Papers by Setenay Nil Dogan
Fascism as a concept enjoys a plethora of definitions, usages and variants which lead to the prob... more Fascism as a concept enjoys a plethora of definitions, usages and variants which lead to the problems of social science to have a generic theory of fascism. This paper aims to explore the differences between the two fascist variants of the interwar period in Europe, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to reflect on the question of whether exploration of these differences may contribute to social science's quest to theorize fascism. Though the two fascist regimes differ widely in terms of totalitarianism, ideology, nation and race, state and party relationships, the extent of resistance and the existence of multiple power centers, and finally, the use of total terror; exploration of different fascisms, rather than negating the possibility of having a generic definition of fascism, allows us to explore some of the central characteristics of fascism: its flexibility and resilience.
Çerkeslerin 21. Yüzyılı: Kimlik, Anayurt ve Siyaset (Ed. Merih Cemal Taymaz ve Sevda Alankuş) , 2021
Journal of Caucasian Studies, 2021
This paper aims to explore the gendered formations of Circassian diaspora nationalism in Turkey, ... more This paper aims to explore the gendered formations of Circassian diaspora nationalism in Turkey, a ghost of the 19 th and 20 th centuries. Based on in-depth interviews conducted with diaspora nationalists, it discusses the gendered constructions of diaspora nationalism through which Circassian diaspora nationalism connects itself and the diaspora to the host community and homeland and differentiates itself and the diaspora from both. This article explores the myth of "an almost matriarchal society" and the very gendered and yet apparently gender neutral project of return and discourses on in-between-ness and transnationalism as elements in the toolbox of Circassian diaspora nationalism.
Journal of Caucasian Studies, 2024
This paper aims to analyze Circassian relationships with the state apparatus in Turkey which are ... more This paper aims to analyze Circassian relationships with the state apparatus in Turkey which are claimed to be close since the Ottoman Empire. It explores how Circassian activists and intellectuals in Turkey define and narrate their relationships and experiences with the state. Circassian activists in Turkey employ several narratives to explain their relationships with the state and these narratives do not necessarily exclude one another. Despite the popular-and academic-belief that Circassians relationships with the state are different, harmonious and advantageous, when compared to the relationships of other ethnic groups in Turkey, especially Kurds, relationships with the state are narrated not as a homogenous and complete spectacle of harmony in the Circassian accounts. This study aims to reflect on the multiplicity and heterogeneity of Circassian narratives on the relationships with the state apparatus in Turkey and unease the comfort of the monolithic account of Circassians as the loyal element without any problems with the state apparatus. In these narratives, the relationships of the Circassians with the Turkish state include not only bonds of loyalty, embeddedness and harmony, but also a wide range of strategies, maneuvers, resistance, surveillance and fear for various actors.
International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research, 2024
This paper will study Kadın Gazetesi (1947-1979), one of the woman magazines published for the lo... more This paper will study Kadın Gazetesi (1947-1979), one of the woman magazines published for the longest time in Turkey. Among the woman magazines in Turkey most of which are fashion and family magazines, Kadın Gazetesi has a peculiar place in terms of the centrality of politics on its agenda, its consistent perception of women as political beings and its persistent commitment to the ‘woman problem.’
This study will focus on the magazine to explore the Kemalist women’s discourses on nation and women, whether these discourses changed; whether these Kemalist women lost their enthusiasm toward the nationalist project. The magazine, published by the Kemalist women, was characterized by a strong cooperation with the regime, a firm commitment to the Kemalist ideals of modernization and nationalism; and an instrumental understanding of women’s rights. To that extent, despite its peculiarity among the woman magazines, the Kemalist women in the magazine borrowed and sometimes mimicked the voice of the ‘malestream’ politicians, especially in the early decades of the magazine. Furthermore, the daughters of the Republic most often had the privilege to talk in the name of a homogenous category of ‘woman’ while they also constructed some ‘others’ most of whom were women.
