Bina Sarana Informatika
Public Relations
ABSTRACTSomething new from the company, whether it is innovations, policies and the latest achievements from the company, should ideally be communicated and marketed to the public under any circumstances, including during a pandemic. At... more
Tik Tok suatu aplikasi yang saat ini digunakan oleh kalangan anak muda zaman sekarang dan digemari di dunia. Tik Tok bisa dengan mudah membuat video dengan lama tayang selama 15 detik, bisa disisipkan musik, filter, dan termasuk... more
The spread of covid 19 since March 2020 has been evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, and has an impact on the joints of life, especially in the field of education. The decline in interest in higher education has decreased due to... more
Berbicara di depan khalayak atau public speaking merupakan keterampilan yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh semua orang, termasuk anak-anak. Public speaking tidak dapat dihindari karena pada dasarnya manusia selalu melakukan komunikasi bahkan... more
One of the main interests and capital of society today in daily activities is the existence of a healthy state, both physical health and spiritual h: ealth. The public analogy that health is expensive, there is no activity that can not be... more
BIMP-EAGA cooperation is a realization of regionalism institutions in the form of regional/sub-regional to reach the interest of economy, particularly trade, investment and tourism. One of the benefits of sub-regional cooperation,... more