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Articles from District Administration (August 1, 2004)

1-49 out of 49 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
A little district that did: this school system's perfectionism has worked in carrying students and teachers out of a downward spiral. Franz, Janie 1338
ADM2000 student management software: ACE Software. Ezarik, Melissa 100
Are your students making gains like these? Advertisement 82
Arkansas unveils new "healthy" report cards. 101
Building a fast track: Memphis City Schools let its papers fly out the window when it installed a network infrastructure. Lawler, Michelle 584
By the numbers on early education: a data bank on education trends for district leaders. Dianis, Laura 249
Calendar of events. Calendar 131
Can this school be saved? As schools age, administrators face two options: Raze and replace or renovate and restore. Here's why fixing the old may beat building anew. Kendler, Peggy Bresnick 2568
Computer toxins feared. 88
Creating political activists: want to find the best ways to energize students about this fall's election? Put down those textbooks and have teens volunteer, create their own mock campaigns and dissect, the media's role in today's politics. Schachter, Ron 1829
Curb appeal: great looks and innovative school designs aren't just about aesthetics-they can help improve learning while not breaking a district's budget. Sturgeon, Julie 2687
Destination success activity books: Riverdeep. Ezarik, Melissa 91
DXVSU 1E Manager: Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America. Ezarik, Melissa 88
E-Rate vendor to pay $20 million in Fines. Scarpa, Steven 444
Exploring computer guts: a national technology program is just the start of a high-tech wave coming to New York City. Pascopella, Angela 1328
FileMaker Mobile 7: FileMaker. Ezarik, Melissa 101
From U.K. with love: Dyslexia program hits states. Lawler, Michelle 399
Gary Stager on Kerry's education plan: raise test scores--win a prize. Stager, Gary 697
GED rates rise. Fratt, Lisa 380
Getting a second chance. D'Orio, Wayne 427
Head start chief out. 149
In-Out Board: Glass Bead Software. Ezarik, Melissa 149
iTools 7.3: Tenon Intersystems. Ezarik, Melissa 83
Knowledge Forum 4.5: learning in motion. Ezarik, Melissa 93
Mandates boost financial ed trend. Ezarik, Melissa 517
McREL consultant begins term as NSTA head. Ezarik, Melissa 118
Millions donated to revamp K-12 technology. Scarpa, Steven 246
New bill looks to reduce failing schools. 437
New England's bold test: multi-state assessments. Pascopella, Angela 340
New Orleans Superintendent gains powers but opposition intensifies. Silverman, Fran 292
Odvard Egil Dyrli on virtual school tours: district Web pages can offer multimedia views of classrooms and public relations benefits. Dyrli, Odvard Egil 661
One connection at a time: filling a well-loved superintendent's shoes--especially when you're from out of town--is no easy feat. Here's one leader's success story. Scarpa, Steven 687
Online writing program walks the walk: MY Access! boosts scores across all categories. 786
Pressure may lead to more cheating teachers. 113
Reading A-Z: ProQuest information and learning. Ezarik, Melissa 90
Ready or not: if your district is finally getting its head above water in meeting NCLB's English and math requirements, get ready for the next wave. Science requirements start next year and you may already be behind. Sausner, Rebecca Cover story 2636
Reasoning's role in teaching bio. Ezarik, Melissa 153
Report: NCLB fails. 145
RFB&D's[R] Learning Through Listening[TM]. Advertisement 109
Robot graders. Tierney, Margaret 397
SkillsTutor: achievement technologies. Ezarik, Melissa 82
State funding lawsuits could hit NCLB next. 327
Teens think math is tops. Ezarik, Melissa 205
The LeapTrack[TM] Assessment & Instruction System builds skill mastery for English Language Learners. Nathan, Ruth 1042
Theoretical models and processes of reading: International Reading Association. Ezarik, Melissa 88
Top educators: gruesome video has no validity in school. Pascopella, Angela 449
Tutor successes. 156
Universal Early Education point/counterpoint: is early childhood education outright dangerous or the pivotal path to educational glory? Two experts debate. Pascopella, Angela 2579
Writing process goes high-tech. Ezarik, Melissa 239

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