Yıldız Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019
The aim of this study is to explore the transformation of marriage in Botswana. Even though the v... more The aim of this study is to explore the transformation of marriage in Botswana. Even though the view on marriage varies between cultures, religions and societies around the world – it is socially recognised worldwide. Marriage in Botswana brings families together, kinship relations are strengthened, political and social alliances between families and communities are formed. Marriage forms a significant part of Tswana society and it has been the building block of social, political and economic institutions. To address the research question, the study uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative secondary sources to discuss and analyse the changes in marriage, and explore how factors such as globalisation and modernisation have contributed to these changes. The findings show that despite the fact that Batswana still choose to get married, the marital rates have decreased and there is a growing increase of couples that are living together without being married. Parents have lost the authority over who their children will get married to. Bogadi (bridewealth) is still practised but it has become more commercialised with some families using it as an opportunity to seek compensation for their daughter. These changes have altered the traditions and values that are the foundation of Tswana marriage.
Journal of Caucasian Studies / Kafkasya Çalışmaları, 2017
The literature on methodology in social sciences underlines advantages for the insider researcher... more The literature on methodology in social sciences underlines advantages for the insider researcher in addition to more subtle problems and pitfalls in terms of the relationship between the researcher and the researched. This paper aims to explore my experiences as the insider researcher studying Circassians in Turkey, my own community and discuss their implications for researching Circassians in particular and ethnic groups in general. As the insider researcher position provided " great expectations " on the side of the researched and hence some critical advantages in the field for the researcher, the dual categories of insider and outsider are in reality rather fluid and contested. This article is an attempt to explore space in between: the negotiations, complexities and fluidities of positionality in the field and hence in the processes of academic knowledge production.
Büyük Beklentiler: Kendi Etnik Grubunu Çalışmak Özet Sosyal bilimlerde araştırmacının 'içeriden', araştırılan grubun bir üyesi olması, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki ilişki ve mesafe açısından çıkabilecek sorunların dışında, araştırmacı için genelde avantajlı bir konum olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu makale benim 'içeriden' bir araştırmacı olarak Türkiye'deki Çerkesleri çalışma deneyimlerimi ve bu deneyimlerin dar anlamda Çerkesleri, geniş anlamda ise etnik grupları çalışma açısından anlamını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir. İçeriden araştırma yapma pozisyonu, araştırılanlar açısından “büyük beklentiler” ve benim açımdan da son derece önemli avantajlar sağlamış olsa da bu çalışmanın dayandığı görüşmeler, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki yaş, cinsiyet ve sınıf temelli müzakereler içinden gerçekleşmiştir ve bu açıdan “içeri” ve “dışarı” kavramları sabit kavramlar olmamıştır. Bu makale sahada (dolayısıyla da akademik bilgi üretimi süreçlerinde) ‘içeriden’ araştırmacı ile araştırılan arasında sürekli müzakere edilen güç ilişkilerini ve konumsallığın akışkanlığını ve karmaşıklığını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir.
Setenay Nil DOĞAN 3 ÖZ Türkiye'de doğa bilimleri ve mühendislik alanı, üniversitelerin kuruluşund... more Setenay Nil DOĞAN 3 ÖZ Türkiye'de doğa bilimleri ve mühendislik alanı, üniversitelerin kuruluşundan bu yana, görece eşitlikçi bir perspektifle kadınların da katılımıyla kurulmuş olmakla birlikte, eril değerlerle şekillenmiş prestijli profesyonel kültürlerden biri olan mühendislik alanının derinlemesine bir toplumsal cinsiyet analizi ve meslek alanına ilişkin tüm ayrışma örüntülerinin ortaya konması gereklidir. Türkiye'deki büyük Ar-Ge merkezleri ve bir üniversite teknoparkında kadın ve erkek Ar-Ge mühendisleri ve teknisyenleri ile yürüttüğümüz saha araştırmasının nicel sonuçlarından hareketle bu makalede, bilim, teknoloji ve mühendislik alanlarında cinsiyete dayalı ayrışmaları, meslek ve iş yeri düzeyinde analiz ederek, iş yerinde cinsiyete dayalı ayrımcılık pratiklerinin oluştuğu yatay, dikey ve içsel ayrışma örüntülerini ortaya koymayı hedefliyoruz. Oldukça nitelikli bir iş gücü alanındaki cinsiyete dayalı ayrışmaları ve ayrımcılık algılarını Türkiye'deki cinsiyet rejiminin nitelikleri ile birlikte analiz etmek, iş piyasalarındaki ayrımcılık mekanizmalarının anlaşılması ve bu alandaki cinsiyet eşitsizlikleri ile mücadele edilmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır.
Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence, Edited by Ayse Gül Altinay and Andrea Peto, Routledge, 2016
Though the origins of the Abkhazian–Georgian war can be traced back to Soviet times, especially S... more Though the origins of the Abkhazian–Georgian war can be traced back to Soviet times, especially Stalin’s rule, competing national projects emerged in the Caucasus with the collapse of the Soviet Union. As part of one of these conflicting nationalist projects, the Georgian army invaded Abkhazia in 1992. With the outbreak of the war in Abkhazia, one of several wars in the post-Soviet space, Abkhazian and Caucasian men from the diaspora in Turkey1 volunteered to fight in the conflict. Seven Abkhazian women from Turkey also voluntarily went to Abkhazia to participate in the war. According to some accounts published in diasporic newspapers and magazines and available throughout Turkey, the arrival of women from the diaspora symbolized the courage of Abkhazians, the sacred and rightful nature of Abkhazian resistance, and the unity of the diaspora in Turkey. However, a statement by four of the women that they had “left their skirts to men as they went to the front” was not celebrated by the diaspora in Turkey. The statement had gone beyond the contemporary patriarchal limits of Abkhazian society, which viewed war, events at the front, and the military in general as masculine affairs.
Based on five in-depth interviews conducted in 2012 with women from Turkey who had participated in the war, this chapter aims to explore the gendered dynamics of the Abkhazian war and the memories of these militant women of the war. In addition, it will also seek to reveal how they, as female participants in the war, are remembered.
R&D is considered to be one of the fields in which the gender gap is wide. The reflections of the... more R&D is considered to be one of the fields in which the gender gap is wide. The reflections of the analogy of leaky pipeline, a term used for vertical differentiation in academy can also be observed in those scientific activities related with the private sector. In the private sector in Turkey, the gender gap becomes wider: the percentage of female researchers in the universities (41%) decreases to 24% in the private sector (Meulders & O'Dorchai, 2013: 31-33). Though half of the undergraduates and gradutes are female in Turkey (ÖSYM İstatistikleri), a widening gender gap is observed in terms of employment in R&D (Meulders & O'Dorchai, 2013: 44). Given this background, this paper will focus on gendered perceptions of technology and innovation through the interviews conducted with employees working in a university technopark and some of the large R&D centers in Turkey working in several sectors such as electronics, automotive etc. It aims to explore how R&D employees perceive the relationships between technology, innovation and gender.
Borders and the Changing Boundaries of Knowledge (Edited by Inga Brandell, Marie Carlson and Önver Cetrez), 2015, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul
This article aims to explore how boundaries of knowledge are problematized and changed by diaspo... more This article aims to explore how boundaries of knowledge are problematized and changed by diasporic communities in the age of globalization. It deals with how the Circassians, a Muslim non-Turkish ethnic group in Turkey, redefine and transform the knowledge of their own identity, history and diasporic experience in the post- Soviet conjuncture. The article explores the narratives of the Circassian activists on the break and the silence as mechanisms of diasporization and diasporic strategies not only to claim agency for Circassians in the Ottoman Empire and the Republican Turkey but also to redefine Circassian identity and diasporic history. Furthermore, with these narratives, Circassians in Turkey, since the 1990s, have challenged, changed and problematized the boundaries of knowledge which pertain to Turkish politics, official historiography and diaspora politics in general.
Geçmişten Geleceğe Çerkesler: Kültür, Kimlik ve Siyaset, 2014, Ankara: KAFDAV.
