rtbf.txt as he paces like a panther across the front of the large cafeteria. He stops, stance wide. Without his mask, we see that Quaritch’s features are rugged and handsome, except for the SCAR, which runs from scalp to jaw down one side of his face. On one hip he carries a very large PISTOL. QUARITCH ... You are on Pandora, ladiesis clipped short. The scalp is etched by long parallel SCARS where some Pandoran denizen’s claws raked across it. The bare arms, below tightly rolled sleeves, seem hewn out of some hard tropical wood. Criss-crossed by scars. The MAN raises his masked face to look at the sky. He eyes are an icy steel gray. HIS POV -- the mighty POLYPHEMUS seems to fill the sky, beyond the clouds. MAN (V.O.) You are not in Kansas any more... CUT TO: INT. COMMISSARY - TWILIGHT THE MAN from the balcony -- COLONEL MILES QUARITCH -- is the HEAD OF SECURITY for the Hell’s Gate colony. A hundred new arrivals watch raptly as he paces like a panther across the f
writngjkfadj I have shelves of books on grammar and composition, but the one open on my desk as I write this is the one that's most often open on my desk: "The St. Martin's Handbook" by Andrea Lunsford and Robert Connors. It's fairly advanced, but fully accessible, with lots of examples. (I was just explaining subjunctive mood to someone, and used it to find the exact rules.) Edit: New editions cost a lot, but the language doesn't change all that fast. Used ones of previous editions are cheap, and perfectly serviceable. I see one for $2. Rate Comment Other Answers (2)Oldest Panama Joe answered 4 years ago "The Blue Book of Grammar" not only has the rules of grammar, but style suggestions, too. http://www.grammarbook.com/english_rules... Rate Comment Andrew @ reword.ca answered 4 years ago The Elements of Style is always a good resource, as no matter how advanced you get you always need to cover the basics. 1 Comment Ask a Question Related Questions Boo
tytjfis clipped short. The scalp is etched by long parallel SCARS where some Pandoran denizen’s claws raked across it. The bare arms, below tightly rolled sleeves, seem hewn out of some hard tropical wood. Criss-crossed by scars. The MAN raises his masked face to look at the sky. He eyes are an icy steel gray. HIS POV -- the mighty POLYPHEMUS seems to fill the sky, beyond the clouds. MAN (V.O.) You are not in Kansas any more... CUT TO: INT. COMMISSARY - TWILIGHT THE MAN from the balcony -- COLONEL MILES QUARITCH -- is the HEAD OF SECURITY for the Hell’s Gate colony. A hundred new arrivals watch raptly as he paces like a panther across the front of the large cafeteria. He stops, stance wide. Without his mask, we see that Quaritch’s features are rugged and handsome, except for the SCAR, which runs from scalp to jaw down one side of his face. On one hip he carries a very large PISTOL. QUARITCH ... You are on Pandora, ladiesis clipped short. The scalp is etched by long
writngjkfadj I have shelves of books on grammar and composition, but the one open on my desk as I write this is the one that's most often open on my desk: "The St. Martin's Handbook" by Andrea Lunsford and Robert Connors. It's fairly advanced, but fully accessible, with lots of examples. (I was just explaining subjunctive mood to someone, and used it to find the exact rules.) Edit: New editions cost a lot, but the language doesn't change all that fast. Used ones of previous editions are cheap, and perfectly serviceable. I see one for $2. Rate Comment Other Answers (2)Oldest Panama Joe answered 4 years ago "The Blue Book of Grammar" not only has the rules of grammar, but style suggestions, too. http://www.grammarbook.com/english_rules... Rate Comment Andrew @ reword.ca answered 4 years ago The Elements of Style is always a good resource, as no matter how advanced you get you always need to cover the basics. 1 Comment Ask a Question Related Questions Boo
hjdsfhkhailed addressed 6 WordNet thinks that the answer is acclaimed CORRECT Question 58 command | mastery | observation | love | awareness command mastery 16 command observation 2 command love 0 command awareness 2 WordNet thinks that the answer is mastery CORRECT Question 59 concocted | devised | cleaned | requested | supervised concocted devised 5 concocted cleaned 4 concocted requested 0 concocted supervised 0 WordNet thinks that the answer is devised CORRECT Question 60 prospective | potential | particular | prudent | prominent prospective potential 16 prospective particular 0 prospective prudent 0 prospective prominent 0 WordNet thinks that the answer is potential CORRECT Question 61 generally | broadly | descriptively | controversially | accurately generally broadly 16 generally descriptively 0 generally controversially 0 generally accurately 0 WordNet thinks that the answer is broadly CORRECT Question 62 sustained | prolonged | refined | low
The Craft of Writing or Yes Madison It's a Learnd Skill I have shelves of books on grammar and composition, but the one open on my desk as I write this is the one that's most often open on my desk: "The St. Martin's Handbook" by Andrea Lunsford and Robert Connors. It's fairly advanced, but fully accessible, with lots of examples. (I was just explaining subjunctive mood to someone, and used it to find the exact rules.) Edit: New editions cost a lot, but the language doesn't change all that fast. Used ones of previous editions are cheap, and perfectly serviceable. I see one for $2. Rate Comment Other Answers (2)Oldest Panama Joe answered 4 years ago "The Blue Book of Grammar" not only has the rules of grammar, but style suggestions, too. http://www.grammarbook.com/english_rules... Rate Comment Andrew @ reword.ca answered 4 years ago The Elements of Style is always a good resource, as no matter how advanced you get you always need to cover the basics. 1 Commen
Wreck It Wikki Wikipedia:List of "largest" articles From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of Wikipedia articles that discuss the largest things in a number of different categories, as well as articles that list things according to size. Contents [hide] • 1 Human Engineering • 2 Demographics, Politics, and Institutions • 3 Geography and Topography • 4 Astronomy • 5 Biology • 6 Mathematics Human Engineering[edit] • List of tallest buildings and structures in the world • List of largest buildings in the world • List of largest churches in the world • List of the world's largest domes • List of world's largest roadside attractions • List of largest flags • Largest photographs in the world • List of largest suspension bridges • List of bridges by length • List of world's longest ships • List of largest passenger vehicles in the United States • Largest creative work • Largest book • Largest locomotive • Largest drum • Largest Texas flag • List o