Pro usar iste additivos, tu debera discargar Firefox.


Explora instrumentos e functiones impressionante pro render Firefox vermente personal.

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Extensiones recommendate
  • Measure-it


    Draw a ruler across any webpage to check the width, height, or alignment of page elements in pixels.

    28.053 usatores

  • Stylebot


    Change the appearance of the web instantly

    10.834 usatores

  • SoundFixer


    Helps you fix annoying sound problems on sites like YouTube: audio in one channel only, too quiet or too loud. (Unfortunately, this extension does not work on all websites because of cross-domain issues — but it does work on YouTube!)

    47.852 usatores

  • SingleFile


    Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.

    66.321 usatores

Le extensiones le melio evalutate
  • Privacy Badger

    Privacy Badger

    Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.

    1.582.942 usatores

  • SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers:

    567.444 usatores

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    91.381 usatores

  • uBlock Origin

    uBlock Origin

    Finally, an efficient wide-spectrum content blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.

    9.172.190 usatores

Extensiones de tendentia
  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    91.381 usatores

  • Stylus


    Redesign your favorite websites with Stylus, an actively developed and community driven userstyles manager. Easily install custom themes from popular online repositories, or create, edit, and manage your own personalized CSS stylesheets.

    118.111 usatores

  • Privacy Badger

    Privacy Badger

    Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.

    1.582.942 usatores

  • Web Archives

    Web Archives

    View archived and cached versions of web pages on various search engines, such as the Wayback Machine and Archive․is.

    66.003 usatores