on women’s love. Love had been used only the men writors and poets inspide of love is an human act from thousands of years. That’s writor and poets had been subjected men’s love was feelingly but women’s love always had been estimated in numerous books. In this artical discuss how to be descirebed three bigest women hero’s love in Islamic literatüre Leyla, Zuleyha and Husn. -How the love had been constructed for that’s tree women hero in boks who were written by men. How women fallen in love and how they had been expressed their love from view of men. That’s questions will be discuss in this artical.
Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is th... more Today, one of the most important sources forcing the educational institutions to alteration is the developments in informatics and communication technologies. Among these alterations, the internet and the tablet computers, which may cause a vital transformation in the history of education, are of importance. Making assumptions, based on today, concerning possible situations in the future and evaluating the reflections of the tablet computers, which have recently left a mark on the education process, on the elementary education process have gained importance. In this study, putting forth the future reflections of the tablet computers on the elementary education process is aimed by means of scenarios and predictions. In the study, how using the tablet computers in educational environment will affect the elementary education and to which extends it will, are focused on and predictions regarding the future was made. Suggestions were given to educators in the light of the findings presented as a result of the study. Keywords: future scenarios, elementary education, tablet PC
Papers by Bekir Kayabaşı
Bu hususta denilebilir ki her değişim bir şekilde dilde karşılığını bulur. Son yüzyılımıza bakıldığında benzer birçok değişimin Türkiye’de de var olduğunu görmek mümkündür. Cumhuriyet, tam bir batılılaşma ve Ümmetten Ulus’a geçiş planladığı için ilk tasfiye edilen dil olmuştur. Türkçe, Arapça, Farsça ve diğer onlarca dil kullansak da ortak noktalarda anlaşmamızı sağlayacak bir ortak lisana sahiptik. Bu değişim kuşkusuz sadece Türkiye içerisinde olmadı. Arapça da Kuran’dan uzaklaşıp mahalli lehçelerin asıl edebi dilin ağdalı ve kullanışsız görüldüğü bir genel kabul bütün Arapça ana dilli bölgede yaygın hale geldi.
institutions living on knowledge based on canonical works. Throughout the centuries universities continued their
existence and shaped the world as the place of development and knowledge production. Nations used this
information for money during peace time and for weapons in wars. This multifaceted relationship with the
universities has become an integral part of our social order. Technological, demographic, social, and cultural
changes in the society also affected universities and they became giant organizations with growing budgets
and managerial costs. These giant organizations with complex systems and insufficient budgets yet focused
on research and knowledge production lost their capacity and characteristic of renovating themselves.
Universities with the privilege of knowledge production and knowledge ownership became myths over the
time and are on the verge of disappearing completely. Another factor fostering the process is the increase of
speed to access to information. Majority of present universities are losing all their privileges except offering
diploma and business opportunities to their graduates. Briefly the concept of universities within the younger
generations mind becoming a historic institution. The purpose of this study is to examine universities from a
historical perspective, to address the concept of the University, to redefine the concept of university from the that
point of view and to discuss them in terms of their basic philosophies, values and missions. The present study
is expected to affect the Turkish Universities to embrace the basic philosophy of the university
Edebiyatımızı Biçimlendiren İki Sözcük Üzerine: Beyit ve Mısra
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015
alphabet. İslam also offered them a new education system which poetry was part of it. The education system contained Islamic sciences which were like Hadith, tafseer etc. Tefseer is the Arabic word for exegesis or commentary of the Quran. The Arabic word Hadith means ‘statement' or ‘talk'. In the Shariah, the word Hadith means those things or action, which Prophet Muhammad (sws) said or did. After the Quran, the second important source of this language is the reported sayings of the Prophet (sws) and those of his Companions. There is no doubt that a substantial portion of this source contains content reported not in exact, original words but in the words of the narrators, and owing to this fact, only a small part of this corpus can be presented as the standard language of Quran times. Whatever can be presented is without doubt an invaluable treasure for a connoisseur. It is the language of the most eloquent among the Arabs, and the Companions of the Prophet (sws), and, in