Novena Cards on Instagram: "🕊🎁Ever hear about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but weren't sure what that meant?   Here are some simple definitions to help you remember the gifts the Spirit bestows. These are just simple summaries - there is A LOT of theological information written about the gifts of the Holy Spirit (especially by St. Thomas Aquinas) if you want to dive in deeper.  As we continue to pray the novena to the Holy Spirit, let us continue to ask the Holy Spirit to work through us and guide us, to help us grow in holiness and lead us to heaven!  🔥Come Holy Spirit!🔥  #holyspirit #comeholyspirit #holyspiritcome #holyspiritguideme #catholiclife #liturgicalliving #catholic #cathoilcfaith #bissisterhood #catholicwomen #liturgicalliving" Holy Spirit Aesthetic, Who Is The Holy Spirit For Kids, Gifts Of The Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Prayer Catholic, Come Holy Spirit, Gifts Of The Holy Spirit Catholic, Pentecost Holy Spirit, Spirit Game