An Environmental / Agricultural 501c (3) Nonprofit To Help Israel and East Africa
An Environmental / Agricultural 501c (3) Nonprofit To Help Israel and East Africa
An Environmental / Agricultural 501c (3) Nonprofit To Help Israel and East Africa
Failed Plan !
Israel is now raising America's finest beef cattle -- plump, docile European breeds. Adapted to temperate grassy plains.
However, when these cattle were put into Israels hostile desert environment where there is little or no grass the odds were against them.
European beef cattle suffered from poor disease resistance, genetic diseases and high losses due to predators.
The famers experienced higher feed costs, requiring non-native feeds be imported, because these cattle will not eat the non-native invasive shrubs, or invasive cactus.
Their calf losses have been as high as 30% along with low reproduction rates.
These beef cattle have demonstrated poor mothering skills and a high rate of birth complications.
Because of the high losses, more cattle are required on pasture, resulting in more environmental damage.
Kenya and East Africa have suffered massive animal and livestock die off due to drought, over grazing, poor management of water resources, poor cattle management and using the wrong type of cattle in their arid environments.
Longhorns can eat invasive shrubs and cacti which are overwhelming the Galilee Longhorns have higher reproduction rates and very low loss rates Longhorns have excellent calving and mothering abilities Longhorns can go further and longer with less water Longhorns solve the problem of rising feed costs
One Texas Longhorn Embryo cost 650.00. 1st year project cost is estimated to be 240,000. 2nd-3rd year annual costs estimated at 328,000. Project goal is to be self supporting by the 5th year. The Israeli Government has pledged 100,000. Internship opportunities will be made available to Agricultural University, college and high school students in America and Israel. Volunteer opportunities will also be available as herd riders, calf-care, research assistants, general ranch help.
To help Israel and East Africa by introducing a viable breed of beef cattle that can fit and can thrive in their semi-desert environments. That breed would be the Texas Longhorn. We will demonstrate through scientific experimentation that these cattle can thrive in Israels semi-desert environment. We will teach the ranchers, farmers and villagers how to work with these cattle. We then, donate cattle to those farms, ranches, villages and schools that need them. This herd will support the projects charitable, scientific and educational activities.
To help make this world a better place and to become part of Jewish History.