relation to its diction, idiom and expression, it is a essence of the language in which the Quran was revealed. In reporting the Prophet’s supplications and parables and his conversations with his Companions (rta), usually, exact, original words have been quoted. Therefore, it is these narrations in which one finds more examples of the idiom and diction of this language than in other narrations. And a student of the Qur’anic language can indeed lay hands on many gems invaluable in appreciating Qur’anic expressions and in deciphering their meanings if he fathoms the depths of this treasure. When Turks had learned İslam, they also realized Arabic literature. After discovering this source, the next step understood the importance of the classical Arabic literature. This literature comprises works of poets as ‘Imrau al-Qays, Zuhayr, ‘Amr Ibn Kulthum, Labid, Nabigah, Tarfah, ‘Antarah, A‘sha and Harith Ibn Halizzah and elocutions of orators as Qus Ibn Sa‘idah. We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation expresses itself as the best, when societies change process and relation with each other. Before entering İslam
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015
Turks who built a different civilization in Central Asia, had been involved in a new civilization with entering İslam. The religion of new civilization had a deep impact on Turks and also on literature. We looked at subjects, which from the same window we had internalized quickly. The subject that comes first is Literature. Arab literature supported Turks to build the new literature. Poems were blessing in this literature. Beit is the smallest part of Arab’s poems that means “house”. One beit consists two mısraa. The Meaning of mısraa is door. The smallest part of a poem is described as house that it has two doors. How much important a beit for poem; so that house has value for İslamic society. İn this consistency house is the most important building stone inside the İslamic society. Houses where places are isolated from outside. There is life far from eyes inside of walls. As similar as couplet that it’s meanings begin and finish in it. Poem is poetry that consists of independent couplet. Also houses constitute cities but each house protects its special meanings in the City like a couplet does in a poem. City and poem built are same manner in İslamic Society. This work is focus on these two words “beit” and “mısra”.
In this artical discuss how to be descirebed three bigest women hero’s love in Islamic literatüre Leyla, Zuleyha and Husn. -How the love had been constructed for that’s tree women hero in boks who were written by men. How women fallen in love and how they had been expressed their love from view of men. That’s questions will be discuss in this artical.
informatics and communication technologies. Among these alterations, the internet and the tablet computers,
which may cause a vital transformation in the history of education, are of importance. Making assumptions,
based on today, concerning possible situations in the future and evaluating the reflections of the tablet computers,
which have recently left a mark on the education process, on the elementary education process have gained
importance. In this study, putting forth the future reflections of the tablet computers on the elementary education
process is aimed by means of scenarios and predictions. In the study, how using the tablet computers in
educational environment will affect the elementary education and to which extends it will, are focused on and
predictions regarding the future was made. Suggestions were given to educators in the light of the findings
presented as a result of the study.
Keywords: future scenarios, elementary education, tablet PC
Bu hususta denilebilir ki her değişim bir şekilde dilde karşılığını bulur. Son yüzyılımıza bakıldığında benzer birçok değişimin Türkiye’de de var olduğunu görmek mümkündür. Cumhuriyet, tam bir batılılaşma ve Ümmetten Ulus’a geçiş planladığı için ilk tasfiye edilen dil olmuştur. Türkçe, Arapça, Farsça ve diğer onlarca dil kullansak da ortak noktalarda anlaşmamızı sağlayacak bir ortak lisana sahiptik. Bu değişim kuşkusuz sadece Türkiye içerisinde olmadı. Arapça da Kuran’dan uzaklaşıp mahalli lehçelerin asıl edebi dilin ağdalı ve kullanışsız görüldüğü bir genel kabul bütün Arapça ana dilli bölgede yaygın hale geldi.
institutions living on knowledge based on canonical works. Throughout the centuries universities continued their
existence and shaped the world as the place of development and knowledge production. Nations used this
information for money during peace time and for weapons in wars. This multifaceted relationship with the
universities has become an integral part of our social order. Technological, demographic, social, and cultural
changes in the society also affected universities and they became giant organizations with growing budgets
and managerial costs. These giant organizations with complex systems and insufficient budgets yet focused
on research and knowledge production lost their capacity and characteristic of renovating themselves.
