Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Bulgaria

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See also Wikidata:WikiProject_Bulgaria

National Legislature

Legislature Seats Status
National Assembly of Bulgaria (Q639704) 240 See completeness indicators for current members
Membership item Member lists Checks

Gender statistics of National Assembly of Bulgaria (Q639704) by term

select ?nsLabel (COUNT(distinct ?x) as ?mps)  ?sexLabel ?NUM {
  ?ns p:P31 [ps:P31 wd:Q43792361 ; pq:P1545 ?num] 
  bind(strdt(?num,xsd:integer) as ?NUM)    
  filter(?NUM >= 39)     
  ?x p:P39 [ps:P39 wd:Q18924508 ; pq:P2937 ?ns] ; wdt:P21 ?sex .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "bg". 
         ?ns rdfs:label ?nsLabel .
         ?sex rdfs:label ?sexLabel .
} group by ?nsLabel ?sexLabel ?NUM order by desc(?NUM)
Try it!
select ?nsLabel (COUNT(distinct ?x) as ?mps)  ?groupLabel {
  ?ns p:P31 [ps:P31 wd:Q43792361 ; pq:P1545 ?num] 
  bind(strdt(?num,xsd:integer) as ?NUM)    
  filter(?NUM >= 39)     
  ?x p:P39 [ps:P39 wd:Q18924508 ; pq:P2937 ?ns ; pq:P4100 ?group]  .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "bg". 
         ?ns rdfs:label ?nsLabel .
         ?group rdfs:label ?groupLabel .
} group by ?nsLabel ?groupLabel
Try it!

MPs elected from their native district


This query selects only MPs from the 48th national assembly, which are born (place of birth (P19) in the constituency of the National Assembly of Bulgaria (Q43791141) from which they are elected. Sofia (Q472) is excluded due to the particularity of the electoral map there

select * {
  ?ns p:P31 [ps:P31 wd:Q43792361 ; pq:P1545 "48"] .
  ?mp p:P39 [ps:P39 wd:Q18924508 ; pq:P2937 ?ns ; pq:P768 ?mir]  ; wdt:P19 ?pob.
  ?pob wdt:P131*/wdt:P7938 ?mir .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "bg". 
         ?mp rdfs:label ?mpLabel .
         ?ns rdfs:label ?nsLabel .
         ?mir rdfs:label ?mirLabel .
         ?pob rdfs:label ?pobLabel .                       
Try it!

MPs of 49th National Assembly without articles in the

SELECT ?itemLabel ?article WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; p:P39 ?statement .
  ?statement ps:P39 wd:Q18924508 ; pq:P2937 wd:Q117600091 .
    ?article schema:about ?item ;
             schema:isPartOf <> .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!


Government members by ministry
Wikipedia article Wikidata list Done for period
1878 - 1944 1944 - 1989 1989 - now
Министър-председател Prime Minister
Министерство на земеделието Minister of Agriculture
Министерство на енергетиката Minister of Energy N/A
Министър на околната среда и водите Minister of Environment and Water N/A N/A
Министър на вътрешните работи Minister of Interior ✔2023-08-20
Министър на транспорта и съобщенията Minister of Transport and Communications N/A
Министър на финансите Minister of Finances ✔2023-07-29 ✔2023-07-29 ✔2023-07-29
Министър на отбраната Minister of Defence
Министър на здравеопазването Minister of Health N/A
Министър на образованието и науката Minister of Education and Science
Министър на външните работи Minister of Foreign Affairs ✔2024-12-13 ✔2024-12-13
Министър на правосъдието Minister of Justice
Министър на културата Minister of Culture N/A
Министър на туризма Minister of Tourism N/A N/A ✔2023-03-07
Министър на електронното управление Minister of e-Government N/A N/A ✔2023-03-07
Министър на младежта и спорта Minister of Youth and Sports ✔2023-06-07
Министър на труда и социалната политика Minister of Labour and Social Policy N/A
Министър на икономиката и индустрията

Министерство на икономиката

Minister of Economy and Industry

Minister of Economy

Министър на иновациите и растежа Minister of Innovation and Growth N/A N/A ✔2023-08-23
Министър на регионалното развитие и благоустройството Minister of Regional Development and Public Works

Improvement Tasks