Since the 19905, "diaspora," a relatively old term, has gained widespread circulation. It has bec... more Since the 19905, "diaspora," a relatively old term, has gained widespread circulation. It has become a tool for social science to investigate the hybrid, transnational and global sites of identities and politics which challenge the national order of things, the naturalized and normalized understanding of the world of nations as a discrete partitioning of territorv.' The concept of diaspora rather than referring to particular experiences of some particular communities has now become crucial for social science to rethink the concepts of 'ethnicity' and 'nationalism' in the context of shifting borders, processesof globalization and the production of diasporas.3
The Circassian Beauty, attributed to the women of the Caucasus, is a historical image of idealize... more The Circassian Beauty, attributed to the women of the Caucasus, is a historical image of idealized feminine aesthetics that has prevailed in Orientalist literature, art and knowledge production as well as Turk- ish popular culture. This article argues that this image has been cen- tral to the gendered construction of diasporic identity among Circassian diaspora nationalists in Turkey. It aims to explore the multiple meanings attached to the image of the Circassian Beauty, and the ways in which these meanings are historically transformed in line with the political and historical transformations of the Circassian diaspora in Turkey.
‘The Domestic’ of the Academia: Science, Gender and The Case of a Technical University
Abstract... more ‘The Domestic’ of the Academia: Science, Gender and The Case of a Technical University
The literature on Turkey and education underlines that the process through which women were included in the universities in Turkey has been to some extent different than the Western European and Anglo-Saxon examples. Despite the quantitative stronghold of women in Turkish academia, the organization of the academic institutions and life, the patriarchal structure of the business sector and university demand us to explore this quantitative visibility. As there are many studies that explore the experiences of women in academia in Turkey (Öncü 1979; Günlük-Şenesen 1996; Özel 2007; Hacifazlıoğlu 2010), there is no nationwide study that employs qualitative and quantitative methods simultaneously. Hence the ability to make comparisons on women in academia between scientific disciplines and universities are limited. This study aims to explore women’s experiences in academic life, production, mobility and analyze gendered differences in terms of work-home balance. The research for this study is conducted in 7 universities of Turkey in which a survey was conducted with 1390 respondents and each university team conducted 16 in-depth interviews with the academicians in their universities. This paper, based on the case of Yıldız Technical University aims to analyze women’s academic production with a gender perspective which particularly focuses on the relations between home and academia. YTU data was collected through online surveys (total 134 respondents) and in-depth interviews with 8 female and 8 male academicians. Statistical data of the numbers of male and female students, academicians in faculties and departments and academic managerial positions for the years 2010 and 2012 was also collected during the field study for comparative reasons. Based on YTÜ case, this study aims to delve into ‘the domestic’ of the academia in Turkey by focusing on the different patterns of the gender regime in the universities.
Key Words: Science, Engineering, Gender, Women academics, work-life balance.
Research and development (R&D) involves innovative studies conducted systematically to increase k... more Research and development (R&D) involves innovative studies conducted systematically to increase knowledge and practices (Keleş, 2007: 45). While Turkey's R&D intensity score is below the European average, it has increased continuously since the 2000s. Meanwhile, development of human capital in R&D has become one of the aims of Turkey's National Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation. This paper will focus on the gendered dynamics of careers in R&D, a field with a wide gender gap, through interviews conducted with employees in a university technopark and some of Turkey's large R&D centers to explore the relationships between science, technology, innovation and gender. Araştırma-Geliştirme (Ar-Ge), bilgi birikimini ve uygulamalarını artırmak amacıyla sistematik olarak yürütülen yenilikçi çalışmaları ifade eder (Keleş, 2007: 45). Ar-Ge yoğunluğu Türkiye'de AB ortalamasının epey gerisinde seyretmekle birlikte, 2000'li yıllardan itibaren sürekli bir artış trendi göstermiştir. Ar-ge insan kaynağının geliştirilmesi de Ulusal Bilim, Teknoloji ve Yenilik Stratejisinin temel hedeflerinden biridir. Bu makale, bir üniversite teknoparkının ve Türkiye'nin büyük AR-GE merkezlerinin çalışanlarıyla yapılan görüşmeler aracılığıyla geniş toplumsal cinsiyet uçurumlarının olduğu kabul edilen AR-GE alanındaki kariyer deneyimlerini toplumsal cinsiyet açısından inceleyerek bilim, teknoloji, inovasyon ve toplumsal cinsiyet arasındaki ilişkilere bakmayı hedefliyor.
