The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Lessons that can enrich your life handbook for personal fulfillments in a hectic age
Filled with insights about following your passion and living your dream
1. Master your mind 2. Follow your purpose 3. Self Mastery (Kaizen) 4. Live with discipline 5. Respect Time 6. Selflessly Serve others 7. Live in the now
If you care for your mind, nurture it and cultivate it .. It will blossom beyond your expectations
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts There are no mistakes only lessons. Setbacks as opportunities for personal expansion
Technique I Heart of the rose Meditation. Your silent retreat. Your island of peace. Power in silence and stillness.
Technique II Secret of the lake Mind works through pictures. Pictures affect self-image. Self-image affects the way you act.
Run inspiring imaginative pictures in your mind wonderful things start happening in your life.
The secret of happiness is simple. Find out what you truly love to do. Direct all your energies towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace.
The purpose of life is to lead a life of purpose Set clearly defined personal, professional and spiritual goals .. And then have the courage to act on them Discovering and then realising your lifework brings lasting fulfillment
Five Steps: 1. Form a clear mental image of the outcome 2. Then get a positive pressure on yourself 3. Never set a goal without a timeline to it 4. Perform this new activity for 21 days in a row (becomes a habit) 5. Enjoy the process
3.Self Mastery
3.Self Mastery
Good people strengthen themselves ceaselessly Confucius Success on the outside begins with success on the inside This is through practice of continuous self improvement
Self Mastery and personal expansion i.e.., improving your inner world builds a strong character. Character full of discipline, energy, power and optimism can achieve anything in the outer world.
Self discipline will provide you with the mental reserves required to persevere when life throws one of its curves Through the steel of discipline you will forge a character rich with courage and peace. Through the virtue of will, you are destined to rise to lifes highest ideal . Discipline is built by consistently performing small acts of courage Willpower is the essential virtue of a self actualised life Seek to be superior to your formal self. Never race against others. Race against yourself.
Technique I: Tell yourself what you want from yourself regularly & envision it. Words have power. You fill your mind with the words of hope you are filled with hope. Fill it with words of kindness you become kind. Fill it with thoughts of courage you become courageous Technique II: Vow of silence
Most precious commodity and non-renewable Time mastery means life mastery Focus on your priorities and maintain balance. Enlightened people are priority driven. Secret to Time Mastery. Time mastery allows you to do the things you love to do, the things that are meaningful to you. Time spent enriching non-work hours makes you tremendously efficient in your work hours.
Quality of your life ultimately comes down to the quality of your contribution
A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives out roses By elevating the lives of others your life reaches higher dimensions
Live in the now. Savour the gift of the Present. Happiness is a journey and not the destination. Live in the now.
Every single person is a genius. Given some special talent or other. We will have something that we are meant to do. Discover this higher purpose and direct all your energies towards it. Your genius will shine through and happiness will fill your life
All it takes are small steps in the direction of our dreams. Taj Mahal and Great Wall of China were built block by block day by day. Small victories lead to large victories. Truly incremental changes and improvements will create positive habits. Positive habits create positive results. And results will inspire you towards greater personal change.
In the beginning, the Pencil Maker spoke to the pencil saying, "There are five things you need to know before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and you will become the best pencil you can be."
1. You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand. 2. You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is required if you are to become a better pencil. 3. You have the ability to correct any mistakes you might make. 4. The most important part of you will always be what's inside. 5. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write. You must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter how difficult the situation.