Mine was the fact that I'm a mom of a kindergartner. Like total, volunteer PTO, school t-shirt wearing, donating food, making-small-talk-with-other-moms, mom. And that's weird for me. Because this is more what I'm used to:
Dressing up with Little Monster and dancing to this lady's music:
Yes, that is REAL meat. Yum.
But she's like old now, and actually doing school stuff and I can do it with her. Which is totally cool. I figure, I better do all this stuff now, while I'm cool because in approximately 8 years I will be the dorky old mom that embarrasses her in front of her class because I volunteered at the book sale at her school.
THEN I'll be really floored- I'll realize OMG, I'm the dorky old mom. (But I swear to all that is holy, I will NOT get a minivan. If I do- you have my permission to shun me from the cool-mom AND the dorky-mom club)
But for now, I'll blissfully go through life thinking I'm awesome to my 5-year old by visiting her at her school, volunteering with the PTO, taking her to gymnastics and having playdates. But the really cool thing? I can also do not-so-mom-like things with her like staying up late to watch a movie, eat cookie dough, and dance to Gaga. I don't have to sacrifice who I am just because I'm a mom.
Even though I feel like I'm all about the momish duties right now, I know Little Monster and I will never stop dancing.
P.S. I got my first blog award!! Colene Murphy from The Journey *gave it to me! Thank you so much! I've only been doing this for a month, and I can't believe how many readers I have so far. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Even if I never get published, having a readers and followers on here is enough. Thanks for making me feel legit!
*And I totally give this back to Colene- she has a WONDERFUL blog (okay, not giving back like not wanting it, but giving back like rewarding it back to her... because she gave it to me...and she's awesome..erm, you get the idea)
The rule is, I need to pass it on to 5 people. Here are the ones that I frequently stalk and am giving this award to:
Andy at Writing Myself Crazy (okay I know you are a boy, and this is kind of girly, but you are totally my crit partner, PLUS you have an awesome blog!)
Rhiannon Hart (who totally just sold her debut novel!! Woot!)