Camera Parameters
Camera Parameters
Camera Parameters
• 2D coordinate system: (x f , y f )
• Describes the coordinates of 3D points projected on the
image plane.
optical axis
World and Camera coordinate systems (cont’d)
• To simplify mathematics, let’s assume:
(1) The center of projection coincides with the origin of the
world coordinate system.
(2) The optical axis is aligned with the world’s z-axis and
x,y are parallel with X, Y
World and Camera coordinate systems (cont’d)
(3) Avoid image inversion by assuming that the image plane
is in front of the center of projection.
(4) The origin of the image plane is the principal point.
center of
Terminology - Summary
• The model consists of a plane (image plane) and a 3D
point O (center of projection).
• The distance f between the image plane and the center
of projection O is the focal length (e.g., the distance
between the lens and the CCD array).
center of
Terminology - Summary (cont’d)
• The line through O and perpendicular to the image
plane is the optical axis.
• The intersection of the optical axis with the image
plane is called principal point.
center of
The equations of perspective projection (cont’d)
• Using matrix notation:
or 1
Note: vanishing
points might lie
outside of the
image plane!
Properties of perspective projection (cont’d)
• Alternative definition for vanishing point:
– The vanishing point of any given line in space is located at
the point in the image where a parallel line through the
center of projection intersects the image plane.
Properties of perspective projection (cont’d)
• Vanishing line:
– The vanishing points of all the lines that lie on the same
plane form the vanishing line.
– Also defined by the intersection of a parallel plane through
the center of projection with the image plane.
Orthographic Projection
• The projection of a 3D object onto a plane by a set of
parallel rays orthogonal to the image plane.
• It is the limit of perspective projection as
Orthographic Projection (cont’d)
• Using matrix notation:
perspective projection:
Intrinsic camera parameters (cont’d)
(2) From Image Plane Coordinates to Pixel coordinates
f/sx f/sy
Intrinsic camera parameters (cont’d)
Image distortions due to optics
2 2 2
r x y
• Assuming ox = oy = 0 and sx = sy = 1
M Mp
• Verify:
Weak-perspective projection - revisited
M Mwp
Homogenize: √