File:Flag of Algeria.svg
呢個「SVG」檔案嘅呢個「PNG」預覽嘅大細:800 × 533 像素。 第啲解像度:320 × 213 像素|640 × 427 像素|1,024 × 683 像素|1,280 × 853 像素|2,560 × 1,707 像素。
原本檔案 (SVG檔案,表面大細: 900 × 600 像素,檔案大細:311字節)
日期/時間 | 縮圖 | 尺寸 | 用戶 | 註解 | |
現時 | 2023年10月30號 (一) 02:41 | 900 × 600(311字節) | WessyTheBoy54 | Reverted to version as of 03:54, 20 January 2021 (UTC) | |
2023年10月30號 (一) 01:44 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | Jf889840 | Reverted to version as of 17:27, 21 March 2009 (UTC) | ||
2021年1月20號 (三) 03:54 | 900 × 600(311字節) | Mike Rohsopht | Reverted to version as of 09:48, 18 January 2021 (UTC) The position of the crescent was correct, your version has too many unnecessary shapes.Two circular arcs for the crescent is enough. | ||
2021年1月19號 (二) 16:46 | 900 × 600(977字節) | FDRMRZUSA | Reverted to version as of 22:56, 7 January 2021 (UTC): restored fixed version. In previous version the crescent was at x=300.026, now x=300.000; the distance between outer and inner cicle was 66.239 pixels, now 66.229. Used 2 cirlces for more geometric precision. | ||
2021年1月18號 (一) 09:48 | 900 × 600(311字節) | Mike Rohsopht | Added more decimal places to the previous 313/260 bytes code to improve precision . Other shapes are unnecessary. | ||
2021年1月7號 (四) 22:56 | 900 × 600(977字節) | Flaspec | Reverted to version as of 00:42, 7 January 2021 (UTC) Green must be a composition of equal yellow and blue having» as per official text. (source: | ||
2021年1月7號 (四) 21:53 | 900 × 600(977字節) | FDRMRZUSA | Reverted to version as of 15:26, 6 January 2021 (UTC): restored original color shades because previous color shades was without previous talk-consensus. The previous version was re-uploaded as File:Flag of Algeria (color shades variant).svg. | ||
2021年1月7號 (四) 15:37 | 900 × 600(905字節) | FDRMRZUSA | Fixed color shades according to [] (Flags of the World) and [] (Vexilla Mundi): Green=Pantone-356C (RGB:0-122-51); Red=Pantone-186C (RGB:200-16-46); see for Pantone-RGB conversion []: in previous version slight different. Re-optimized svg code before upload. No other changes. | ||
2021年1月7號 (四) 00:42 | 900 × 600(977字節) | Flaspec | «Green must be a composition of equal yellow and blue having» as per official text. (source: | ||
2021年1月6號 (三) 15:26 | 900 × 600(977字節) | FDRMRZUSA | Centered (on X-axis only) the "Crescent": in previous version was 300.096, now 300.000. Fixed geometry for the "Crescent" (simplified its structure: 2 circles in overlapping but without "cut path">>more precision). Fixed geometry for the "Star": in previous version was 135x142 pixels, now 135.677x142.659 pixels>>it is now perfectly circumscribed in an imaginary circle of 150 pixels in diameter. Optimized svg code before upload. No other changes. |
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