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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Digital DivideInformation and Communication technologyYoung PeopleNew Technology
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      Digital DivideInformation and Communication technologyYoung PeopleNew Technology
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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Digital DivideInformation and Communication technologyYoung PeopleNew Technology
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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Student EngagementData CollectionEarly Childhood DevelopmentStudent Attitude
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      Digital DivideInformation and Communication technologyYoung PeopleNew Technology
Although it is generally believed that early intervention programmes are an effective means to stimulate children's cognitive development, many questions remain concerning programme design and delivery. This article reviews 19 studies... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyCognitive ScienceEarly Intervention
The relationship between school resources such as learning materials, computers, and student-teacher ratio and student performance has been shown to be important (e.g., Hanushek, 1986important (e.g., Hanushek, , 2003). In this article,... more
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    • Teacher Education
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Educators frequently face the question regarding the extent to which they can actually influence student learning, particularly as learners are also influenced by a complex network of many different factors. Specifically, it is of... more
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      Complex networkEducational Assessment
Some consider responding to survey questions as a sophisticated cognitive process whereby respondents go through, often iterative, steps to process the information provided to them by questions and response options. Others focus more on... more
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      MarketingQuestionnaire designMarketEducational Assessment
Many studies of changes in learning approaches have used data from different age groups at one point in time only (
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      Higher EducationValuesCognitive StyleApproaches to Learning
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      Educational AssessmentFirst Year
The Engagement Matrix (EM) was designed by the Department of Education and Children’s Services in South Australia to measure engagement levels of students enrolled in the Innovative Community Action Networks (ICAN)/ Flexible Learning... more
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      Student EngagementSecondary EducationYoung PeopleCommunicative action
Results of a previous meta-analysis of gender differences in reading achievement at the secondary school level showed significant differences between major assessment programs. Thus, the gender gap in favour of girls was more pronounced... more
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      EducationStatistical AnalysisInternational StudentsReading Comprehension