Books by Setenay Nil Dogan
Arka Kapak
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’... more Arka Kapak
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’da düzenlenen iki günlük “Towards a New Generation of Scholarships on the Caucasus’ (Kafkasya Konusunda Yeni Nesil Araştırmalara Doğru) konferansında sunulmuştur. Konferansı ‘SSRC- Social Science Research Council, New York’ (Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Konseyi), ‘Circassianacademia’ (Çerkes akademisyenler internet grubu) ve ‘The Center for Strategic Studies, Sohum’ (Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi) ortak düzenlemiştir.
Konferansın genel amacı, güncel araştırma konularını, özellikle genç araştırmacıların bölgedeki küçük devletler ve cumhuriyetlerin karşılaştığı meydan okumaları nasıl dile getirdiklerini keşfetmektir. Konferansın sunucu ve katılımcıları, Abhazya, İngiltere, Japonya, İsrail, Rusya ve Türkiye’den mesleki kariyerlerinin farklı noktalarındaki uluslararası akademisyenlerdir. Genel olarak, geniş akademik disiplin ve alt disiplinlerinin temsil edildiği konferansta, Antropoloji, Demografi, Dil Bilimi, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Siyaset Bilimi, STK’lar ile devletin araştırma kurumlarında çalışan uzmanlar da yer almıştır.
Bu sayı Kafkasya’daki ortak ilgi alanı olan, öncelikle Kuzey Kafkas Halkları, özellikle Abhazlar ve Çerkesler konusunda birleşmektedir.
Social Science Research Council, New York
One Pierre Point Plaza,1st Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, USA.
Papers by Setenay Nil Dogan
This study will focus on the magazine to explore the Kemalist women’s discourses on nation and women, whether these discourses changed; whether these Kemalist women lost their enthusiasm toward the nationalist project. The magazine, published by the Kemalist women, was characterized by a strong cooperation with the regime, a firm commitment to the Kemalist ideals of modernization and nationalism; and an instrumental understanding of women’s rights. To that extent, despite its peculiarity among the woman magazines, the Kemalist women in the magazine borrowed and sometimes mimicked the voice of the ‘malestream’ politicians, especially in the early decades of the magazine. Furthermore, the daughters of the Republic most often had the privilege to talk in the name of a homogenous category of ‘woman’ while they also constructed some ‘others’ most of whom were women.
Büyük Beklentiler: Kendi Etnik Grubunu Çalışmak Özet Sosyal bilimlerde araştırmacının 'içeriden', araştırılan grubun bir üyesi olması, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki ilişki ve mesafe açısından çıkabilecek sorunların dışında, araştırmacı için genelde avantajlı bir konum olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu makale benim 'içeriden' bir araştırmacı olarak Türkiye'deki Çerkesleri çalışma deneyimlerimi ve bu deneyimlerin dar anlamda Çerkesleri, geniş anlamda ise etnik grupları çalışma açısından anlamını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir. İçeriden araştırma yapma pozisyonu, araştırılanlar açısından “büyük beklentiler” ve benim açımdan da son derece önemli avantajlar sağlamış olsa da bu çalışmanın dayandığı görüşmeler, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki yaş, cinsiyet ve sınıf temelli müzakereler içinden gerçekleşmiştir ve bu açıdan “içeri” ve “dışarı” kavramları sabit kavramlar olmamıştır. Bu makale sahada (dolayısıyla da akademik bilgi üretimi süreçlerinde) ‘içeriden’ araştırmacı ile araştırılan arasında sürekli müzakere edilen güç ilişkilerini ve konumsallığın akışkanlığını ve karmaşıklığını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir.
Based on five in-depth interviews conducted in 2012 with women from Turkey who had participated in the war, this chapter aims to explore the gendered dynamics of the Abkhazian war and the memories of these militant women of the war. In addition, it will also seek to reveal how they, as female participants in the war, are remembered.
