Showing posts with label countryside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label countryside. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back on my bike

Due to cold and inclement weather I have not done much cycling over the past couple of months and my waistline is telling the tale. This morning I made amends and rode up into the Adelaide foothills (about a 200m climb from home).

This is point where you get a reward for the effort; a great view and lots of downhill back home.
This is the start of Flinders Pass, a shared cycling/walking path that connects the suburb of Bellevue Heights to Flinders University.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A southern bike trail

Another shot from last Sunday. This is one of the things I enjoy about cycling; riding through river valleys on cycle paths like this - leisurely, peaceful and scenic.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mountain view

I took this shot on Sunday 1st June; the first day of winter. It was a gloroius day, with clear skies and a maximum of about 20C. I had ridden from the coast in the distance to this point in the hills; a climb of about 400 metres. It was well worth the effort; the view was superb.