Tree Diagram
Tree Diagram
Tree Diagram
- simplified
This is also known as Systematic Diagram as it systematically maps out all the details connected to a problem or a project. That way it helps to achieve the primary goal and every related sub goals of the issue under study. This is also called Dendrogram as the word Dendro in Greek means Tree.
Tree Diagram is a derivative from FAST Diagram (Functional Analysis System Technique) used in Value Engineering.
Tree Diagram uses simple linear logic, which makes our job much easier and comfortable.
In case of Affinity Diagram and Relations Diagram they basically deal with dark areas which makes job more difficult. Such an area is replaced by an orderly structure in case of Tree Diagram.
If in case of difficulty or uncertain situations, Affinity Diagram or Relations Diagram is useful for arriving at a meaningful picture.
The whole process may look tedious and time consuming but breakthrough of effective implementation is achieved by such methods only. In a hurry, we generally miss important points many times .
Tree Diagram helps one to have proper system and method to take care of every detail.
The Tree Diagram has been also used for making family tree chart and in companies for making organizational charts.
Suppose we have been given a task, we will have a target or goal to achieve.
Similarly if we are facing a problem or constrain, we have to find out the causes to workout the remedy for overcoming the problem.
In both the cases Tree Diagram helps us in our task. Let us see now in both the cases how it helps. In case of task we will be using the terminology goal and means and for problem the terminology constrain and cause.
Let us first take up the task. In order to successfully complete the task or goal we have to first find out the primary means for them.
These primary means will be few. Each primary mean can be achieved only with the help of certain secondary means. Here the primary mean becomes the goal for secondary means.
Similarly each secondary mean needs certain tertiary means to achieve them. Here the secondary mean is goal for them.
Depending upon the complexity of the problem tertiary means may need certain quaternary means and so on.
Here substitute the word goal with constrain and the word means with causes. This will give the process for solving the problem.
As shown a Tree Diagram can be used to achieve certain target or goal and also to overcome certain problem. Here it displays in a systematic manner each level as means or causes, which in turn becomes goal or constrain of next stage. This helps to clarify the objective, which makes one to understand the magnitude of the issue and resources and methods needed to achieve or manage them.
This method is useful everywhere and all we need is imagination to make use of them for our benefit.
To sum up Tree Diagram helps us to understand the sequence of tasks that need to be completed in order to fully address the key issue/problem/objective. They also give you a picture of component parts of the issue that need to be addressed.
Now that it is broken into quaternary level, tasks can be assigned to various people
Prioritisable option that could come out from the main issue.
Even though it may look like a tedious process it helps us to take up a systematic approach as the name indicates.
Basically it helps us to plan our activities properly. In fact this is our main weakness whenever a task is taken up.
What PDCA! Dont waste your time on such stupid things. Go and do your job
We do not plan properly, with the result our preparations are inadequate.
I have done a temporary patch up to keep things going. We will attend to it later on.
We invariably face a crises in our task and our remedial approach is fire fighting.
This is the ninety eighth time you have attended to this job. When are you going to celebrate century!
This results in inadequate measures for the task, making chances of problem repetition inevitable.
I think I can find solution to this problem only by getting rid of you
After spending lots of money and time we are not happy with the result.
With Tree Diagram one can create a systematic focal point to ensure that all points are covered and see that the lines of logic are sound. This approach in many cases brings a break through and generally we do not miss any important aspect.
Mary!This approach in many cases brings a break through and generally we do not miss any important aspect.
a) In which order we should take up the key issues of the problem to get full benefits?
Look the the Tree Diagram. Implementation process will call for help of at least three more persons
Tree Diagram reveals that there are three options and minimum 30 major tasks are involved with this project.
e. How many tasks and options will be the out come of each key issues?
Tree Diagrams can be developed in two ways. One is called Component Development Type Tree Diagram and the other is called Means Development Type or Means Deployment Type Diagram.
Apply for HDFC loan
To buy a house
b. Plan Development Design Type or Means Deployment Type Tree Diagram Under this two broad clarification commonly used Tree Diagrams are, a. Function Tree Diagram. b. Quality Tree Diagram. c. Means Deployment Tree Diagram. d. Cause and Effect Tree Diagram.
