ibrahim is very nearly at €40,000/€50,000 raised!
unfortunately my dear friend has gotten the news that his father has bladder cancer :(. this is unimaginably tragic on its own, but that tragedy is compounded by the fact that treatment is impossible to seek in gaza, and management is prohibitively expensive. on top of that, conditions only worsen — weather is bad, people are starving, everyone is sick and wounded, and israeli aggression does not stop or slow.
ibrahim needs our help now more than ever to raise funds to eat, to stay warm, to evacuate, and now to help his father pay for treatment when they reach safety. this is EXTREMELY URGENT — it CANNOT WAIT!!! please treat this as a personal plea for the life of my family members — ibrahim is like a little brother to me, and i cannot describe how heartbroken i am for him day after day and how terribly i want him to survive.
@omegaversereloaded @punkitt-is-here @tamamita @skunkes @ot3 @valtsv @wolfertinger666 @paper-mario-wiki @nyancrimew @spongebobssquarepants @sabertoothwalrus @90-ghost @komsomolka @sawasawako @wolf-aid @hotvampireadjacent @certifiedsexed @isuggestforcefem @3000s @chokulit @ankle-beez @pitbolshevik @pissvortex @prisonhannibal @apas-95 @neechees @memingursa @afro-elf @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @marxism-transgenderism @beetledrink @bevsi @beserkerjewel @feluka @i-am-a-fish @spacebeyonce @b0nkcreat @11thsense @boobieteriat