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Articles from Washington Monthly (April 1, 1993)

1-12 out of 12 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
Bad forms. Georges, Christopher 3097
Brother, can you spare my BMW: some of what's on Clinton's agenda - and a lot of what isn't - is a boon to yuppies. Segal, David 2826
Married with alibi: why women aspiring to political office shouldn't use the my-husband-did-it excuse. Lehrman, Karen 1246
Money for nothing. Levine, Art 3276
Out of House, out of mind. Watzman, Nancy 1847
Picture Perfect: The Art and Artifice of Public Image Making. Schieffer, Bob 2007
Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara. Saul, John Ralston 1355
Righting sentences: let's get smart about who should - and shouldn't - be in jail. Mencimer, Stephanie 2972
Service charge: If Clinton wants to make national service work, he's got to think big and cheap. Hayden, Tom 2174
The Hollow Core: Interests in National Policy Making. Birnbaum, Jeffrey H. 1974
The sleaze in the statehouses. Greenberger, Scott 1976
What the religious right can teach the New Democrats: extremists aside, America's evangelicals have a message we all need to hear. Meacham, Jon Cover story 3694

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