In a new product development, The quality desired by the customers has to be defined (obtained through a research survey). The planned quality according to that will be the primary goal. Through quality designing, the planned quality desired by the customer is put into design.
Let us say that an enterprise wants to embark on annual quality improvement on a continuous basis as primary goal. What should be level one means?
1 a 2 A b 3
c B d
6 e 7 C 8 f 9
g D h i
10 11 12
a. When you take up a new job or assignment? When the job is not a routine one and calls for proper understanding and planning before venturing into that, Tree Diagram will come of use.
I am not happy the way Quality Circles function. Let us call Steering Committee meeting
Let us say that the company has introduced Quality Circle movement in the organization as a part of TQM. The functionary is not very satisfactory.
Tracy! I want an action plan from you to improve the Quality Circle function in our company
The coordinator was asked to work out an action plan to improve the function.
She forms a team and the team discussed and arrived at an action plan as shown.
Attendance award
Positive action
Create conducive atmosphere Letter to create trust Learn the technique yourself
Create trust in you Be a member of QIT Attend QC meetings Make it more systematic
Corrective action
Follow up
b. When management wants to implement a new order? When management wants to implement a new order, which is very complex and calls for detailed analysis. The organization decided to take up implementation of ISO 9000. This calls for gearing up all. This will call for lot of preparation, training etc. A Tree Diagram is made about the entire process and then converted into Arrow Diagram after establishing the priorities with the help of Matrix Prioritization Process.
This calls for gearing up all. This will call for lot of preparation, training etc.
15 6 2718 7 30
0 3 0 3
49 13 4349 43
146 d
10 d
A Tree Diagram is made about the entire process and then converted into Arrow Diagram after establishing the priorities with the help of Matrix Prioritization Process.
The organization wants to control the inventory level and is introducing JIT. There are lots of problems with the component supplies to the assembly line from the vendor. A Tree Diagram will help in bringing down the defect and on solving such problem.
Sir, the vendor has not sent the blades. Can we send the fans without them?
He is a Deming award winning customer and his quality requirements are stringent and only a Tree Diagram can help us plan.
e. When the customer requirement is very high and covers a large area. With the help of a Tree Diagram they can be properly specified.
ii. A two wheeler manufacturer wants to introduce a new model in 150-cc category. He is doing a QFD study for that. A tree diagram will help to specify the requirement of the customer. This will help to create a list of customer needs and also help the company to analyse on each specific demand.
Pick up Fuel efficiency
Should start always Should start always Simple kick mechanism Minimum effort To reach peak in 5 seconds No jerks 85 KM at ideal condition Better reserve capacity Sleek Pleasing colours Sturdy appearance No protrusion Safety lock Auto alarm Quick to stop Balanced vehicle Rear view mirror Good horn warning light Easy instalment Competio
g. While developing solutions to problem Tree Diagram is very useful to develop solutions to various internal problems such as quality, cost, production volume, safety etc.
When I said catch him red handed I did not mean apply red paint in your hand
Tree Diagram is very useful for clarifying departmental function; control function and promoting increased productivity.
Bench marking with Tree Diagram shows their direct marketing given the edge to them
I wish our R&D makes a Tree Diagram for the middle east market about how to make mineral water out of petrol
m. Action area from Affinity Diagram or Relation Diagram As pointed out earlier we can pick up action area from the Affinity Diagram or Relations Diagram and then proceed to make. Tree Diagram for the action point.
Success Stories
Reflect in appraisal
Propagation of success
Cost of quality
This is useful when ways and means of solving problems are to be mapped out.
Step 1
Step 1 We may have to first make an Affinity Diagram and/or Relations Diagram to find out the number of tasks; we have to carry out to fulfil that large objective.
Header card
Step 1 In case of Affinity Diagram we may choose one of the header cards along with the other cards associated to that and proceed further.
Step 1
Similarly many teams may be formed for depending upon the number of header cards and their importance. In case of Relations Diagram we will have to study the diagram first.
Step 1 We have to find out the number points on which large number of arrows are converging in. We may find few points like that. We can study, prioritize and take one of them for further analysis. Each one of them is the effect of so many causes i.e., points from which arrows were leading to that one.
