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Submitted by:
Hoosra Oumeira, David Sarah, Bibi Soorayya, Peerun Annissah, Dumbree Teeshti and Runghen Komalum

An egg is a round or oval cell laid by the female of any number of different species, consisting of an ovum surrounded by layers of membranes and an outer casing, which acts to nourish and protect a developing embryo.

Edible Eggs
Chicken egg Quail egg Duck egg Goose egg Ostrich egg Turtle egg Fish egg: roe and caviar

Commercial Eggs
These are hen eggs in shell, suitable for consumption in the state, or use by food industries, excluding broken eggs and boiled eggs. Most laying hens are White Leghorns .

Formation of the Egg

The egg is formed gradually over a period of about 25 hours. The female chick (Hen) has up to 4000 tiny ova (reproductive cells), from some of which full-sized yolks may develop when the hen matures. Each yolk (ovum) is enclosed in a thinwalled sac, or follicle, attached to the ovary The mature yolk is released when the sac ruptures, and is received by the funnel of the left oviduct

Anatomy of an Egg
1. Eggshell 2. Outer membrane 3. Inner membrane 4. Chalaza 5. Exterior albumen 6. Middle albumen 7. Vitelline membrane 8. Nucleus of pander 9. Germinal disk 10.Yellow yolk 11.White yolk 12.Internal albumen 13.Chalaza 14.Air cell 15.Cuticula

1. One medium egg contains between 4-5 grams of fat 2. High cholesterol
~200 mg/egg

3. High in Complete Protein (EPR=93.7%); > milk (84.5%), fish (76%), beef meat (74.3%), soy bean (72.8%), corn (60%) 4. Little to no CHO 5. High in vitamins & minerals
Vitamins ADEK, some B vitamins, selenium, iodine, 7 zinc, iron, copper

Functional Properties of Egg

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Flavor, color, nutrition Foaming agent Emulsifying agent Aids in thickening/structure Binding/coating agent Leavening agent

Thickening Leavening Coating

Eggs thicken foods like custards puddings, sauces, and creamy fillings Souffles, sponge & butter cakes, quick breads, and puffy omelets are leavened by eggs Meat dishes, breads, and cookies are some foods with egg components as the base ingredients for coatings Eggs bind other ingredients for making meat loaves, casseroles, and croquettes Eggs prevent mixture separation in mayonnaise, salad dressing, and cream puff filling Tiny particles are coagulated in soups and coffee to create a clear solution Crystallization of sugar is slowed in cake icings and candies 9

Binding Emulsifying Clarifying Retarding Crystallization

Egg Quality

Exterior egg quality shell quality based on shell cleanliness, shell soundness, shell texture, shell shape. Interior egg quality based on relative viscosity of the albumen, freedom from foreign matter in the albumen, shape and firmness of the yolk, and freedom from yolk defects. 10

Egg Sizing
Peewee: Small: Medium: Large: Extra Large: Jumbo: less than 42 g at least 42 g at least 49 g at least 56 g at least 64 g at least 70 g


Egg Grading
Break Out Appearance Albumen Appearance Grade AA Covers a small area. Grade A Covers a moderate area. White is thick and White is reasonably stands high; chalaza thick, stands fairly prominent. high; chalaza prominent. Yolk is firm, round Yolk is firm and and high. stands fairly high. Approximates usual shape; generally clean,* unbroken; ridges/rough spots that do not affect the shell strength are permitted. Grade B Covers a wide area. Small amount of thick white; chalaza small or absent. Appears weak and watery. Yolk is somewhat flattened and enlarged. Abnormal shape; some slight stained areas permitted; unbroken; pronounced ridges/thin spots permitted. Ideal for any use, but Ideal for any use, but Good for scrambling, are especially are especially baking, and as an ingredient desirable for desirable for in other foods. poaching, frying and poaching, frying and 12 cooking in shell. cooking in shell.

Yolk Appearance Shell Appearance


Changes in quality as the egg ages


Egg Handling
Egg quality is affected by temperature and relative humidity of storage room. Need to preservation Egg preservation principles: Avoid spoilage microorganisme enter Minimize the loss of water and gas from egg. Aplication: freezing, chilling, dry packaging, coating with essential oil, dipping in various liquid.

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