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      IdeologyLouis AlthusserAlthusserIdeological State Apparatuses
"Nietzschejevi junaki".
Objavljeno v  Ampak : mesečnik za kulturo, politiko in gospodarstvo  Letn. 9, št. 11 (nov. 2008), str. 62-63.
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      MythologyArt TheoryPoetryFriedrich Nietzsche
"O delu, ideologiji dela in alternativah".
Prispevek je bil objavljen v 17. številki Razpotij (jesen 2014).
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      PhilosophyUtopian StudiesAnarchismIdeology
Recenzija Diogen Laertski in Življenja filozofov
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      PhilosophyPresocratic PhilosophyHistoriographyPhilosophy of History
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      PhilosophyAmerican PhilosophyThoreauAmerican Transcendentalists
Objavljeno v:
RAZPOTJA, št. 23, let. VII, Društvo humanistov Goriške
maj 2016

Teorije zarote, fašizem, konspiracionizem. Icke
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      FascismConspiracy TheoriesConspiracy CultureItalian fascism
Kritična refeksija o delu Puščava, klet, katakombe Anje Radaljac. Maribor: Litera, 2016. (Nova znamenja.)
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      EthicsAnimal EthicsAnimal Rights/LiberationMoral Philosophy
Paranoja in paranoidno sta koncepta, ki sta se v zadnjih desetletjih osvobodila kliničnega okvira in prešla v publicistično, humanistično in družboslovno rabo. V prispevku poskušamo na novo koncipirati in opredeliti pojem kolektivnega... more
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      History of IdeasHistoriographyIdeologyFascism
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      HistoryIdeologyLiterary TheoryPolitical Ideology
Kritika Eribonovega in Bourdieujevega koncepta razreda
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      SociologyCultural StudiesEnlightenmentRitual (Anthropology)
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      Cultural StudiesEnvironmental SciencePhilosophyLiterature
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    • Business Consulting
special session within the program of the 6th WCSA CONFERENCE (, Amsterdam, October 16th-17th 2015
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      BusinessManagementSociologyEconomic Sociology
V pričujočem članku skušamo vzporejati Foucaultovo teorijo z nekaterimi temeljnimi problemi iz zgodovine in teorije zgodovinopisja. Foucaultov pristop je v tem kontekstu lahko zelo uporaben, saj se zoperstavlja tako zgodovinskim... more
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      Philosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryFoucualt
Članek za Tribuno (2014). O Shizofreniji in empiristični filozofiji. O materiji, ki misli in o nas, ki mislimo materijo.
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      Philosophy of MindPragmatismEmpiricismSchizophrenia
Paper introduces the classification of "White-trash" movies and discusses their relationship with American Dream, capitalism and social realism. It argues for a devaluation of values, which produces indistinctiveness between happy and... more
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      American StudiesSocial SciencesGilles DeleuzeCinema Studies
In the article I try to explicate reasons for the popularity of the TV-series The Handmaid's Tale – especially in the year 2017. Totalitarian system, as it is presented in the series, is namelly in acordance with the realisation of ideals... more
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      LiberalismTotalitarianismPostmodernismThe Handmaid's Tale
The initial problem of the article is connected to Nietzsche's tendency to surpass morality. How is it possible to follow this gesture? It seems to be a problem that every rejection of some specific image of morality is necessarily done... more
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      PoststructuralismPhenomenologyWilliam JamesGilles Deleuze