Papers by Ingrid Scharlau
transcript Verlag eBooks, Nov 7, 2022
Schüssler R, Keuffer J, Günnewig K, Scharlau I. Praxis nach Rezept? – Praxisbezug und Professiona... more Schüssler R, Keuffer J, Günnewig K, Scharlau I. Praxis nach Rezept? – Praxisbezug und Professionalität in den subjektiven Theorien von Lehramtsstudierenden. In: Bosse D, Criblez L, Hascher T, eds. Reform der Lehrerbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Teil I: Analyse, Perspektiven und Forschung . Theorie und Praxis der Schulpädagogik. Vol 4. Immenhausen: Prolog-Verlag; 2012: 141-164
Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 2020
The healing capacity in aggressive scenarios has been studied in HPFRCC specimens. Three types of... more The healing capacity in aggressive scenarios has been studied in HPFRCC specimens. Three types of nano-constituents were incorporated to HPFRCC. Alumina nanofibers and cellulose (nanocrystals and nanofibers) were employed. Mechanical and durability performance have been analyzed.
This paper considers properties of nonlinear waves and solitons of Korteweg-de Vries equation in ... more This paper considers properties of nonlinear waves and solitons of Korteweg-de Vries equation in the presence of external perturbation. For time-periodic hamiltonian perturbation the width of the stochastic layer is calculated. The conclusions about chaotic behaviour in long-period waves and solitons are inferred. Obtained theoretical results find experimental confirmation in experiments with the propagation of ion-acoustic waves in plasma.
Metaphern spielen Ansätzen der Kognitiven Linguistik zufolge eine wichtige Rolle dafür, sich abst... more Metaphern spielen Ansätzen der Kognitiven Linguistik zufolge eine wichtige Rolle dafür, sich abstrakte Sachverhalte zu erschließen. Ich analysiere zwei Interviews über Fachkulturen aus einer früheren Untersuchung (Scharlau und Huber 2019) auf ihre wichtigsten lehrbezogenen Metaphern. Diese werden auf der Basis von kognitiv-linguistischen Ansätzen und Methoden interpretiert und Ansätze für eine hochschuldidaktische Nutzung eines solchen Blickwinkels skizziert.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021
The recent surge of interest in explainability in artificial intelligence (XAI) is propelled by n... more The recent surge of interest in explainability in artificial intelligence (XAI) is propelled by not only technological advancements in machine learning but also by regulatory initiatives to foster transparency in algorithmic decision making. In this article, we revise the current concept of explainability and identify three limitations: passive explainee, narrow view on the social process, and undifferentiated assessment of explainee's understanding. In order to overcome these limitations, we present explanation as a social practice in which explainer and explainee co-construct understanding on the microlevel. We view the co-construction on a microlevel as embedded into a macrolevel, yielding expectations concerning, e.g., social roles or partner models: typically, the role of the explainer is to provide an explanation and to adapt it to the current level of explainee's understanding; the explainee, in turn, is expected to provide cues that direct the explainer. Building on explanations being a social practice, we present a conceptual framework that aims to guide future research in XAI. The framework relies on the key concepts of monitoring and scaffolding to capture the development of interaction. We relate our conceptual framework and our new perspective on explaining to transparency and autonomy as objectives considered for XAI.
Hochschulbildungsforschung, 2018
Scharlau I, Karsten A, Haacke S, Lahm S. Schreiben als Schlüsselkompetenz? In: Kordes-Freudinger ... more Scharlau I, Karsten A, Haacke S, Lahm S. Schreiben als Schlüsselkompetenz? In: Kordes-Freudinger R, Schaper N, Scholkmann A, Szczyrba B, eds. Handbuch Hochschuldidaktik . UTB. Vol 5408: Hochschullehre . 1st ed. Bielefeld: wbv; 2021: 129-138.Weil wissenschaftliches Schreiben eine zentrale Form des Handelns in sämtlichen Fachdisziplinen ist, spricht alles dagegen, es als überfachliche Schlüsselkompetenz zu behandeln. Als soziales und individuelles Handeln ist es untrennbar mit dem Denken, Forschen und Problemlösen in den Wissens- und Handlungsbereichen verbunden, in denen es auch gelernt werden muss. Um der Vielstimmigkeit und Komplexität des Schreibens gerecht zu werden, ist ein Zusammenspiel zwischen fachlich-curricularen und überfachlich-beratenden Formen der Schreibförderung erforderlich
Praxishandbuch Mentoring in der Wissenschaft, 2017
Fur Frauen ist die Promotionszeit eine sensible Entscheidungsphase in Bezug auf die Weiterfuhrung... more Fur Frauen ist die Promotionszeit eine sensible Entscheidungsphase in Bezug auf die Weiterfuhrung der wissenschaftlichen Karriere. Cooling-out-Prozesse fuhren dazu, dass hochqualifizierte und zuvor motivierte Frauen nach Abschluss der Promotion die Wissenschaft verlassen. Diesem Ausstieg lasst sich durch formelles One-to-one-Mentoring in abhangigkeitsfreier und vertraulicher Beziehung entgegenwirken. Der Artikel zeigt, wie der Einsatz von Mentoring-Programmen als Warming-up genutzt werden kann und gibt Hinweise zur Gestaltung von Mentoring-Programmen fur Doktorandinnen.
Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 2006
The phenomena of illusory line motion and perceptual latency priming are both assumed to reflect ... more The phenomena of illusory line motion and perceptual latency priming are both assumed to reflect a facilitation of perceptual latency.The explanation of illusory line motion presupposes that attention is distributed in a gradient fashion whereas this is not a necessary part of the explanation of perceptual latency priming. Two experiments test whether an attentional gradient is present in perceptual latency priming. Evidence for a gradient was found within 2.5° of visual angle around the attended location, but not at a distance of 5° and more.
Frontline Learning Research, 2019
What does it mean to explain data patterns? Cognitive psychologists and other scientists face thi... more What does it mean to explain data patterns? Cognitive psychologists and other scientists face this question when observable phenomena have to be explained in theoretical terms. Frequentist null-hypothesis testing – one prominent approach in psychology – controls error rates. Machine learning – an alternative prominent outside of, but not yet inside psychology – focuses on precise predictions. However, both alternatives often provide little insight into the data. We propose a combination of formal modeling and Bayesian statistical inference to ground explanations in data analysis. We support this approach by reference to philosophy of science and discussions of the current methods crisis in several empirical sciences and illustrate it with an example from visual attention research.
Journal of Writing Research, 2021
The aim of the present study is to bring new momentum into research on students' understanding of... more The aim of the present study is to bring new momentum into research on students' understanding of academic writing. Drawing on the idea that metaphors give insight into implicit conceptions of abstract entities and processes, we developed a detailed and differentiated set of conceptual metaphors that can be used to study student ideas about writing in research, teaching, and interventions. A large sample of undergraduates produced their everyday understanding of writing in short texts beginning with a self-generated metaphor. Based on theories from cognitive linguistics, the conceptual metaphors in their texts were analyzed in terms of their action quality (transitivity) and spatiality (spatial primitives). The undergraduates' conceptualizations were very heterogeneous. Most metaphors depart strongly from scientific approaches to academic writing within cognitive psychology and sociocultural theory. Roughly half of the metaphors could be collated to one of four metaphor systems. Depending on the desired degree of abstraction or concreteness, conceptual metaphors or metaphor systems can be employed in further studies to illuminate thinking about writing.
ICME-13 Monographs, 2018
The chapter presents a philosophical approach to teaching and learning mathematics in which five ... more The chapter presents a philosophical approach to teaching and learning mathematics in which five philosophical methods are translated into methods of reading and writing mathematical texts. The philosophical approaches are Hermeneutics, Analytical philosophy, Dialectics, Experience based (phenomenological) and Speculative philosophy. We use the acronym HADES for the combination of these approaches. For each of them we present reading and writing material which can be used for teaching peer tutors and by them in their interaction with students.
Proving the “usefulness” of visual (graphical) representations for medical diagnoses is challengi... more Proving the “usefulness” of visual (graphical) representations for medical diagnoses is challenging due to the medical, perceptual and graphical knowledge involved in undergoing such an evaluation. We are approaching the evaluation by first deriving essential low-level tasks from the medical-cognitive high-level tasks of diagnoses. We then employ controlled user studies to test lowlevel tasks with two different shading styles used in volume rendering of CT data of coronary arteries. 1 The need for “Usefulness” in Medical Diagnoses In the Panel “From Data to Diagnosis” [SG10] at SIGGRAPH 2010, panellist Cindy Grimm challenged participants and co-speakers by asking to prove the usefulness of their graphics products for medical diagnosis. She is right in her claim that usefulness of graphics algorithms for a specific diagnosis is hardly ever seriously challenged. For medical and other applications, there is a lack of evaluation of usefulness of processes and tools beyond efficiency and...
The present study examined whether the detection advantage for negative-face targets in crowds of... more The present study examined whether the detection advantage for negative-face targets in crowds of positive-face distractors over positive-face targets in crowds of negative faces can be explained by differentially efficient distractor rejection. Search Condition A demonstrated more efficient distractor rejection with negative-face targets in positive-face crowds than vice versa. Search Condition B showed that the target identity alone is not sufficient to account for this effect, because there was no difference in processing efficiency for positive and negative-face targets within neutral crowds. Search Condition C showed differentially efficient processing with neutral-face targets among positive or negative-face distractors. These results were obtained both with a withinparticipants (Experiment 1) and with a between-participants (Experiment 2) design. The pattern of results is consistent with the assumption that efficient rejection of positive (more homogenous) distractors is an i...
2019 IEEE 20th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM), 2019
Papers by Ingrid Scharlau