Ramesh .B ELEC 6200 Computer Architecture & Design Fall 2008

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Ramesh .

B ELEC 6200 Computer Architecture & Design Fall 2008

Computer Architecture & Design


A complex instruction set computer (CISC, pronounced like "sisk") is a microprocessor instruction set architecture (ISA) in which each instruction can execute several low-level operations, such as a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store, all in a single instruction.

Computer Architecture & Design


The philosophy behind it is, that hardware is always faster than software, therefore one should make a powerful instruction set, which provides programmers with assembly instructions to do a lot with short programs. So the primary goal of the Cisc is to complete a task in few lines of assembly instruction as possible.

Computer Architecture & Design


Memory in those days was expensive

bigger program->more storage->more money Hence needed to reduce the number of instructions per program Number of instructions are reduced by having multiple operations within a single instruction Multiple operations lead to many different kinds of instructions that access memory In turn making instruction length variable and fetch-decodeexecute time unpredictable making it more complex Thus hardware handles the complexity

Computer Architecture & Design


Use microcode

Used a simplified microcode instruction set to control the data path logic. This type of implementation is known as a microprogrammed implementation. Build rich instruction sets Consequences of using a microprogrammed design is that designers could build more functionality into each instruction. Build high-level instruction sets The logical next step was to build instruction sets which map directly from highlevel languages

Computer Architecture & Design


Register to register, register to

register commands. Uses Multiple addressing modes . Variable length instructions where the length often varies according to the addressing mode Instructions which require multiple clock cycles to execute.

memory, and memory to

Computer Architecture & Design


Main memory
Memory (1,1) .. (6,4) = 24 locations

General purpose registers

Registers: A,B,C,D,E,F

Arithmetic Logical Unit

Execution unit : arithmetic ( + -* )

Computer Architecture & Design




Let's say we want to find the product of two numbers - one stored in location 2:3 and another stored in location 5:2 - and then store the product back in the location 2:3.


M(2,3)<- M(5,2)*M(2,3)

Computer Architecture & Design


For this particular task, a CISC processor would come prepared with a specific instruction (we'll call it "MULT"). MULT A,B When executed, this instruction loads the two values into separate registers, multiplies the operands in the execution unit, and then stores the product in the appropriate register. Thus, the entire task of multiplying two numbers can be completed with one instruction MULT is what is known as a "complex instruction." It operates directly on the computer's memory banks and does not require the programmer to explicitly call any loading or storing functions. It closely resembles a command in a higher level language,identical to the C statement "a = a * b."

Computer Architecture & Design


RISC processors only use simple instructions that can be executed within one clock cycle. The "MULT" command described above could be divided into three separate commands: LOAD A, 2:3 (LOAD, which moves data from the memory bank to a register) LOAD B, 5:2 PROD A, B ("PROD,"finds the product of two operands ) STORE 2:3, A ("STORE, moves data from a register to the memory banks)

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Primary goal is to complete a task in as few lines of assembly as possible Emphasis on hardware Includes multi-clock complex instructions Memory-to-memory: "LOAD" and "STORE" incorporated in instructions Difficult to apply pipelining. Small code sizes, high cycles per second

Primary goal is to speedup individual instruction Emphasis on software Single-clock, reduced instruction only Register to register: "LOAD" and "STORE" are independent instructions Easy to apply pipelining. Low cycles per second, large code sizes

Computer Architecture & Design



The following equation is commonly used for expressing a computer's performance ability: cisc

Risc The CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of instructions per program, sacrificing the number of cycles per instruction. RISC does the opposite, reducing the cycles per instruction at the cost of the number of instructions per program.

Computer Architecture & Design



There is still considerable controversy among experts about which

architecture is better. Some say that RISC is cheaper and faster and therefore the architecture of the future. Others note that by making the hardware simpler, RISC puts a greater burden on the software. Software needs to become more complex. Software developers need to write more lines for the same tasks.

Computer Architecture & Design




and CISC architectures are becoming more and more alike. Many of today's RISC chips support just as many instructions as yesterday's CISC chips. The PowerPC 601, for example, supports more instructions than the Pentium. Yet the 601 is considered a RISC chip, while the Pentium is definitely CISC. Further more today's CISC chips use many techniques formerly associated with RISC chips So simply said: RISC and CISC are growing to each other

Computer Architecture & Design




The biggest threat for CISC and RISC might not be each other, but a new technology called EPIC. EPIC stands for Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing. EPIC can do many instruction executions in parallel to one another. EPIC is a created by Intel and is in a way a combination of both CISC and RISC. This will in theory allow the processing of Windows-based as well as UNIX-based applications by the same CPU. Intel is working on it under code-name Merced. Microsoft is already developing their Win64 standard for it. Like the name says, Merced will be a 64-bit chip.

Computer Architecture & Design



http://www.pcguide.com/ref/cpu/arch/int/instComplexity-c.html http://www.bookrags.com/research/cisc-complex-instruction-set-comput-wcs http://www.hitequest.com/Kiss/risc_cisc.htm

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_instruction_set_computer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86 http://www.amigau.com/aig/riscisc.html http://arstechnica.com/cpu/4q99/risc-cisc/rvc-1.html

Computer Architecture & Design



Thank you.
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