Visual Basic Selection
Visual Basic Selection
Visual Basic Selection
process rectangle
input/output parallelogram
selection/repetition diamond
= Is equal to
> Is Greater Than
>= Is Greater Than or Equal to
< Is Less Than
<= Is Less Than or Equal to
<> Is Not Equal to
10 + 3 < 5 * 2 7>3*4/2
• 5 * 2 is evaluated first, • 3 * 4 is evaluated first,
giving 10 giving 12
• 10 + 3 is evaluated • 12 / 2 is evaluated
second, giving 13 second, giving 6
• 13 < 10 is evaluated • 7 > 6 is evaluated last,
last, giving false giving true
• Template
Private Sub uiPrincipalTextBox_KeyPress( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _
Handles uiPrincipalTextBox.KeyPress
• Setting e.Handled = True will cancel the key