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Articles from Middle East Policy (December 1, 2001)

1-27 out of 27 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
After nineteen years: Sabra and Shatila remembered. Siegel, Ellen 8302
America and the war on terror. (Essays). Quandt, William B. Brief Article 1067
An Unexpected Light: Travels in Afghanistan. (Book Reviews). Boucek, Christopher 1937
At war with Utopian fanatics. (Essays). Richards, Alan 2252
Bin Laden and the new age of global terrorism. (Essays). Voll, John O. 2061
Comprehensive History of the Jews of Iran. (Book Reviews). Betts, Robert Brenton 1734
Editor's note. Joyce, Anne 1286
Fundamentalism Reborn? Afghanistan and the Taliban. (Book Reviews). Boucek, Christopher 1949
Interview with Ezzeddin Ibrahim. Peterson, Erick R. Interview 1807
Iran at the Crossroads. (Book Reviews). Monshipouri, Mahmood 2745
Negotiating Middle East peace: can the past be a guide to the future? (Symposium). Walker, Jr., Edward S.; Jahshan, Khalil E.; Shain, Yossi; Eland, Ivan 13162
New friends, new enemies and oil politics: causes and consequences of the September 11 terrorist attacks. (Essays). Nanay, Julia 1545
Out of Place. (Book Reviews). Davidson, Lawrence 1950
Religion and Culture in Medieval Islam. (Book Reviews). Butterworth, Charles E. 1677
Religious Minorities in Iran. (Book Reviews). Betts, Robert Brenton 1728
Succession in Saudi Arabia. (Book Reviews). Wrampelmeier, Brooks 3018
Syria and the Palestinians: The Clash of Nationalisms. (Book Reviews). Ashmore, Robert B. 1562
Syria: Islam, Arab nationalism and the military. Talhami, Ghada Hashem 9077
Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil & Fundamentalism in Central Asia. (Book Reviews). Boucek, Christopher 1957
The new global threat: transnational Salafis and Jihad. Wiktorowicz, Quintan 10774
The political requirements of victory. (Essays). Lustick, Ian S. 1951
The Taliban Phenomenon: Afghanistan 1994-1997. (Book Reviews). Boucek, Christopher 1954
The Taliban: War, Religion, and the New Order in Afghanistan. (Book Reviews). Boucek, Christopher 1954
The United States and the breakdown of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Zunes, Stephen 9890
Turkey's Transformation and American Policy. (Book Reviews). Uzer, Umut 1860
Will the next Mideast war go nuclear? Gaffney, Mark 4358
Women in Iran: an online discussion. 8081

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