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Jonathan Rhys Meyers: 'Belle' Kiss with Natalia Vodianova : Photo 2495237 | Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Natalia Vodianova Photos | Just Jared: Entertainment News
Jonathan Rhys Meyers: 'Belle' Kiss with Natalia Vodianova
Military Historian Recommends the ‘1 Book on Napoleon’ Fans of the Movie Must Read
Ridley Scott, the director of the new Joaquin Phoenix-led film about the emperor, has previously shrugged off accusations about its historical accuracy
"Napoleon" (2023), Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon Bonaparte...
A good actor should be able to accommodate himself to any given role... And such an actor - Joaquin Phoenix!!!
ʍᴏжᴇɯь бᴩᴀᴛь бᴇɜ ᴏᴛʍᴇᴛᴋи, нᴏ нᴀᴧᴏжиʙ ᴄʙᴏй ɸиᴧьᴛᴩ🦋
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