The literature on Turkey and education underlines that the process through which women were included in the universities in Turkey has been to some extent different than the Western European and Anglo-Saxon examples. Despite the quantitative stronghold of women in Turkish academia, the organization of the academic institutions and life, the patriarchal structure of the business sector and university demand us to explore this quantitative visibility. As there are many studies that explore the experiences of women in academia in Turkey (Öncü 1979; Günlük-Şenesen 1996; Özel 2007; Hacifazlıoğlu 2010), there is no nationwide study that employs qualitative and quantitative methods simultaneously. Hence the ability to make comparisons on women in academia between scientific disciplines and universities are limited. This study aims to explore women’s experiences in academic life, production, mobility and analyze gendered differences in terms of work-home balance. The research for this study is conducted in 7 universities of Turkey in which a survey was conducted with 1390 respondents and each university team conducted 16 in-depth interviews with the academicians in their universities. This paper, based on the case of Yıldız Technical University aims to analyze women’s academic production with a gender perspective which particularly focuses on the relations between home and academia. YTU data was collected through online surveys (total 134 respondents) and in-depth interviews with 8 female and 8 male academicians. Statistical data of the numbers of male and female students, academicians in faculties and departments and academic managerial positions for the years 2010 and 2012 was also collected during the field study for comparative reasons. Based on YTÜ case, this study aims to delve into ‘the domestic’ of the academia in Turkey by focusing on the different patterns of the gender regime in the universities.
Key Words: Science, Engineering, Gender, Women academics, work-life balance.
Books by Setenay Nil Dogan
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’da düzenlenen iki günlük “Towards a New Generation of Scholarships on the Caucasus’ (Kafkasya Konusunda Yeni Nesil Araştırmalara Doğru) konferansında sunulmuştur. Konferansı ‘SSRC- Social Science Research Council, New York’ (Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Konseyi), ‘Circassianacademia’ (Çerkes akademisyenler internet grubu) ve ‘The Center for Strategic Studies, Sohum’ (Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi) ortak düzenlemiştir.
Konferansın genel amacı, güncel araştırma konularını, özellikle genç araştırmacıların bölgedeki küçük devletler ve cumhuriyetlerin karşılaştığı meydan okumaları nasıl dile getirdiklerini keşfetmektir. Konferansın sunucu ve katılımcıları, Abhazya, İngiltere, Japonya, İsrail, Rusya ve Türkiye’den mesleki kariyerlerinin farklı noktalarındaki uluslararası akademisyenlerdir. Genel olarak, geniş akademik disiplin ve alt disiplinlerinin temsil edildiği konferansta, Antropoloji, Demografi, Dil Bilimi, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Siyaset Bilimi, STK’lar ile devletin araştırma kurumlarında çalışan uzmanlar da yer almıştır.
Bu sayı Kafkasya’daki ortak ilgi alanı olan, öncelikle Kuzey Kafkas Halkları, özellikle Abhazlar ve Çerkesler konusunda birleşmektedir.
Social Science Research Council, New York
One Pierre Point Plaza,1st Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, USA.
This study will focus on the magazine to explore the Kemalist women’s discourses on nation and women, whether these discourses changed; whether these Kemalist women lost their enthusiasm toward the nationalist project. The magazine, published by the Kemalist women, was characterized by a strong cooperation with the regime, a firm commitment to the Kemalist ideals of modernization and nationalism; and an instrumental understanding of women’s rights. To that extent, despite its peculiarity among the woman magazines, the Kemalist women in the magazine borrowed and sometimes mimicked the voice of the ‘malestream’ politicians, especially in the early decades of the magazine. Furthermore, the daughters of the Republic most often had the privilege to talk in the name of a homogenous category of ‘woman’ while they also constructed some ‘others’ most of whom were women.
