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Articles from Washington Monthly (January 1, 2005)

1-13 out of 13 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
10 miles square: I, spy: an ex-spook visits Washington's espionage museum--and isn't impressed. Peters, Justin 1189
Analyze this: inside the one spy agency that got pre-war intelligence on Iraq--and much else--right. Rood, Justin 3403
Bernard Lewis reconsidered. Jafar, Scheherazade; Akbarali, Nadia; Arregui, A.D. Letter to the editor 470
Cosby in '08? It's time for Democrats to think beyond the usual suspects. 1677
Currying favor: forget about Iran--Strobe Talbott says we couldn't even keep our ally India from getting the bomb. Waldman, Amy 1015
End game: democratic Iraq hawk Ken Pollack says our military can't stop Iran from going nuclear. And our diplomats don't have much chance either. Chollet, Derek 1547
Fire the consultants: why do Democrats promote campaign advisors who lose races? Sullivan, Amy 2928
I heart Newark. Booker, Cory Letter to the editor 226
My new Kentucky home: the cutting edge of illegal immigration used to be Los Angeles. Now It's Owensboro. Laufer, Peter 4444
The best care anywhere: ten years ago, veterans hospitals were dangerous, dirty, and scandal-ridden. Today, they're producing the highest quality care in the country. Their turnaround points the way toward solving America's health-care crisis. Longman, Phillip 7847
Tilting at windmills. Peters, Charles 3229
Under mined: when a flood of toxic mining sludge wreaked havoc in Appalachia, how did the White House respond? By letting the coal company off the hook and firing the whistleblower. Bingham, Clara 5421
Word games: George Lakoff, the Democrats' hottest new thinker, misses the meaning behind the message. Baer, Kenneth S. 2280

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