07 Chapter 4 Kinematics of Rigid Body Class #2
07 Chapter 4 Kinematics of Rigid Body Class #2
07 Chapter 4 Kinematics of Rigid Body Class #2
1. I n t r o d u c ti o n
2. T r a n s l a ti o n a n d r o t a ti o n
3. G e n e r a l p l a n e m o ti o n
4. A b s o l u t e a n d r e l a ti v e v e l o c i t y i n p l a n e m o ti o n
5. I n s t a n t a n e o u s c e n t r e o f r o t a ti o n
6. A b s o l u t e a n d r e l a ti v e f r a m e ; C o r i o l i s a c c e l e r a ti o n i n p l a n e m o ti o n
7. R a t e o f c h a n g e o f A g e n e r a l v e c t o r w i t h r e s p e c t t o a r o t a ti n g f r a m e ;
C o r i o l i s a c c e l e r a ti o n
8. M o ti o n a b o u t a fi x e d p o i n t
9. G e n e r a l m o ti o n
10. T h r e e ‐ d i m e n s i o n a l m o ti o n o f a p a r ti c l e r e l a ti v e t o a r o t a ti n g f r a m e ;
C o r i o l i s a c c e l e r a ti o n
4.1 Introduction
It is a material body which is so small that its dimension can be treated as
negligible in comparison to other dimensions involved.
Rigid bodies:
It is combination of two or more particles, which are connected in such a
way that they do not change their relative positions due to application of
external forces.
The various points or particles in rigid bodies may have different motions
but their motion are so related such that their relative position remains
In reality all the rigid bodies deform in application of external forces but in
negligible amount.
4.2 Translation
A motion is said to be translation if any straight line drawn on the body obeys
the same direction.
If all the particles move parallel along straight line, it is said to be rectilinear
If the path are curved, the motion is said to be curvilinear translation.
Thus, for any body in translation, all the points have the same
velocity and acceleration at any given instant.
For curvilinear translation, there is change in direction and
magnitude of velocity and acceleration at every instant.
For rectilinear translation, velocity and acceleration follow
same direction during entire motion.
• The position of P is defined by the position vector r,
which extends from O to P. If the body rotates dθ then
P will displace ds = r dθ
• The velocity of P has a magnitude which can be found
by dividing ds = r dθ by dt so that
Like the velocity, the acceleration of point P can be expressed in terms of the vector
cross product. Taking the time derivative
Numerical # 1
Load B is connected to a double pulley by one of the two inextensible cables
shown. The motion of the pulley is controlled by cable C, which has a constant
acceleration of 225 m/s2 and an initial velocity of 300 mm/s, both directed to the
right. Determine
(a) the number of revolutions executed by the pulley in 2 seconds,
(b) the velocity and change in position of the load B after 2 seconds, and
(c) the acceleration of point D on the rim of the inner pulley at t = 0.
(a) Motion of Pulley
Since the cable is inextensible, the velocity of point D is
equal to the velocity of point C and the tangential
component of the acceleration of D is equal to the
acceleration of C.
Δy = No. of revolutions x perimeter = 2.23 x 2 π x 125 = 1750 mm
Numerical # 2
Be careful not to confuse rotation with certain types of curvilinear translation.
The plate shown in Fig. a is in curvilinear translation, with all of its particles moving
along parallel circles, whereas the plate shown in Fig. b is in rotation, with all of its
particles moving along concentric circles.
In the first case, any given straight line drawn on the plate maintains the same direction,
In the second case, the orientation of the plate changes throughout the rotation.
Because each particle moves in a given plane, the rotation of a body about a fixed axis is
said to be a plane motion.
4.3 General Plane Motion
Proof that angular velocity ω of a rigid body in plane motion is
independent of the reference point.
In the case of the wheel in Fig., which
rolls without slipping, point A on the
wheel can be selected at the ground.
Here A (momentarily) has zero velocity
since the ground does not move.
Furthermore, the center of the wheel,
B, moves along a horizontal path so
that vB is horizontal.
Numerical # 3
A. Angular velocity of gear: Since the whole system moves about the
lower rack, the distance travelled by the centre point A is equal to the distance
travelled by any particle on the circumference of larger gear.
Numerical # 4
In the engine system shown in figure, the crank AB has a constant clockwise
angular velocity of 2000 RPM. Here r = 3 inch, l = 8 inch. For the crank position
indicated, determine (a) the angular velocity of the connecting rod BD, (b) the
velocity of the position P.
Numerical # 5
The center of the double gear has a velocity of 1.2 m/s to the right and an
acceleration of 3 m/s2 to the right. Recalling that the lower rack is stationary,
determine (a) the angular acceleration of the gear, (b) the acceleration of points
B, C, and D of the gear.
It is interesting to note that the x-component of acceleration for point C is zero since it is in
direct contact with the fixed lower rack. It does, however, have a normal acceleration
pointed upward. This is also true for a wheel rolling without slip.