Words Words Words

252 Pins
Unfuckwithable - when you're truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you.
Big word for utter nonsense
Sparkle #127: Travel Words To Love - Pumpernickel Pixie
travel, travel words, travel vocabulary, vocab, travel vocab, words, vocabulary, language, solivagant, veni vidi amavi, fernweh, derive, resfeber, flaenur, cynefin, vagary, drapetomania, inspiration, wanderlust, adventure, motivation, traveler, wanderer, pumpernickle pixie
English with Greek origin
(n.) cursing constantly or without restraint
Oxford Languages | The Home of Language Data
paramour (noun): A lover. Word of the Day for 20 July 2015. #WOTD #WordoftheDay #paramour
Oxford Languages | The Home of Language Data
jejune (adjective): Naive, simplistic, and superficial. Word of the Day for 1 June 2015. #WOTD #WordoftheDay #jejune