Mantel Decor

I'm looking for ideas for my glass vases. I have two tall ones I put on our mantel and I need some fresh ideas. Our decor is in shades of tans; walls are light beige, trim is tan and darker tan. We use accent colors of dark tan and navy or forest green. Our room is family picture themed, hodge podged and transportation - especially cars and rail roads.
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Vase Fillers-- A Helpful Reference
Everyday Clever: Vase Fillers-- A Helpful Reference
Desde Jalisco: Envolturas originales para el Día del Padre
Desde Jalisco: Envolturas originales para el Día del Padre
Desde Jalisco: Envolturas originales para el Día del Padre
Desde Jalisco: Envolturas originales para el Día del Padre