Progressivism: Student As A Whole

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A pedagogical movement which organizes schools around the concerns, curiosity, and real-world experiences of students. It focuses on student as a whole not on the content or on the teacher. It was established in America from the mid 20s through the mid 50s. John Dewey was its proponent.

It is the application of a philosophy called pragmatism which is based on testing in order to determine the merits that an idea has. Ideas are tested through active experimentation.

Aim of Education
To promote democratic social living. Progessivism aims at improving the way of life of citizens through experiencing freedom and democracy in schools. Student centered education: teachers have no dominant roles. Collaborative/ cooperative learning.

Leads to growth and development; a livinglearning process; focus on active and relevant learning.

Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the world. (It is active, not passive.)

Role of Education
The teacher is a guide for problem solving and scientific inquiry. That is? Progressivist teachers have to motivate students to learn through experience and active experimentaion develop to their higher level thinking skills They have to enhance problem solving rather than memorisation. learners brains develop learning becomes easier.

Curriculum Focus
Based on students interests; involves the application of human problems and affairs; interdisciplinary subject matter activities and projects. proressive education is based on humanistic curricula based on the analysis of students needs

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