By Melinda Houston
New series ★★★½
8.30pm, SBS Food
Another delightful addition to SBS’ impressive local food library. In this one, chef Jimmy Shu describes the Northern Territory food scene as one of the country’s best-kept secrets. And he’s not wrong. Wildly multicultural, with a rich indigenous culture and access to a huge array of produce, it’s a hotbed of interesting and adventurous cuisine. But too few people think of it as a food destination. The perfect time to daydream about/plot a visit to the tropical north.
7.30pm, ABC
In tonight’s typically incident-packed and cheerful episode, there’s a lot of romance in the air – most of it, of course, thwarted, unrequited, or doomed. The complexities of high school politics are tackled with this show’s usual intelligence. We get some actual politics too. And then there’s the creepy stranger, promising to make someone’s life a misery well in to the future. As usual, all the big soapy plotlines are supported by a host of thoughtful detail. Good stuff.
8.30pm, 7Flix
What’s really surprising about Grey Sloan Memorial is that it has not by now given itself over entirely to the treatment of STIs. The number of surprise pregnancies and dubious paternities indicate that no one here – no one! – is taking appropriate precautions. Rampant bonking aside, the first episode tonight is a lively and often funny instalment of this long-running series that also, of course, contains the necessary cry quotient. Number two isn’t quite as good but keeps all the relationship action chugging along.