Social Issues For Town Planners

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ISSUE 1: The Growth of Cities

Urbanization trends in the Global Perspective

1950-1995 2000 30% of world's population living in towns and cities all over the world 50% of the world's population living in small and medium sized towns and cities 4% of world's population living in world's mega cities of more than 10 million population % of population living in cities in low income countries % of population living in cities in low income countries % of population living in cities in low income countries 25% 42%

1950 1995



Urbanization trends in the Global Perspective-cont.

7 cities in the world with population over 5 million with 2 in low income countries (29%) eg. In Angola, Congo, Burkina Faso and Rwanda. 33 cities in the world with population > 5 million with 25 in low income countries (76%) eg. In Africa, Bolivia and Pakistan.




Est. 59.5% of world's population will be living in Asia

Projected 53% of Asian population will be living in Cities


Source: Derived from United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects: The 1999 Revision (2000).

Johnston (2000) defined urbanization as the process of becoming urban, which refers to the relative concentration of territorys population in towns and cities i.e. relative urban growth.

Urbanization Caused by:

1. Urbanization occurred as a result of unabated ruralurban migration. 2. The gradual transformation of rural areas to urban centres.

Advantages of Urbanization
Advantages: 1. Contributing to national economic and social development in which it leads to improvements in the living standards of a considerable part of the worlds population. 2. Urban areas offer a higher life expectancy, lower absolute poverty and can provide essential services more cheaply and on a large scale than rural areas. The high population densities mean lower costs per households and per enterprise for the provision of water, waste disposal, and health care. Cities can also provide emergency services much more quickly than rural settlements. 3. In addition to their ability to provide health and social services, cities foster greater education which often leads to reduce birth rates.

Problems and Issues of Urbanization

The urbanization process will challenge big cities to meet the demands of the rapid urban population growth for jobs, infrastructure, services and especially affordable housing. This challenge towards less-off cities is even more severe: poor housing, lack of municipal services, weak infrastructure, widespread squatting, unsanitary environments and inefficient land-uses. (Dwyer 1972; Chan 2002). In 1995 reported that about 500 million urban dwellers are homeless or live in inadequate housing and the problem is getting worse( The UN Centre for Human Settlements -Habitat) . It is further reported that substandard housing, unsafe water and poor sanitation in densely populated cities are responsible for 10 million deaths worldwide every year.

2. Issues on Urban life and culture

Refer to Wirth and Fischer


Family values? Traditional values? Cultural Values? Design Values?

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