Lecture 1 The Numeral

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English Course

Lecture no.1
Amalia Sturza
The Numeral

1. The Cardinal Numeral

1. The Ordinal Numeral

The Cardinal Numeral
Zero Numeral
zero = in mathematics and to express temperature
E.g: It’s ten degrees above zero.
love = zero pentru to express the score in tennis
(love - originally from French l’oeuf - egg).
(15-0 = fifteen-love)
nil = (nothing) = zero to express the score in a
football match
naught = zero when it’s part of a decimal number
oh = zero for telephone numbers
1 - one
2 - two
3 - three
10 - ten
11 - eleven
12 - twelve
13 - thirteen
24 - twenty-four
67 - sixty-seven
589 - five hundred eighty-nine
310 533 - three hundred ten thousand five hundred thirty-three
1 000 000 - one/a million
1 000 000 000 - one/a billion (AmE = milliard)
1 000 000 000 000 - one/a trillion
!!! 42 – forty-two (without ‘u’)
!!! Don’t forget about the conjunction AND
2,532 - two thousand five hundred and thirty-two
The Use of the Cardinal Numeral
1. To express the temperature (with the verb ‘to be’)
2. In mathematics:
e.g. Addition (to add = a aduna)
2 + 3 = 5 two plus/and three is/are/equals five
Subtraction (to subtract = a scadea)
5 – 3 = 2 five minus/take away is two
Multiplication (to multiply = a inmulti)
2 x 3 = 6 two multiplied by three/twice three/3 times 2 is/are/equals six
Division (to divide = a imparti)
6 : 3 = 2 six divided by three is two
“reminder” = rest
Root = radical
- cube root = radical de ordinul 3
- square root = radical de ordinul 2
For instance, if you square 2, you get 4, and if you "take the square root of 4", you get 2; if you
square 3, you get 9, and if you "take the square root of 9", you get 3:

The "√" symbol is called the "radical"symbol. The expression " " is read as "root nine",
"radical nine", or "the square root of nine".
Power = putere
More than = >
Less than = <
Equal to = egal
Unequal to = diferit de
Parallel to = paralel
Perpendicular to = perpendicular
Angle = unghi
Right angle = unghi drept
Straight angle = unghi de 180 grade
Circle angle = unghi de 360 grade
Even = par
Odd = impar
3. For currency:
coin = moneda
bill/note = bancnota
nickel = 5 centi
dime = 10 centi
quarter of a dollar = 25 centi
half of a dollar = 50 centi
4. For years:
- we read 2 by 2, and the years formed of
less than 4 digits are read as regular
E.g.: 1907 - nineteen oh seven
1066 - ten sixty-six
1605 - sixteen oh five
1776 - seventeen seventy-six
1900 - nineteen hundred
2000 - (the year) two thousand
2001 - two thousand and one OR twenty
oh one
era noastra (e.n.) = A.D. (Anno Domini) sau
in the year of Lord
inaintea erei noastre = B.C. (Before Christ)
5. Decimals:
NB: in English a ‘point’, not a comma, is
used in decimal fractions!
We read the digits after the point
0.5 - oh (OR: naught) point five
2.5 - two point five
0.75 - oh point seven five
15.735 - fifteen point seven three five
20.03 = twenty point naught three
2.4832 = two point four eight three two
6. To express age (with the verb ‘to be’)
Eg: I’m twenty (years old) / I’m twenty years of age.
I’m aged twenty.
We can tell the age by using: almost, about (around),
over, under
Eg: I’m in my twenties (am douazeci si)
I’m mid-twenty (25 ani)
7. For telephone numbers
to dial = a forma un numar
figure = cifra
slot = orificiu pentru ban
booth = cabina telefonica
receiver = receptor
long-distance call = convorbire la distanta
call collector = convorbire cu taxa inversa
operator = centralista
extension = interior
to be through = a avea legatura
to hang on = a ramane pe fir
to hang up = a inchide
Telephone numbers are read one by one, and the
repeated numbers are expressed by ‘double’
Eg: 223700 – double two, 3, 7, double oh
8. To express the time:
Eg: What’s the time?
What time is it?
What’s the time by your watch?
My watch is fast = ceasul meu e inainte
My watch is slow = ceasul meu e in urma
My watch is wrong = ceasul meu nu merge bine
My watch is broken = ceasul meu e stricat
face = cadran
belt = curelusa
hand = limba de ceas (minutes hand, seconds hand)
There are 3 ways of telling the time:
- the informal (e.g. at home)
6.10 - ten past six (in the morning)
7.03 - three minutes past seven (in the morning); AmE also: three minutes
after seven
8.55 - five to nine (in the morning)
9.49 - eleven minutes to ten (in the morning)
10.30 - half past ten (in the morning) - sometimes even ‘half ten’
11.15 - a quarter past eleven (in the morning)
12.00 - noon OR midday
18.45 - a quarter to seven (in the afternoon); AmE also: a quarter of seven
20.00 - eight (o’clock) (in the afternoon)
24.00 - midnight
- the formal (e.g. for timetables) - the 24-hour clock
6.10 - six ten
10.30 - ten thirty
18.45 - eighteen forty-five

