5902Asad khurshid NUCLER REACTION

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• A nuclear reaction is a process where
the nucleus of an atom undergoes a
transformation, resulting in changes to its
composition or energy state. This can
involve splitting (fission), combining
(fusion), or decaying (radioactive decay),
often releasing significant energy.

• Nuclear Fission
• Nuclear Fusion
• Radioactive Decay
• Nuclear Transmutation
• Neutron Capture
• Spallation

But, we will discuss only first three type

Nuclear Fission

The splitting of a heavy nucleus into

smaller nuclei, releasing energy.
Example: Uranium-235 fission into Krypton
and Barium.
The Fission Process
 The process begins with a neutron
colliding with a heavy nucleus, causing it
to split. This releases energy, more
neutrons, and smaller nuclei.
Chain Reactions in Fission
 A chain reaction occurs when released
neutrons trigger additional fission events.
It can be controlled (nuclear reactors) or
uncontrolled (nuclear weapons).
Applications of Nuclear Fission
 Nuclear fission is used in:
1. Nuclear power plants
for electricity generation.
2. Naval propulsion
3. Atomic bombs for
military purposes.
Advantages of Fission
 High energy output.
 Reliable source of base-load electricity.
 Relatively low operational greenhouse
gas emissions.
 Compact Waste.
 Technological Advancements.
 Reduces Fossil Fuel Use
Challenges of Fission
 Radioactive Waste
Fission generates highly radioactive
by products that require secure long-term

storage and management.

 Risk of Nuclear Accidents
Accidents like Chernobyl (1986).
 Limited Fuel Resources
While uranium is relatively abundant, high-
grade uranium ore is finite and may become
scarce in the long term.
Nuclear Fusion
 Definition: The
combining of light
nuclei to form a
heavier nucleus,
releasing energy.
 Example: Fusion
of hydrogen isotopes
to form helium.
Fusion in Stars
 Fusion powers stars,
including the Sun,
where hydrogen
nuclei fuse into
helium under
immense Pressure
and temperature
Application of Fusion
 Energy Generation.
 Space Exploration.
 Medical Applications.
( like neutron imaging and isotope
production, which are vital for medical

diagnostics and cancer treatment).

 Reduction of Fossil Fuel Use.
 In hydrogen bomb.
Advantages of Fusion
 Abundant fuel supply.
Fusion uses isotopes of hydrogen, such
deuterium and tritium, which are
available in water and lithium.
 No long-lived radioactive waste.
 No greenhouse gas emissions.
Challenges of Fusion
 Requires extremely high temperatures
(~150 million °C).
 Containment difficulties due to
plasma state.
 Still in experimental stages.
 Expensive Development.
 High Energy Input
Radioactive Decay
The spontaneous breakdown of an
unstable nucleus into a more stable one,
emitting radiation.
Types of Radioactive Decay
 Alpha Decay: Emission of an alpha
particle (2
protons + 2 neutrons).

 Beta Decay: Emission of a beta particle

(electron or positron).
 Gamma Decay: Emission of high-energy
Applications of Radioactive
 Medical imaging and cancer treatment
 Radiocarbon dating for archaeological
 Powering devices in space exploration
Hazards of Radioactive
 Exposure to radiation can cause:
 DNA damage and cancer.
 Environmental contamination.
Safety Measures for
Radioactive Materials
 Shielding with lead or concrete.
 Proper disposal of radioactive waste.
 Monitoring and regulating exposure levels
Natural Nuclear Reactors:
Approximately 2 billion years ago, natural
nuclear fission reactors operated in what is
now Gabon, Africa. These reactors occurred
naturally when uranium deposits reached a
critical mass, initiating self-sustaining
nuclear reactions. They provide valuable
insights into nuclear waste containment, as
the byproducts have remained relatively
immobile over geological timescales.

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