Universities with the privilege of knowledge production and knowledge ownership became myths over the
time and are on the verge of disappearing completely. Another factor fostering the process is the increase of
speed to access to information. Majority of present universities are losing all their privileges except offering
diploma and business opportunities to their graduates. Briefly the concept of universities within the younger
generations mind becoming a historic institution. The purpose of this study is to examine universities from a
historical perspective, to address the concept of the University, to redefine the concept of university from the that
point of view and to discuss them in terms of their basic philosophies, values and missions. The present study
is expected to affect the Turkish Universities to embrace the basic philosophy of the university
Edebiyatımızı Biçimlendiren İki Sözcük Üzerine: Beyit ve Mısra
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015
alphabet. İslam also offered them a new education system which poetry was part of it. The education system contained Islamic sciences which were like Hadith, tafseer etc. Tefseer is the Arabic word for exegesis or commentary of the Quran. The Arabic word Hadith means ‘statement' or ‘talk'. In the Shariah, the word Hadith means those things or action, which Prophet Muhammad (sws) said or did. After the Quran, the second important source of this language is the reported sayings of the Prophet (sws) and those of his Companions. There is no doubt that a substantial portion of this source contains content reported not in exact, original words but in the words of the narrators, and owing to this fact, only a small part of this corpus can be presented as the standard language of Quran times. Whatever can be presented is without doubt an invaluable treasure for a connoisseur. It is the language of the most eloquent among the Arabs, and the Companions of the Prophet (sws), and, in relation to its diction, idiom and expression, it is a essence of the language in which the Quran was revealed. In reporting the Prophet’s supplications and parables and his conversations with his Companions (rta), usually, exact, original words have been quoted. Therefore, it is these narrations in which one finds more examples of the idiom and diction of this language than in other narrations. And a student of the Qur’anic language can indeed lay hands on many gems invaluable in appreciating Qur’anic expressions and in deciphering their meanings if he fathoms the depths of this treasure. When Turks had learned İslam, they also realized Arabic literature. After discovering this source, the next step understood the importance of the classical Arabic literature. This literature comprises works of poets as ‘Imrau al-Qays, Zuhayr, ‘Amr Ibn Kulthum, Labid, Nabigah, Tarfah, ‘Antarah, A‘sha and Harith Ibn Halizzah and elocutions of orators as Qus Ibn Sa‘idah. We can say that the most permanent impact had been seen into literature that every Nation expresses itself as the best, when societies change process and relation with each other. Before entering İslam
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 8, Sayı: 19, Nisan 2015
Turks who built a different civilization in Central Asia, had been involved in a new civilization with entering İslam. The religion of new civilization had a deep impact on Turks and also on literature. We looked at subjects, which from the same window we had internalized quickly. The subject that comes first is Literature. Arab literature supported Turks to build the new literature. Poems were blessing in this literature. Beit is the smallest part of Arab’s poems that means “house”. One beit consists two mısraa. The Meaning of mısraa is door. The smallest part of a poem is described as house that it has two doors. How much important a beit for poem; so that house has value for İslamic society. İn this consistency house is the most important building stone inside the İslamic society. Houses where places are isolated from outside. There is life far from eyes inside of walls. As similar as couplet that it’s meanings begin and finish in it. Poem is poetry that consists of independent couplet. Also houses constitute cities but each house protects its special meanings in the City like a couplet does in a poem. City and poem built are same manner in İslamic Society. This work is focus on these two words “beit” and “mısra”.
In this artical discuss how to be descirebed three bigest women hero’s love in Islamic literatüre Leyla, Zuleyha and Husn. -How the love had been constructed for that’s tree women hero in boks who were written by men. How women fallen in love and how they had been expressed their love from view of men. That’s questions will be discuss in this artical.
informatics and communication technologies. Among these alterations, the internet and the tablet computers,
which may cause a vital transformation in the history of education, are of importance. Making assumptions,
based on today, concerning possible situations in the future and evaluating the reflections of the tablet computers,
which have recently left a mark on the education process, on the elementary education process have gained
importance. In this study, putting forth the future reflections of the tablet computers on the elementary education
process is aimed by means of scenarios and predictions. In the study, how using the tablet computers in
educational environment will affect the elementary education and to which extends it will, are focused on and
predictions regarding the future was made. Suggestions were given to educators in the light of the findings
presented as a result of the study.
Keywords: future scenarios, elementary education, tablet PC