- the quite formal (e.g. on the radio) - the 12-hour clock

7.03 - seven oh three
12.00 - twelve a.m.
20.00 - eight p.m. OR twenty (hundred) hours
24.00 - twelve p.m.
For the exact time:
00.00 = midnight
12.00 = midday
Standard time:
08:00 = oh eight hundred hours
23:24 = twenty three twenty four
The Ordinal Numeral
Is formed: the + numeral cardinal + th
Exceptions: the first (primul)
the second (al doilea)
the third (al treilea)
all the other numerals containg one of these
(21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, … 101, 102, 1001, 1002, etc)
For short numerals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, …21st, 22nd, etc.

! “th” is used only after the last digit!

1st – first
2nd - second
3rd - third
4th - fourth
5th - fifth
11th - eleventh
12th – twelfth
13th - thirteenth
20th - twentieth
21st - twenty-first
32nd - thirty-second
73rd - seventy-third
89th - eighty-ninth
137th - one hundred thirty-seventh
Changes in spelling:

five – the fifth

eight – the eighth
nine – the ninth
twelve – the twelfth
twenty – the twentieth (+ toate cele terminate in “ty”)
The use of the ordinal numeral:
1. To express the date: (in 2 forms)
- month/day/year
Eg. 10/07/09 (the seventh of October, two thousand and
nine) or (October the seventh, two thousand and
- day/month/year
E.g. 13/09/1896 (the thirteenth of September, eighteen
2. Fractions (numeralul fractionar):

½ - a half
1/3 = one third
2 ½ - two and a half
2/3 = two thirds
¼ - a quarter
¾ - three quarters (three fourth)
⅛ - one eighth (an eighth)
⅞ - seven eighths
numerator = numaratorul (cardinal)
denominator = numitorul (ordinal)

Intregul = the whole

Fractia pe 100 = per cent
Procentaj = percentage
The distributive numeral (numeralul
It shows the distribution of things:
One by one = unul cate unul
Two at a time = 2 odata
By twos / in twos = cate 2
The Adverbial Numeral (numeralul
It shows how many times the action is repeated:
once = o data
twice = de 2 ori
3 times
4 times, etc.
Prepositions used to express the time
1. AT
a. Periods of the day
Eg: At five o’clock
At night – seara, serile
At the moment – momentan, pe moment
At midnight – în mijlocul nopţii
b. Religious holidays
At Christmas – la crăciun, de crăciun
At Easter, de (la) paşte
2. IN
a. Months Eg: in February
in Octomber
b.Seasons in spring
in summer
c.Years in 1944
in 2000
d.Centuries In the twentieth century
a. Days of the week On Friday
On Monday
b. Dates: On forth July
On 17th March
1. Write the following in letters:
123 -
1,450 -
58 -
1,024 -
985 -
24 -
4/5 –
15.09 –
65.876 –
23/10/08 =
2. Translate into English:

a) Ziua mea de nastere este pe data de 22 mai.

b) Am ajuns in Bucuresti pe data de 14 iunie.
c) John este al patrulea elev din clasa.
d) 4 Iulie este ziua nationala a Americii.
e) Primul autobuz din parcare este al nostru.
f) Sunt 14 elevi in aceasta clasa.
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable
1. February has ………..days in leap years.
2. Sunday is the ………… day of the week.
3. An hour has ... minutes and ….seconds.
4. A year has ….. days but a leap has …. days.
5. What time is it? It is ….. o’clock.
6. A year has ……months.
7. Winter is ……season of the year.
8. July and August have …….days.
9. A week has ………..days.
10. The 10th grade students are ……..or…….years old.
Translate into English:
1. Mihai Eminescu s-a nascut la 15 ianuarie 1850 la
Ipotesti, Botosani.
2. Aceasta masina merge cu 180km/h.
3. Paralela 45 traverseaza teritoriul Romaniei.
4. Turistii mergeau doi cate doi pe poteca stramta.
5. Daca nu ajungeti la gara la ora 10.30, veti pierde
6. Cititi cu atentie exercitiul 3 de la pagina 28.
7. Sute de oameni asteptau in masina deblocarea partiei.
8. Elevii invata engleza din clasa a II-a.
9. Au intrat in sala de examen unul cate unul, plini de
10.O treime dintre locuitorii orasului au fost cel putin o
data la Sinaia.


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