Papers by Špela Ledinek Lozej
The A. examines written (archival, historic, etnological, geographic) as well as oral sources on ... more The A. examines written (archival, historic, etnological, geographic) as well as oral sources on the past of the Krstenica Alpine dairy mountain. Among other things, he focuses on the disputes regarding the ownership of the mountain and its boundaries, on pasture organization within its village communities that later evolved into cooperatives, and on the recent initiative of a handful of enterprising individuals. He looks at the development of milk processing from individual production of butter and cheese to cheese-making cooperatives, and to modern cheese-making technologies. While harsh economic and social changes in the Bohinj area caused the decline of many an Alpine dairy mountain, domestic initiative helped the Krstenica Mountain to survive into the present.
Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti
Purpose: The article discusses the digitisation and inventory of 34 local cultural heritage colle... more Purpose: The article discusses the digitisation and inventory of 34 local cultural heritage collections in the border region between the Alps and the Karst, and the establishment of a network of owners, guardians of collections and professionals from the field of museology, ethnology, digital humanities and informatics.Methodology/approach: In the framework of the project “ZBORZBIRK – Cultural heritage between the Alps and the Karst” 34 collections of cultural heritage of different type and contents, until then inaccessible to the general public and experts, were catalogued, contextualised and presented to the general and expert public in different media and on the project website.Results: A unified repository with metadata on objects (units) was established containing also digital photographs and scans of images and textual objects (digital objects). There are 4583 units and 5190 digital objects in the repository. It is designed for researchers, experts and students from the fields...
<div> <p>This paper discusses the development of a network of owners and guardians of... more <div> <p>This paper discusses the development of a network of owners and guardians of local CH collections as well as professionals from different fields in the Slovenian - Italian border region that was implemented in the framework of the project <i>ZBORZBIRK. Cultural heritage in the Collections between the Alps and the Karst</i>. The paper highlights the importance of local CH and collecting for local communities, the general public and experts, and shows that CH has become a medium for the establishment of a local community.</p> </div>
Berghahn Books, May 13, 2022
Acta geographica Slovenica, Dec 16, 2022
oualid Hakam, abdennasser Baali, khalil azennouD, Touria el kamel, Yassine aiT BraHim, Youssra aH... more oualid Hakam, abdennasser Baali, khalil azennouD, Touria el kamel, Yassine aiT BraHim, Youssra aHouacH Spatiotemporal evolution of droughts and their teleconnections with large-scale climatic indices in the Lower Sebou Basin in northwestern Morocco Special issue-Branding, labelling and certification Špela leDinek lozej, nika razpoTnik ViskoVić Branding, labelling and certification: Geographical and anthropological insights ester BarDone, anu kannike The use of European Union instruments for branding and labelling regional food products in Estonia cristina Grasseni From branding to solidarity: The COVID-19 impact on marketing Strachítunt cheese from Val Taleggio, Italy sarah maY Labelling local wood: On the valorization of regionality and sustainability in timber trade magdalena FialoVá, pavel cHromý (In)visible agents in regional development: Active individuals and their networks as a driver of regional product labelling initiatives erik loGar Place branding as an approach to the development of rural areas: A case study of the brand »Babica in Dedek« from the Škofja Loka Hills, Slovenia nika razpoTnik ViskoVić, erik loGar Certification, labelling and branding in tourism research: systematic review
