Presented by Sreelakshmi A A

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Presented by Sreelakshmi A A


Self Help Groups (SHGs) Guiding Principle stresses on organizing the rural poor into small groups through a process of social mobilization, training and providing bank credit and government subsidy. The SHGs are to be drawn from the BPL list approved by the Gram Sabha wherein about ten persons are selected, one each from a family and focus on the skill development trainings based on the local requirement


SHG movement has gathered pace in countryside and is directly or indirectly contributing towards the economic development of rural areas


objective of Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) is to bring the assisted poor families (Beneficiaries or Swarozgaris) above the poverty line by ensuring appreciable increase in income over a period of time This objective is to be achieved by organizing the rural poor into SHGs through a process of social mobilization, their training and capacity building along with the provision of income-generating assets through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy.


main objective of SHG concept is to improve the economic development of women and create facilitating environment for their social transformation in the lift of gender discrimination in work and the household.

SHG is a registered or unregistered group of micro entrepreneurs having homogeneous social and economic background, voluntarily coming together to save small amount regularly, to contribute a common fund and to meet their emergency needs on mutual help basis Ten persons are selected, one each from a BPL family to form a group which is expected to implement following code of conduct like Assigning name to the SHG, Regular meetings in a Democratic way, Open exchange of thoughts in these meetings, Participation in the Decision Making process, Bank Account in the name of the SHG and Selecting a President and Secretary from the SHG.


groups total fund is to be deposited in the bank account so created. SHGs that are in existence for about six months and have demonstrated the potential of a viable group enters the 3rd stage, wherein it receives a Revolving Fund from DRDA and Bank as a cash-credit facility. This money may be utilized for internal lending among the members. If group is found to be regular in its internal lending and successfully utilizes this revolving fund; proposal for bank loan may be forwarded for sanctioning.


order to change the face of the socioeconomic scenario, micro enterprises and SHGs are playing significant role in the selfemployment by raising the level of income and standard of living rural people. In this framework, one of the most vital aspects of rural self employment is the formation of SHGs which is a valuable investment in human capital through training and capacity building measures.


dairy to weaving, poultry, food processing units, mushroom cultivation; Rural India has been busy setting up microenterprises by forming SHGs The group members use collective wisdom and peer pressure to ensure appropriate use of fund and its timely repayment


are informal groups in nature where members come together towards collective action for common cause. The common need is meeting their emergent economic needs without depending on external help SHG movement is supposed to build economic self reliance of rural poor, overcome misuse and create confidence predominantly among women who are mostly unseen in the social structure.

In India, self employment has been recognized as an essential force of development in rural areas It has emerged as a strategy designed to improve the socio-economic life and mainly focuses on extending the benefits of development to the poorest in the rural areas improving their standard of living and self-realization. SHGs in India are integrating the low income segments with rest of the rural community by ensuring them a better participation in a more equitable share in the benefit of developments


Groups are not only speeding up economic growth, but also providing jobs and improving the quality of rural life towards self-reliance Self-employment needs a very wide ranging and comprehensive set of activities, relevant to all aspects of rural economy and covering rural people including skilled, unskilled and landless labours and artisans of Rural India.


though the Rural Indians put their entrepreneurial skills in all the rural development activities their economic status has not improved to the expected level. Although they have much potential; they are ignorant of converting their skills into reality.

Thank you

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