Studio Ghibli

Studio Ghibli, Inc. is a Japanese animation film studio based in Koganei, Tokyo, Japan. The studio is best known for its anime feature films. Studio Ghibli began in June 1985 after the success of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind with funding by Tokuma Shoten. The company's logo features the character Totoro (a large forest spirit) from Miyazaki's film My Neighbor Totoro.
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Handmade Needle felted felting project animal cute Blue Totoro felted wool doll
Handmade Needle felted felting project animal cute Blue Totoro felted wool doll
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Be willing to change your concept of yourself, which means changing what you have believed to be true. --Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
Zelda Great Deku Tree Terrarium
Kiki’s Delivery Service Jiji Planter - Check it out!!
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Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Studio Ghibli Ohmu Husk Sprout growing set JP - Likezon