Whyiamnota Christian: An Examination of The God-Idea and Christianity
Whyiamnota Christian: An Examination of The God-Idea and Christianity
Whyiamnota Christian: An Examination of The God-Idea and Christianity
An examination of the God-idea and
What is a Christian,
Existence of God
You know, of course, that the Catholic Church
has laid it down as a dogma that the existence of
God can be proved by the unaided reason. This is
a somewhat curious dogma, but it is one of their
dogmas. They had to introduce it because at one
time the Freethinkers adopted the habit of saying
that there were such and such arguments which
mere reason might urge against the existence of
God, but of course they knew as a matter of faith
that God did exist
b. Natural-law argument
e. Remedying of injustice
f. Character of Christ
g. Defects in Christs
i. Emotional factor
What we must do