rtbf.txt as he paces like a panther across the front of the large cafeteria. He stops, stance wide. Without his mask, we see that Quaritch’s features are rugged and handsome, except for the SCAR, which runs from scalp to jaw down one side of his face. On one hip he carries a very large PISTOL. QUARITCH ... You are on Pandora, ladiesis clipped short. The scalp is etched by long parallel SCARS where some Pandoran denizen’s claws raked across it. The bare arms, below tightly rolled sleeves, seem hewn out of some hard tropical wood. Criss-crossed by scars. The MAN raises his masked face to look at the sky. He eyes are an icy steel gray. HIS POV -- the mighty POLYPHEMUS seems to fill the sky, beyond the clouds. MAN (V.O.) You are not in Kansas any more... CUT TO: INT. COMMISSARY - TWILIGHT THE MAN from the balcony -- COLONEL MILES QUARITCH -- is the HEAD OF SECURITY for the Hell’s Gate colony. A hundred new arrivals watch raptly as he paces like a panther across the f 0% found this document usefulThe Craft of Writing or Yes Madison It's A Learnd Skill 0% found this document usefulCorruption in India 0% found this document usefulRole Playing Games 0% found this document usefulLukacs, Georg - The Theory of The Novel 0% found this document useful