Indonesia Info. Society

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Information Society as a prerequisite for development and economic growth The Indonesian strategy & the role of Libraries


An Information Society for all..

From the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva, 10-12 December: 10

Declaration of Principles - Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium

A. Our Common Vision of the Information Society


7. ... science has a central role in the development of the Information Society 9. ICTs should be regarded as tools and not as an end in themselves 10. ..the benefits of the information technology revolution are today unevenly distributed between the developed and developing countries and within societies. We are fully committed to turning this digital divide into a digital opportunity for all, particularly for those who risk being left behind and being further marginalized the role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development ..information and communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for an ..information infrastructure: inclusive information society The Information Society is intrinsically global in nature and national efforts need to be supported by effective international and regional cooperation

B. An Information Society for All: Key Principles


Information Society strategic objectives

IS development is a prerequisite for the convergence of Indonesia economy and society within terms of competitiveness, standard of living, and quality of life Strategic choices: diffusion and better use of Information & Communications Technologies (ICTs) in Indonesia Economy and Society

Create an educational and research system adapted to the digital age Increasing the quantity and quality of electronic Government (eGovernment) (eGovernment) services for the citizens and the business community Increasing productivity in the Public Administration Increasing growth, innovation and competitiveness of the business sector Upgrading skills and the creation of new jobs Promoting the Indonesian cultural heritage and development of digital content Indonesian Developing of high quality and affordable to all broadband infrastructure and services Narrowing down the digital divides and promoting regional development

Broadband Networking as a keystone


Broadband is for the Information Society and the knowledge economy what electricity, the rail and high-ways were for the Industrial Age highBroadband deployment is at the heart of 2012-2015 Action Plans: 2012

Fast, cheap, reliable, secure broadband is a prerequisite for secure


the promotion of advanced research & eScience eBusiness at local, national, regional and international level advanced eGovernment services for the citizens citizens the development of higher skills through lifelong education & eLearning the promotion of cultural heritage, tourism and new forms of entertainment, eHealth and social security services

Secure broadband for the public administration, schools, universities, museums, libraries, health centers and broadband for the remote & underdeveloped regions to be achieved by 2015 201

Broadband is also a prerequisite for increased competitiveness and economic growth through the full development of eBusiness and distance working

Broadband is a prerequisite for development of the Information Society and the knowledge economy

INA: INA: the Driver for the future development of the Information society and knowledge economy


Relying on the availability of fast networks and high-speed broadband highaccess for all, the concept of INA builds on the idea of sharing resources such as computing power and storage capacity, across frontiers INA hides the heterogeneity and complexity of the underlying infrastructure providing a uniform way of accessing, processing and storing data The integration of distributed resources allows for synergies and economies of scale Culture of sharing beneficial to all

Sharing know-how knowSharing information Sharing resources path to development and growth

INA boosts research activity through a collaborative e-Infrastructure (i.e. boosts combining existing research networks with distributed resources sharing capabilities Thus INA can become the driver for the future development of the Information Society and knowledge economy

The Roles of Libraries

Initiate knowledge sharing Wider access points with comfortable space and place Internet free service at Public and Academic Libraries Quality service providers Professional management with business mind set.


The information society is a prerequisite for economic growth era. and development in the digital era. State intervention is essential in order to undertake national strategies & guidance along with funding resources for infrastructures. infrastructures. The Information Society is above all about society and human networks. networks.

Coordination at national, regional and international level is vital *Adopted and modified from Greece IS Action Plan


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