socialwg Teleconf 2015-03-03
Tuesdays at 10am US/Pacific, 1pm US/Eastern time for 60 minutes
- Check your timezone
- Dial-in +1-617-761-6200 , SIP Instructions, Zakim Code "SOCL"
Previous Meeting
- socialwg/2015-03-03-minutes (pending meeting completion and scribe update)
- IRC log:
- Chair: Arnaud
- Scribe: James Snell or next available from Scribes list
- Regrets: Ann, Evan
Chair to start the meeting by typing on irc:
trackbot, start meeting
Trackbot should already be on the channel but if for some reason it is not call it with the following command:
/invite trackbot
Zakim won't know what meeting it is. Just ignore it. Pick a scribe from the list or ask Zakim to pick one up with the following command:
Zakim, pick a victim
Unfortunately Zakim has no idea who's scribed before so you may have to ask several times before getting an acceptable answer...
Then type:
scribe: xxx
Also, with WebEx, Zakim doesn't know who is on the call so, as people join they should record their attendance with the command: present+ <nickname>
For additional info, see the Zakim documentation page.
- Participation is limited to members
Approval of Minutes of 24 February 2015 Teleconf
Next week Teleconf
Next F2F
- Logistics: need room and food info
- Preliminary agenda available: any feedback or request?
- Socialwg/2015-03-17…18
Tracking of Actions and Issues
- Tracker:
Social API User Stories
- Voting period ended at 2015-02-25 00:00 EST
- Review and discussion of voting results for user stories
- Discuss process to transform stories into requirements for a Candidate API
- IG work on Vocabulary requirements Mapping API User Stories to Vocabulary terms — Pavlik elf (talk) 09:59, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
- Strategy for tracking implementations and their conformance — Pavlik elf (talk) 09:59, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Additional Agenda Items
DO NOT REMOVE THIS Additional Agenda Items SECTION, add more agenda items here (or in a NEW === section === previous to this section)
- Social Web or NOT Social Web? Core or NOT Core (Extension?)? Versioning API v1 or vX? - based on comments in Tantek's votes on Socialwg/Social API/User stories
- Feedback for IG (meeting tomorrow Socialig/2015-03-04)
- Discuss standard API entrypoint based on URLs and request headers i.e. "Accept: application/json" --Bret Comnes (talk) 17:46, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
- ...
Chair to close the meeting with the following command:
trackbot, end meeting
If you forget, trackbot will close the meeting for you when the activity dies down.
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