Did The Commodity Price Spike Increase Rural Poverty: Evidence From Bangladesh
Did The Commodity Price Spike Increase Rural Poverty: Evidence From Bangladesh
Did The Commodity Price Spike Increase Rural Poverty: Evidence From Bangladesh
Joseph V. Balagtas, Purdue University Humnath Bhandari, IRRI Sam Mohanty, IRRI Ellanie Cabrera, IRRI Mahabub Hossain, BRAC
Jan-00 Aug-00 Mar-01 Oct-01 May-02 Dec-02 Jul-03 Feb-04 Sep-04 Apr-05 Nov-05 Jun-06 Jan-07 Aug-07 Mar-08 Oct-08 May-09 Dec-09 Jul-10 Feb-11
Effects of the Global Rice Turmoil (and other events) on Rural Poverty
Rice market turmoil has potentially mixed effects on rural poor:
higher price of staple food harms consumers higher price of crop potentially boosts income for farm households
Directly for those farms with marketable surplus Indirectly for those farms consuming own production
Repeat survey of nationally representative sample of rural households in Bangladesh
Designed specifically to track rural livelihoods
64 Rural Villages in Bangladesh ~20 HH per village + their offshoots Four rounds collected: 1987, 2000, 2004, 2008
Sample size Farm size (ha) Nonfarm HH (%) Area under tenancy (%) Ag workers (no.) Domestic migrants (no.) Overseas migrants (no.)
HH income (000 04 Taka) Per cap income (000 04 Taka) agriculture (%) rice (%) trade/business (%) remittances (%) Phys. Capital (000 04 Taka) agricultural (%)
65 11 58 26 9 5 17 47
78 14 43 16 21 13 22 37
82 16 44 15 19 14 36 48
95 19 43 15 15 23 44 32
Owned land (ha) Non-farm HH No. of nonag workers Edu. of nonag workers Migrant workers, domestic Migrant workers, overseas Rice land in modern varieties N = 2010 R2 = 0.54
Determinants of HH Income
Results similar for all four survey waves Consistent with previous literature: income diversification raises income Corollary policy recommendation: invest in human and physical capital that allows HH to tap non-ag income opportunities (and diversify away from agriculture)
A pathway out of poverty
We estimate a fixed effects model on a subset of the sample that we observe in all four survey waves (~ 1000 households)
Uses dummy variables to control for timeinvariant, unobserved HH characteristics
Owned land (ha) Non-farm HH No. of nonag workers Edu. of nonag workers Migrant workers, domestic Migrant workers, overseas Rice land in modern varieties
Measuring Poverty
This approach assumes no price response in consumption. Probably ok for staple goods and broad-based price increases. But worth noting.
Per cap. income (000 04 Taka) Est. poverty line (000 04 Taka) Poverty head count (%) Poverty gap (Poverty gap)2
1. Incomes rising, poverty line steady 2. Poverty incidence decreasing 3. Depth of poverty decreasing
Per cap. income (000 04 Taka) Est. poverty line (000 04 Taka) Poverty head count (%) Poverty gap (Poverty gap)2
1. Incomes rising, but higher food prices drive poverty threshold up by 30% 2. Poverty incidence rises by 25% 3. Depth of poverty worsens
What HH characteristics or activities influence the outcome? Did diversification away from ag help?
To answer these questions we look at a subsample of our data, ~ 1000 HH that we observe in all four survey years.
Of 446 poor HH in 2000, 60% remain poor in 2004; 40% escape poverty. Of 518 nonpoor HH in 2000, 25% backslide into poverty by 2004. Net reduction in poverty incidence (446 HH to 397 HH)
Increase in chronic poverty from 60% to 64%. Among non-poor in 2004, 7 percentage point (28%) increase in transitory poverty. Net increase in poverty incidence.
Poverty(t-1) Ag Income share(t-1) Land owned(t-1) Overseas migrant(t-1) Nonfarm HH(t-1) Tenant HH(t-1)
Being poor in 2000 increases the chance youll be poor in 2004. Having more of your income from agriculture in 2000 also makes it more likely youll be poor in 2004. Consistent with previous work that suggests diversification away from ag Is a pathway out of poverty.
Poverty(t-1) Ag Income share(t-1) Land owned(t-1) Domestic migrant(t-1) Overseas migrant(t-1) Nonfarm HH(t-1) Tenant HH(t-1)
Migrant labor significantly shielded households from the 2007-08 events. But ag income also appears to have reduced poverty in 2008. Problem for renters.