
Leo's story



there is a judge in Seattle who does the weekly name change hearings, and who says it's her favorite part of the week. she says she doesn't read out previous names, or ask about the reasons why people want to change them. she says it's a beautiful moment, and a celebration; a claiming of a new identity, or a reclamation of an old identity. she encourages the room to clap for folks. then she welcomes everyone up, one by one, by last name and with warmth; she shows them the court order where nobody else can see, asks them to double check the spelling, and then they're done! do they want a picture? do they want their friends and loved ones who came with them to be in it too? do they want the court order in the photo? she helps everyone pose, shakes hands and stands with them for as long as they need to take it, recruits the clerk for help taking photos of the folks who came alone. then she tells them where to go next, congratulates them, and claps along with the rest of the room.

probably three quarters of the people there were trans, and she centered their experience quietly, with love and joy.

I think I'll be thinking about her a lot this January, and for a long time after. it's good to know she's there.


The chickens are upset that there are ice cubes in their water.

Chicken: *🐔 ooh it's cold and it makes clicky sounds😫*

Husband: deal with it, I don't want you getting heat stroke

Chickens, collectively around the water: *mumble mumble mumble*


Cat from next door came visiting. Gave him some leftover chicken breast and green beans; it was winter and he had been left out all night, so I warmed it. Guess he had never had warm food before. He snuck up on it, sniffed, then sat and growled at it till it was room temp.


I don’t care if you make fun of Catholicism as long as it’s accurate! The best humour has its roots in the truth.


“You can be mean to me but there are RULES about it” is the most Catholic thing I’ve ever seen.

I walked into that one


The polar opposite of corporate accounts trying to come across as hip and super friendly are the ones for libraries, aquariums, parks systems and the like, that are basically just trying to get people excited about learning and the wonder of history/science by posting things like this:


You know how much I would lose my mind if I was at an aquarium and turned a corner to see a wild ass heron staring at a fish tank

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