Step 1
Similarly from few points many arrows will be emerging. That means each one of them are possible sources for so many effects. They are also important. We can select one of them also for analysis.
Step 2 Here the team members should be knowledgeable of the task as well as capable of creative thinking.
Step 2 Generally they are about process where usually specialized knowledge is required.
Drop John from the team. I dont think he has any knowledge about the process
Step 2 Hence team members should have intimate knowledge of implementation issues.
Step 3
Have a big board and reusable (3M) adhesive stickers. Now days we have big magnetic boards available. Along with that have small reusable metal plates. These plates are small with painted surface. Your can write on them with erasable marker pens. They can be afterwards wiped out for reuse.
Step 3
Along with that have small reusable metal plates. These plates are small with painted surface. Your can write on them with erasable marker pens. They can be afterwards wiped out for reuse.
Step 3 (Contd.)
Write on the board the task for everybody to see. The most difficult part of constructing a Tree Diagram is arriving at primary cause or principal means.
Step 3 (Contd.)
The best way to solve the problem is carry out a brainstorming and generating the points associated to that i.e., action plan.
Step 3 (Contd.)
This is in a way good because if we have the primary course or principal means we may lead to go in the traditional way. As we may need a creative thinking brainstorming will help us in that.
Lets get creative Turty boy, we need to make a good tree diagram!
Step 4
After the points are generated you may make an Affinity Diagram or Relations Diagram. This depends upon the group as well as task in question. If the Affinity Diagram is made, make the header card and discuss. They will invariably become the primary means.
Step 4
In case Relations Diagram is made select the points wherein arrows are emerging or converging. They will help to arrive at primary means or principle cause.
Success Stories
Reflect in appraisal
Propagation of success
Cost of quality
Step 5
Once the primary means or principle cause is arrived at finding out the associated causes from the ideas generated is not a difficult task.
Step 5
As we have already made an Affinity Diagram or Relations Diagram identifying them is simple.
Step 5
They have to be organized as secondary, tertiary, quaternary etc.
Step 5
At this stage further discussion by the group will help to identify some causes which were missed earlier. This way we can arrive at all the causes and position them in the board.
Step 5
If the space is not sufficient we may work out for each cause. Then all can be copied to a bigger sheet properly.
If you cant make it in one sheet it is OK. Make them separately for each cause and copy them all in a big sheet later on.
Tertiary function
Secondary function (Subjective) Basic function Secondary function
Tertiary function
Parts function
Parts function Parts function Parts function Parts function Parts function Parts function Area of parts function
Tertiary function
Secondary function
Tertiary function
Secondary function
Tertiary function
Step 6
Now review the completed diagram for logical flow. Effectiveness of Tree diagram depends upon how the means or causes in each level can achieve the tasks of the next higher level.
Step 6
This needs to be ensured at this stage. Have a discussion putting up the question Whether these actions will help to achieve the result needed or fulfil the objective?
Do you all feel that this action will give the desired result?
Step 6
This can be put in another way also. Ask if we want to achieve this, do we have to do all these things. This way makes sure that no steps needed are omitted.
What do you mean by whether I have an open mind! Of course I have! As long as your ideas agree with mine
TREE DIAGRAM Vs AFFINITY DIAGRAM AND RELATIONS DIAGRAM Affinity Diagram and Relations Diagram have no prescribed format but Tree Diagram is made in an orderly structure and here things will look (crystal) clear to everyone. As mentioned earlier, for Tree Diagram we can take up issues and break them to sub-levels, sub-sub levels and reaches to the lowest practical level of action.
To sum up, Affinity Diagram uses gut level creativity and helps to have a meaningful picture when we face an unknown or very difficult problem. Interrelationship Digraph or Relations Diagram helps to find out the causal relation between the various factors involved. Tree Diagram takes the key issues of these processes and helps to break them down into the lowest practical level of details possible.
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There are a lot of similarities between tree Diagram and Cause and Effect Diagram made using dispersion method. But they have their own individuality also. Cause and Effect Diagrams are made to find out the causes for the effect. In case of Tree Diagram it is used for more purposes. Tree Diagram helps to work out the minutest details of a task undertaken. Here we can map out the choices before us and plan our actions based on our capability..