Cognitive Perspective in Psychology

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Cognitive perspective in Psychology

Cognitive perspective focuses on how people



and KNOW about the world.

The emphasis is on learning how people comprehend and represent the outside world within themselves and how our ways of thinking about the world influence our behavior. Cognitive Psychology focuses on the study of higher mental processes, including thinking, language, memory, problem solving, knowing , reasoning, judging and decision making.


The cognitive perspective appeared due to: Efforts to understand behavior that led them straight to the mind. Evolving in part from structuralism and in part reaction to behaviorism. The development of better experimental methods. Comparison between human and computer processing of information.

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) Psychology as the study of the inner world. Introspection Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850-1909) first attempts to study forgetting utilized the first use of nonsense syllables to discover the fundamental laws of learning. Edward Titchener (1867-1927) William James (1842-1910)

Norbert Wiener (1948) published Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, introducing terms such as input and output. Edward Tolman (1948) work on cognitive maps training rats in mazes, showed that animals had internal representation of behavior.

Frederick Bartlett Memory based on constructive processes Remembering based on schemas, organized bodies of information stored in memory that bias the way new information is interpreted, stored, and recalled.

Edward Tolman (1948) worked on cognitive maps training rats in mazes, showed that animals had internal representation of behavior.

Noam Chomsky (1928-) Human Language is based on innate grammatical rules, which are part of what he calls a language acquisition Language is a way to express ideas, and the way that these ideas are turned into language is a cognitive process

David Rumelhart & James McClelland Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) stresses that information processing happens simultaneously (parallel) as opposed to serially (one at a time). George Miller (1956) The Magical Number 7 Plus or Minus 2.



Allen Newell applied cognitive psychology to the design of computer systems saw cognitive activities as problem solving activities Together with H. Simon, developed the general problem solver

Ulric Nasser famous for coining the term Cognitive Psychology. He did this in the 1967 when he published his seminal book, appropriately titled Cognitive Psychology. Jean Pigaet suggested that children proceed through a series of of four stages in a fixed order. observed that the mind develops by forming schemas the help us assimilate our experiences and that must occasionally be altered to accommodate new information

Sources: Hiroshi History and Methods wo brain images.ppt Feldman, Robert S. Psychology and your life. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., 2010.

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