Myrto Chliova
I am Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki, Finland. My research falls at the intersection of organization studies and entrepreneurship, with a focus on the ways that emergent organizations attempt to tackle grand challenges such as poverty, inequality and refugee crises.
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Books by Myrto Chliova
organizational legitimacy. Specifically, we consider both a field’s maturity and its degree of hybridity as two important variables that determine the effects that field hybridity has on organisational legitimacy. Drawing from extant research and leveraging our empirical work in the fields of
microfinance, social entrepreneurship and impact investing to provide illustrative examples, we propose a framework that considers both positive and negative effects of field hybridity on organizational legitimacy. We contribute to the literature on hybrid organizing in two ways. First, we show that hybrid organizations face different challenges and opportunities depending on the stage of development and degree of hybridity of the field they operate in. Second, we suggest that the effects of field hybridity on organizational legitimacy can be understood as trade-offs that organizations need to understand and approach strategically in order to leverage opportunities and mitigate challenges.
Papers by Myrto Chliova
Drafts by Myrto Chliova
Supported the preparation of the Policy Brief: OECD (2019), "Policy brief on refugee entrepreneurship", OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Papers, No. 14, OECD Publishing, Paris
organizational legitimacy. Specifically, we consider both a field’s maturity and its degree of hybridity as two important variables that determine the effects that field hybridity has on organisational legitimacy. Drawing from extant research and leveraging our empirical work in the fields of
microfinance, social entrepreneurship and impact investing to provide illustrative examples, we propose a framework that considers both positive and negative effects of field hybridity on organizational legitimacy. We contribute to the literature on hybrid organizing in two ways. First, we show that hybrid organizations face different challenges and opportunities depending on the stage of development and degree of hybridity of the field they operate in. Second, we suggest that the effects of field hybridity on organizational legitimacy can be understood as trade-offs that organizations need to understand and approach strategically in order to leverage opportunities and mitigate challenges.
Supported the preparation of the Policy Brief: OECD (2019), "Policy brief on refugee entrepreneurship", OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Papers, No. 14, OECD Publishing, Paris