Büyük Beklentiler: Kendi Etnik Grubunu Çalışmak Özet Sosyal bilimlerde araştırmacının 'içeriden', araştırılan grubun bir üyesi olması, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki ilişki ve mesafe açısından çıkabilecek sorunların dışında, araştırmacı için genelde avantajlı bir konum olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu makale benim 'içeriden' bir araştırmacı olarak Türkiye'deki Çerkesleri çalışma deneyimlerimi ve bu deneyimlerin dar anlamda Çerkesleri, geniş anlamda ise etnik grupları çalışma açısından anlamını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir. İçeriden araştırma yapma pozisyonu, araştırılanlar açısından “büyük beklentiler” ve benim açımdan da son derece önemli avantajlar sağlamış olsa da bu çalışmanın dayandığı görüşmeler, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki yaş, cinsiyet ve sınıf temelli müzakereler içinden gerçekleşmiştir ve bu açıdan “içeri” ve “dışarı” kavramları sabit kavramlar olmamıştır. Bu makale sahada (dolayısıyla da akademik bilgi üretimi süreçlerinde) ‘içeriden’ araştırmacı ile araştırılan arasında sürekli müzakere edilen güç ilişkilerini ve konumsallığın akışkanlığını ve karmaşıklığını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir.
Based on five in-depth interviews conducted in 2012 with women from Turkey who had participated in the war, this chapter aims to explore the gendered dynamics of the Abkhazian war and the memories of these militant women of the war. In addition, it will also seek to reveal how they, as female participants in the war, are remembered.
The literature on Turkey and education underlines that the process through which women were included in the universities in Turkey has been to some extent different than the Western European and Anglo-Saxon examples. Despite the quantitative stronghold of women in Turkish academia, the organization of the academic institutions and life, the patriarchal structure of the business sector and university demand us to explore this quantitative visibility. As there are many studies that explore the experiences of women in academia in Turkey (Öncü 1979; Günlük-Şenesen 1996; Özel 2007; Hacifazlıoğlu 2010), there is no nationwide study that employs qualitative and quantitative methods simultaneously. Hence the ability to make comparisons on women in academia between scientific disciplines and universities are limited. This study aims to explore women’s experiences in academic life, production, mobility and analyze gendered differences in terms of work-home balance. The research for this study is conducted in 7 universities of Turkey in which a survey was conducted with 1390 respondents and each university team conducted 16 in-depth interviews with the academicians in their universities. This paper, based on the case of Yıldız Technical University aims to analyze women’s academic production with a gender perspective which particularly focuses on the relations between home and academia. YTU data was collected through online surveys (total 134 respondents) and in-depth interviews with 8 female and 8 male academicians. Statistical data of the numbers of male and female students, academicians in faculties and departments and academic managerial positions for the years 2010 and 2012 was also collected during the field study for comparative reasons. Based on YTÜ case, this study aims to delve into ‘the domestic’ of the academia in Turkey by focusing on the different patterns of the gender regime in the universities.
Key Words: Science, Engineering, Gender, Women academics, work-life balance.
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler ve özetler, 30-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Sohum, Abhazya’da düzenlenen iki günlük “Towards a New Generation of Scholarships on the Caucasus’ (Kafkasya Konusunda Yeni Nesil Araştırmalara Doğru) konferansında sunulmuştur. Konferansı ‘SSRC- Social Science Research Council, New York’ (Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Konseyi), ‘Circassianacademia’ (Çerkes akademisyenler internet grubu) ve ‘The Center for Strategic Studies, Sohum’ (Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi) ortak düzenlemiştir.
Konferansın genel amacı, güncel araştırma konularını, özellikle genç araştırmacıların bölgedeki küçük devletler ve cumhuriyetlerin karşılaştığı meydan okumaları nasıl dile getirdiklerini keşfetmektir. Konferansın sunucu ve katılımcıları, Abhazya, İngiltere, Japonya, İsrail, Rusya ve Türkiye’den mesleki kariyerlerinin farklı noktalarındaki uluslararası akademisyenlerdir. Genel olarak, geniş akademik disiplin ve alt disiplinlerinin temsil edildiği konferansta, Antropoloji, Demografi, Dil Bilimi, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Siyaset Bilimi, STK’lar ile devletin araştırma kurumlarında çalışan uzmanlar da yer almıştır.
Bu sayı Kafkasya’daki ortak ilgi alanı olan, öncelikle Kuzey Kafkas Halkları, özellikle Abhazlar ve Çerkesler konusunda birleşmektedir.
Social Science Research Council, New York
One Pierre Point Plaza,1st Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, USA.