Reston, Virginia, was founded 47 years ago & Europeans first settled in the National Capital region 403 years ago. This human footprint can't compare to the dynamic Earth history of this region, extending back as early as 1,180 million years ago and continuing today.
Where did dinosaurs live?
Dinosaurs lived on all of the continents. At the beginning of the age of dinosaurs (during the Triassic Period, about 230 million years ago), the continents were arranged together as a single supercontinent called Pangea. During the 165 million years of dinosaur existence this supercontinent slowly broke apart. Its pieces then spread across the globe into a nearly modern arrangement by a process called plate tectonics.
Learn more: This Dynamic Planet: A Teaching Companion
Do any mass extinctions correlate with magnetic reversals?
Can USGS photos of fossils be downloaded or viewed online?
Did all the dinosaurs live together, and at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
When did dinosaurs become extinct?
Why did some dinosaurs grow so big?
Reston, Virginia, was founded 47 years ago & Europeans first settled in the National Capital region 403 years ago. This human footprint can't compare to the dynamic Earth history of this region, extending back as early as 1,180 million years ago and continuing today.
A trio of USGS scientists has been involved in the excavation and study of a major animal and plant fossil discovery in Snowmass Village, Colo., which provides more than 100,000 years of vegetation and climate records for the area.
A trio of USGS scientists has been involved in the excavation and study of a major animal and plant fossil discovery in Snowmass Village, Colo., which provides more than 100,000 years of vegetation and climate records for the area.
Listen to hear the answer.
Listen to hear the answer.
Trilobite fossil, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
Trilobite fossil, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
A fossilized Trilobite, Phacops rana africana, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
A fossilized Trilobite, Phacops rana africana, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science personnel excavate a large mastodon tusk at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science personnel excavate a large mastodon tusk at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
Excavation of the initial Columbian mammoth remains found at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
Excavation of the initial Columbian mammoth remains found at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
The geology and paleontology of Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument, Nevada
Divisions of geologic time (Bookmark)
Why Study Paleoclimate?
The Geologic Time Spiral - A Path to the Past
Divisions of Geologic Time—Major Chronostratigraphic and Geochronologic Units
Dinosaurs, facts and fiction
Crinoids; a computer animation and paper model
Geologic age: using radioactive decay to determine geologic age
Mud fossils
Chicxulub impact event; computer animations and paper models
This dynamic earth: the story of plate tectonics
Make your own paper fossils; a computer animation and paper models
Do any mass extinctions correlate with magnetic reversals?
Can USGS photos of fossils be downloaded or viewed online?
Did all the dinosaurs live together, and at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
When did dinosaurs become extinct?
Why did some dinosaurs grow so big?
Reston, Virginia, was founded 47 years ago & Europeans first settled in the National Capital region 403 years ago. This human footprint can't compare to the dynamic Earth history of this region, extending back as early as 1,180 million years ago and continuing today.
Reston, Virginia, was founded 47 years ago & Europeans first settled in the National Capital region 403 years ago. This human footprint can't compare to the dynamic Earth history of this region, extending back as early as 1,180 million years ago and continuing today.
A trio of USGS scientists has been involved in the excavation and study of a major animal and plant fossil discovery in Snowmass Village, Colo., which provides more than 100,000 years of vegetation and climate records for the area.
A trio of USGS scientists has been involved in the excavation and study of a major animal and plant fossil discovery in Snowmass Village, Colo., which provides more than 100,000 years of vegetation and climate records for the area.
Listen to hear the answer.
Listen to hear the answer.
Trilobite fossil, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
Trilobite fossil, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
A fossilized Trilobite, Phacops rana africana, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
A fossilized Trilobite, Phacops rana africana, an extinct marine invertebrate. Item originally from Alnif, Morocco.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science personnel excavate a large mastodon tusk at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science personnel excavate a large mastodon tusk at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
Excavation of the initial Columbian mammoth remains found at the Ziegler Reservoir site.
Excavation of the initial Columbian mammoth remains found at the Ziegler Reservoir site.