Wikidata:Liens de sites vers des redirections

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Sitelinks to redirects and the translation is 49% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Les liens de sites vers des redirections sur les wikis clients ont été demandés via un vote de communauté[1] et ont été mis à disposition en octobre 2022. Le but principal des liens de sites vers des redirections est d'améliorer les liens interlangues à travers les projets Wikimédia lorsque les concepts sont décrits avec des niveaux de détail différents sur les projets différents.

Souvent, les articles de Wikipédia décrivent plusieurs sujets sur une seule page qui sont représentées par des éléments Wikidata différents. Par exemple, sur Wikipédia en anglais, en:Bonnie and Clyde discute des concepts qui sont décrits par les éléments de Wikidata Bonnie and Clyde (Q219937), Bonnie Parker (Q2319886), et Clyde Barrow (Q3320282). Les redirections sur Wikipédia en anglais qui sont utilisées en tant que les liens de sites sur Bonnie Parker (Q2319886) et Clyde Barrow (Q3320282) permettent les lecteurs de trouver l'article sur la duo, et encore, trouver la section dans l'article qui discute Bonnie Parker (Q2319886) et Clyde Barrow (Q3320282), respectivement. En utilisant les redirections de cette manière, on peut donner les articles comme cs:Bonnie Parker d'avoir des liens interlangues vers la section correspondant dans l'article de Wikipédia en anglais qui couvre Bonnie Parker (Q2319886).


D’après Wikidata:Notability section 1.1, les liens de sites vers des pages de redirection ne rendent pas un élément notable. Cet élément peut cependant être notable en répondant à un autre critère de la politique de notoriété.

Also notice each Wikipedia may have their own redirect notability criteria (e.g., reasons to delete redirects in the English Wikipedia).


La flèche rouge montre le badge intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304). La flèche verte montre l’icône du sélecteur de badge qu’il faut utiliser pour ajouter des badges.
Sitelink badges menu.

Tous les liens de pages vers des redirections doivent avoir un badge qui indique que la page indiquée par le lien est une redirection. Les badges de redirection qu’il est possible d’utiliser sont :

A badge is selected by clicking on the symbol pointed out by the green arrow in the image to the right. This will open a list of available badges. Preferably select "intentional sitelink to redirect". The redirect badge will now indicate the redirect status of the target page on the client wiki (red arrow).

The purpose of these badges is to highlight sitelinks to redirects in the Wikidata web user interface, and to make them accessible via the Wikidata Query Service. Badge additions and removals are subject to the regular editorial process and do not appear automatically, although the software provides some guidance when editing sitelinks to redirect pages.

The basic sitelink badge sitelink to redirect (Q70893996) is applicable to all sitelinks to redirects, regardless of how the redirect came into use as a sitelink in Wikidata. There are several situations how this can happen unintentionally, e.g. due to a conversion of a regular content page into a redirect page on the client wiki while the page was already used in Wikidata. The community can run bots to manage additions and removals of sitelink badges where these are either missing or not applicable.

When intentionally adding a new sitelink to a redirect page in a Wikidata item, the sitelink should usually be tagged with the badge intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304). In most cases for this badge, there is a "Bonnie and Clyde"-like situation of article pages in different projects and the intentional use of redirects should improve the connectivity between wikis. Attempts to add links to redirects without adding a badge automatically fail.

A review of sitelinks with the sitelink to redirect (Q70893996) badge, but without the intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) badge, can be helpful. This can identify wikidata items that should be merged to reflect merged wikipedia articles, or alternatively sitelinks that should be upgraded to the intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) badge if the redirect sitelink is valid and should be kept permanently.

Since intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) is considered a subclass of sitelink to redirect (Q70893996), a sitelink to a redirect should not carry both badges at the same time. If the redirect page is indeed used intentionally and the intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) badge is properly set, the sitelink to redirect (Q70893996) should be removed from the sitelink.

Règles locales

Chaque projet Wikimedia a ses propres règles qui indiquent quelles redirections sont acceptées.

