
What can W3C do for members?
  • Past
  • Confirmed
  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
4 Concourse Level - San Clemente
Christos Bacharakis, Kenji Baheux, Bert Bos, Tiffany Burtin, Tantek Çelik, Ioana Chiorean, Yehonatan Daniv, Wei Ding, Brian Elton, Elika Etemad, Tamsin Ewing, Tetsuhiko Hirata, Dave Hunt, Rick Johnson, Brian Kardell, Ryoya Kawai, Elena Lape, Don Marti, Daniel Montalvo, Gerald Oskoboiny, Wendy Reid, Tzviya Siegman, David Singer, Chris Wilson, Naomi Yoshizawa, Valerie Young
Big meeting:
TPAC 2024 (Calendar)

W3C wants to know how to improve member engagement and member retention. What would you like to see W3C do for you and your organization? Are you interested in regional meetups? Information about charters and recommendations that are relevant to your organization? Creating relationships with other standards organizations? Tell us what you would like to see W3C do for you. This session will have a short introduction and then be an open conversation.


Tzviya Siegman, Naomi Yoshizawa

W3C wants to know how to improve member engagement and member retention. What would you like to see W3C do for you and your organization? Are you interested in regional meetups? Information about charters and recommendations that are relevant to your organization? Creating relationships with other standards organizations? Tell us what you would like to see W3C do for you. This session will have a short introduction and then be an open conversation.

Brainstorming for Member engagement


  • Intro to W3C Member Engagement
  • Discussion


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