Idea Generation
Idea Generation
Idea Generation
Purposeful innovation Road map from idea to commercialization Ideas vs. Opportunities Generating Ideas What to Do when momentum is lost Idea Generating Activity Fibre is the focus Screening Ideas for opportunities
Product/customer focus
Execution Intelligence
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Business Plan
Brainstorming New Product Innovations Screening Those Ideas Business Plan Implementation
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Are a dime a dozen Dont fall in love with your own idea Dont hide it under a tarp in the back yard Look before you leap (critically evaluate the potential for the business before starting) You have to screen from 100 to 1,000 different ideas before you find a true opportunity that fits you in this place and at this time.
Avoid the service industry in a declining economy Avoid the retail industry in a declining economy Seek value-added, export-oriented businesses selling into growing markets
Ideas are a dime a dozen Opportunities are business ideas that offer the potential for a return on invested capital that more than offsets the costs of that capital on a riskadjusted basis.
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A motivated and large market of customers prepared to pay any price for the product or service you offer Repeated purchases are necessary for customers to satisfy their demand Significant barriers of entry for any potential competitors preserving your market dominance for a long period of time Little or no capital investment required High profit margin (Selling price less cost to produce) Few employees and little demand on your time
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Few customers, no repeat purchases, sporadic and unpredictable demand few barriers of entry for any potential competitors making it easy for anyone to enter the market to compete with you if you manage to develop the market Large initial and on-going capital investment required Low profit margin per unit (Selling price less cost to produce)
HARD Linear critical - logical ` Logic ` Reason ` Precision ` Consistency ` Work ` Exact ` Reality ` Direct ` Focused ` Analysis ` Specifics ` Adult
SOFT often circular Non-judgmental - illogical ` Metaphor ` Dream ` Humour ` Ambiguity ` Play ` Approximate ` Fantasy ` Paradox ` Diffuse ` Hunch ` Generalization ` Child
Left-Mode (Hard-thinking)
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Right-Mode (Soft-thinking)
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Focus on the right answer Thats not logical Follow the rules Be practical Avoid ambiguity To err is wrong Play is frivolous Thats not my area Dont be foolish Im not creative
Techniques include:
x x x x x Group brainstorming/lateral thinking exercises Research observation, enquiry, play, prototype, experiment Focus groups Surveys Analysis of and reflection on trends:
x x x x x Economy Society social trends Technology Science Political and regulatory changes
When brainstorming, start to combine ideas. Use each as stepping stone to something else. Dont be afraid to experiment. Example: Two ideas: pealing paint and gun powder
----I hate scraping old paint off the exterior of my house..I wish sometimes that I could blast it off!!! (Of course, that would destroy the house.but) - maybe there is an additive that could be put in the paint before it is applied, that would allow us to trigger its easy removal.
Simile often give us ideas or insights that logical thinking cannot. Fibre is like glue. Different simile will give you a whole new perspective on what it is that you are examining. Fibre is like a sieve. Fibre is like gossamer.
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Use What if Questions Play with the idea Challenge the rules associated with the problem Be a magician Be a child Be ambiguousand look for the possibilities (geehthat pen
is a pen, but it could be a pointer, a digging implement or even a weapon or projectile)
Go hunting for ideas from other fieldsideas that could be creatively applied to your field of interest. (Like Guttenberg
who used the coin punch and wine press ideas to invent the printing press.)
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Usually NOT when you are doing routine things!!!! Try doing something differentlylive your day backwardsbreak the routine!
Necessity is the Mother of Inventionbut play must be the Father!
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Requires creative thinking (soft-thinking) Here are some suggestions to improve the brainstorming process:
1.Choose a facilitator 2. Brainstorm spontaneously, copiously 3.No criticism, no negatives 4.Record ideas in full view 5.Invent to the void 6.Resist becoming committed to one idea 7.Identify the most promising ideas 8.Refine and prioritize
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Like brainstorming EXCEPT criticism is allowed. Ask the question: In how many ways can this idea fail?
After you have identified everything wrong about an idea, you discuss ways to overcome these problems.
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Written form of brainstorming. (Bernd Rohrbach Method 635) Use 5 minute intervals. Works best with 6 member groups.
Each group member writes three ideas on small card in each 5 minute period. The card is passed to the next adjacent person who writes down three new ideas on the same card who passes it to the next personuntil each form has passed all participants.
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Produce a list of problems with natural fibre. Identify and discuss products in each category that have the particular problem. Example using food:
x x x x Weight fattening empty calories Hunger filling still hungry after eating Thirst does not quench makes one thirsty Health indigestion bad for teeth keeps one awake - acidity
x Taste bitter bland salty - sweet x Appearance colour unappetizing - shape x Consistency/Texture tough dry greasy
x x x x x Meal Planning - forget get tired of it Storage run out package would not fit Preparation too much trouble too many pots never turns out Cooking burns - sticks Cleaning makes a mess in oven
x Serve to company would not serve to guests too much last minute preparation x Eating alone too much effort to cook for oneself x Self-image made by a lazy cook not served by a good mother
Forms Adjective
Elements- Paper/Soap Idea/Pattern Flakes Wash and dry travel aid Tough paper impregnated with soap and usable for washing surfaces Booklets of soap leaves In coating and impregnation processes Suggests wallpaper cleaner
2. Creative synthesis
Through evaluation of the parameters and relationships, one or more solutions are developed; this solution development is called creative synthesis.
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Immerse yourself in the topic Brain dump Develop a number system Have fun! Change your location Use a different technique Take a short break and do something
Talk to people who use fibre Talk to people who convert fibre Talk to people who hate fibre Talk to textile experts filter experts basket weaving experts art teachers artists engineers - contractors
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Each person has to write as many ideas as they can on one filing card. Cards are thrown into a hat Cards are pulled out one at a time. Group members then have to argue why the idea is great.
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The group then has to develop as many ideas as possible using the ingredients and the target market. Repeat!
Out of 100 ideas or more, there may be only one or two real opportunities. Superior business ideas that have the potential to become opportunities have 4 anchors: 1. They create or add significant value to a customer or end user. 2. They do so by solving a significant problem, or meeting a significant want or need, for which someone is willing to pay a premium. 3. They therefore have a robust market, profit margin, and moneymaking characteristics. 4. They are a good fit with the founder(s) and management team at the time and in the marketplace with a risk/reward balance.
Technical feasibility Requires no initial investment Has a recognized, measurable market A perceived need for the product or service is present A dependable source of supply for the required inputs is available No government regulation Requires no labour force Provides 100 percent gross margin
Buyers purchase frequently Receives favourable tax treatment Has a receptive, established distribution system Has great publicity value Customers pay in advance No risk of product liability
fully examine the potential of an opportunity identify key success factors identify critical risk factors guide the entrepreneur in start-up raise capital
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Involve all of the management team in its preparation make the plan logical, comprehensive and readable and short as possible demonstrate commitment identify critical risks and assumptions disclose and discuss any current or potential problems in the venture identify several alternative sources of financing.
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Spell out the proposed deal and how investors will win. Be creative in gaining the interest of potential investors. Remember the plan is not the business. Know your targeted investor group. Let realistic market and sales projections drive the assumptions underlying the financial forecasts, rather than the reverse.
Dont have unnamed, mysterious people on the management team. Dont make ambiguous, vague or unsubstantiated statements such as estimating sales on the basis of what the team would like to produce. Dont describe technical products using jargon that only an expert can understand.
Dont spend money on developing fancy brochures, or other sizzle - instead, show the steak
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