V prispevku je predstavljen zapis o tolminskih planinah Tomaža Rutarja, ki je bil objavljen v Ark... more V prispevku je predstavljen zapis o tolminskih planinah Tomaža Rutarja, ki je bil objavljen v Arkivu za povjestnicu jugoslavensko (1854) na pobudo stanovskega kolega Štefana Kociančiča
Il contribût al pant il progrès tal disbratâ il fum fûr pai cjamins inta la Valade dal Vipau. Pal... more Il contribût al pant il progrès tal disbratâ il fum fûr pai cjamins inta la Valade dal Vipau. Pal teritori la nape e il cjamin di muradure a vignirin un fat normâl vie pal secul XIX. Inalgò la inovazion e jere peade cu la costruzion dal puarte fûr di fogolâr: chê stanzie cul fogolâr tipiche furlane, cuadre o semicircolâr, che si faseve sù poiade te cjase di difûr.V prispevku je orisan razvoj kaminskega odvajanja dima v Vipavski dolini. Odvajanje dima preko nape in zidanega dimnika je postalo na podeželju splošno razširjeno v 19. stoletju. Ponekod je bilo povezano z vzpostavitvijo spahnjenice – pravokotnega ali polkrožnega kuhinjskega izzidka, ki je bila izrazito furlanska arhitekturna prvina
V prispevku je orisan predlog preučevanja (novo)goriške dediščine in dediščinjenja, predložen pro... more V prispevku je orisan predlog preučevanja (novo)goriške dediščine in dediščinjenja, predložen programu kandidature Mestne občine Nova Gorica za Evropsko prestolnico kulture
Prispevek oriše zgodovino sirarstva v Posočju: od arheoloških pričevanj o rimskodobnem sirars... more Prispevek oriše zgodovino sirarstva v Posočju: od arheoloških pričevanj o rimskodobnem sirarstvu, srednjeveških pisnih virov in pospeševanja zadružnega sirarstva v drugi polovici 19. stoletja do sodobne tržne proizvodnje. Sirarstvo se je – ob dokumentiranih alternativnih vizijah – od druge polovice 20. stoletja osredinjalo v kobariški mlekarni, ki je bila sprva v lasti Splošnega trgovskega podjetja Planika, kasneje pridružena zagrebškemu podjetju Josip Kraš, od leta 1995 pa je tam poslovala Mlekarna Planika, hčerinska družba Kme- tijske zadruge Tolmin
This paper focuses on the history and the present state of dairying in the mountain pastures in t... more This paper focuses on the history and the present state of dairying in the mountain pastures in the Eastern Alps and examines different recent measures for the certification of authenticity that aim to link traditional knowledge with sustainable development. Findings in this article are based on the intensive participant observation during the grazing seasons of 1998 and 1999, and on continuous sporadic fieldwork in different alps and conversations with different stakeholders up until today. The interpretation of these findings is based on and compared to the findings of Cristina Grasseni (2011) in the Italian North-Western Alps and of Sarah May (2014) in the German Alps.Istočnih Alpa te ispituje različite aktualne mjere potvrđivanja autentičnosti čiji je cilj povezati tradicionalna znanja s održivim razvojem. U ovom radu predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja nastali su intenzivnim promatranjem sa sudjelovanjem u razdobljima ispaše, tijekom 1998. i 1999. godine, te kontinuiranim tere...
Zbornik Ponovno iscrtavanje granica: transformacije identiteta i redefiniranje kulturnih regija u... more Zbornik Ponovno iscrtavanje granica: transformacije identiteta i redefiniranje kulturnih regija u novim političkim okolnostima izrastao je iz znanstveno-stručnog skupa 12. hrvatsko-slovenske etnološke paralele, održanog 23. – 25. rujna 2012. godine u Dugoj Resi. Hrvatsko-slovenske etnološke paralele oblik su regionalne suradnje koji kroz susret i predavanja etnologa iz Hrvatske i Slovenije tematizira regionalne znanstvene i kulturne veze i interkulturni dijalog u međunarodnom okružju. Riječ je o događanju koje ima kontinuitet od 1981. godine a kojemu su cilj nove znanstvene spoznaje i ujedno problematizacija i valorizacija značenja općepoznatih činjenica iz i o tradicijskoj i suvremenoj kulturi u regiji. Ovaj zbornik, kao proizvod regionalne znanstvene suradnje, propituje (re)definiranje kulturnih regija i transformacije kulturnog identiteta u novim političkim okolnostima (završetak pristupnih pregovora s EU i članstvo u EU). Jedno od temeljnih pitanja s kojim se bave pojedini autor...
Papers by Špela Ledinek Lozej