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Māori Origins of Tā Moko/Te Pū o Tā Moko: Whaka-rūau-Moko, (god/atua of earthquakes and volcanic activity), the youngest child of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ānuku was responsible for the deep uneven grooves left within the surface terrain of his mother while still within her whare tangata. The trembling of his current scarred the earth creating the first sacred forms of Moko. Rūaumoko is also known as Rūaimoko, Whakarūaumoko also Rūaimokoroa.
Nuliajuk : Inuit Sea Goddess- lives on the bottom of the sea and controls sea mammals (seals, walruses, and sea lions).
Maori - Atua Prints/Maori Gods by TeHaunuiArt on DeviantArt
Maori God Prints Tangaroa Tane Mahuta Link in my bio
Taniwha- Maori myth: a huge creature that guards deep pools, caves, or seas. They can look like huge geckos, tuatara, sharks, whales, or a combination of all of those. They are very aggressive and dangerous.
Sketch for the Battle of Orakau mural
Sketch for the Battle of Orakau mural
Te Tohunga 27
great graphic book illustration of volcanoes Te Tohunga – Wilhelm Dittmer 1907
13364 | Page 1 of 1 | Items | National Library of New Zealand | National Library of New Zealand
Dittmer, Wilhelm, 1866-1909 :Maui fishing New Zealand out of the ocean. [London, Routledge, 1907]