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Articles from Washington Monthly (November 1, 2014)

1-21 out of 21 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
A pill for those pesky women's issues. Green, Joshua 831
Baseball Hall of Famer Henry Waxman. Green, Joshua 915
Can we please put some bankers in jail now? Miller, Bailey Book review 1523
Conclusion: slow growth and inequality are political choices. We can choose otherwise. Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2873
Congress can fix football's domestic violence problem. Green, Joshua 495
Crunch time: modest workplace reforms will strengthen families and the economy. Warner, Judith 2029
Discounted seniors: future waves of retirees need help saving now. If they get it, they'll be a boon, not a burden. Weller, Christian E.; Halpin, John 2177
Frenzied financialization: shrinking the financial sector will make us all richer. Konczal, Mike 2160
Happy birthday, methadone! Satel, Sally 3155
Introduction: what we're learning about economic equality and growth. Boushey, Heather Cover story 1629
Laura of Arabia. McEvers, Kelly 1460
Let's pay for the government we get: why, someday soon, middle-class taxes will have to go up. White, Bill Book review 1425
Petrified paychecks: seven ways to raise wages. Blinder, Alan S. 2997
Sidebar: inequality slowly destroys a once-great black high school. Chancellor, Carl 916
The American way of dying: how our refusal to face up to the realities of aging and mortality causes needless suffering. Longman, Phillip Book review 1991
The biggest known unknown about Hillary '16. Green, Joshua 616
The Dan Snyder chair in native American studies. Green, Joshua Brief article 238
The diploma deficit: the problem is not college debt, it's low graduation rates. Fix that, and you fix the economy. Fishman, Rachel 3116
The new segregation: it's class, not race. And we know how to solve it. Chancellor, Carl; Kahlenberg, Richard D. 3787
The tie that binds: how Ronald Reagan, the sunniest president in recent memory, cemented the Republican Party to the dark vision of Richard Nixon. Kilgore, Ed 1478
Unequal at the start: early childhood programs pay dividends for life. O'Leary, Ann 1411

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