Modèle:Redirection connectée à un élément Wikidata

S’il est disponible sur le projet Wikimedia en question, un modèle correspondant à Template:R with Wikidata item (Q116644654) devrait être ajouté à la page de redirection, afin d’indiquer aux utilisateurs de ce projet Wikimedia que la redirection a une utilité structurelle. Par exemple, la page de redirection pour Actrice sur Wikipédia en français utilise fr:Modèle:Redirection connectée à un élément Wikidata.

Cas d'usages pour les liens intentionnels vers des redirections

Entités individuelles dans une collection d'entités

The German Wikipedia article for list of streets and places in Berlin-Halensee (Q1852407) contains explicit information about many streets. One of them is Cicerostraße (Q30076706). It is desirable to be able to find the list article from Cicerostraße (Q30076706) where the street is best described.

Sous-classes d’entités

human foot (Q25501089) is a subclass of foot (Q15807). foot (Q15807) has an article en:Foot on English Wikipedia in which human foot (Q25501089) is also discussed.

However, given that the article does for instance not discuss chickens' feet, it would be inappropriate to put a sitelink on chicken foot as food (Q41384) to a redirect that leads to foot (Q15807).

History of an entity and the entity

When articles on Wikipedia projects get too long, their "History" section is sometimes split into a separate article. For example, en:History of the Byzantine Empire was split off from en:Byzantine Empire on English Wikipedia, but the history sections of de:Byzantinisches Reich are within that article on German Wikipedia. Adding a redirect to history of the Byzantine Empire (Q2993777) to the section on the German Wikipedia that deals with the history of Byzantine Empire (Q12544) allows the English article on the history to have a sitelink to the German Wikipedia.

Location of an entity and the entity

In many Wikipedias, the country Malta (Q233) and the island Malta (Q193896) have different articles. It is useful to add redirects from Malta (Q193896): island of Malta to Malta (Q233): sovereign state in Southern Europe situated on an archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea for those Wikipedias that do not have a separate item for the island and that discuss the island in their article about the country.

Pages d'homonymie et noms de familles

Schmidt (Q15240355): family name is a name coming from the German word for the profession blacksmith (Q1639825). Given that multiple concepts share the name, the German and a few other Wikipedias have a separate page for Schmidt (Q18868): Wikimedia disambiguation page. The French Wikipedia has no page for the surname item but lists the people with the surname as part of their disambiguation page on fr:Schmidt. Linking Schmidt (Q15240355): family name with a redirect to fr:Schmidt allows readers to easily find the page via sitelinks from one of the pages linked to Schmidt (Q15240355): family name.

Voir aussi: family name has to use a different item than disambiguation page (Q27924673)

Pages d'homonymie semblables

Wikidata items about disambiguation pages are for pages that share a disambiguation for the same string regardless of the meaning of the string. At the same time, it is sometimes desirable to have sitelinks between disambiguation pages for the same concept that is named differently in different languages. Whether or not those links are desired however depends on the policy of individual Wikipedias.

For instance, Árbol (Q12403097) and Tree (Q3538304) are similar disambiguation pages as they both disambiguate entities that are named after the concept tree. If it would be desired by the English Wikipedia that people could go with sitelinks from es:Árbol (desambiguación) to en:Tree (disambiguation), this sitelink could be created by adding a sitelink on Árbol (Q12403097) that points to the disambiguation page on the English Wikipedia. However, currently such redirects are not welcomed by the redirect policy of English Wikipedia.

Redirections qui ne sont pas adaptées comme des liens de site

Les redirections à partir de fautes d'orthographe ou d'orthographes alternatives valides du nom d'un concept ne conviennent généralement pas en tant que liens de site et ne doivent donc pas être liées à partir de Wikidata.

<span id="Worklists_for_sitelinks_with_sitelink to redirect (Q70893996)">

Considérant que les liens de site avec le badge sitelink to redirect (Q70893996) peuvent être, par erreur, créés par des déplacements de page sur Wikipédia, nous avons une liste des tâches pour les corriger.


  1. Wikidata:Requests for comment/Allow the creation of links to redirects in Wikidata, de 28 mai 2017 à 6 novembre 2018